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Job Openings for Pharmacists (6 posts) in Government Medical College Udhampur

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Job Openings for Pharmacists in Government Medical College Udhampur

Online Applications are invited from the Eligible candidates for engagement against the Posts detailed in "Annexure A" Purely on Academic Arrangement Basis in terms of S.O.364 of 2020, dated: 27-11-2020, initially for a period of one year extendable up to maximum of six years (subject to good performance and conduct) or till the Selection/Promotion is made in accordance with the Recruitment rules, governing the respective posts by the JKSSB/Competent Authority whichever is earlier.

Post : Pharmacist

No of posts : 6

Qualification : Degree in B. Pharmacy or 10+2 with science having Diploma in Pharmacy from any recognized Institute/University.

Selection Criteria : Selection will be done purely on the basis of marks (merit) obtained In the Screening Test. 
Note : 1. In case there is Tie in the Merit the Preference shall be given to Candidate which is older in age.

1. Appointment of the Candidate : The Appointment and other service conditions in respect of the candidates selected through this process shall be Governed as envisaged under S.O 364 dated 27-11-2020.

2. Domicile : The candidate (s) seeking to apply for the advertised posts shall be Domicile of the Union Territory of J&K and must possess a valid Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority on the prescribed Format before the last date of submission of Online Application Forms.

3. Vacancies : The aforementioned vacancies which have been advertised as per the Posts falling vacant or likely to fall vacant. However, the Department may withdraw/Alter number of vacancies at any stage of Recruitment process without any further notice.

4. Qualification Required : The Minimum Qualification/Eligibility Criteria so mentioned is Governed in terms of Govt Order No. 670-JK(HME) of 2022, Dated 19.09.2022 issued by the Administrative Secretary, Health & Education Department.

5. Application Fee : The Fee Payable shall be Rs 300/- which can be paid through online mode. Applications received without the Prescribed Fee shall not be considered and summarily rejected and no representation against such cases shall be entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded or adjusted.

6. Date & Centre of Examination :
The date for Screening test and the Venue/Centre of Examination shall be notified separately. The details shall be made available on the Official Website of the Govt Medical College, Udhampur i.e

7. Scheme of Examination :
The Screening test will be Objective type, Multiple Choice questions and the Questions will be set in English Language only. There will be Negative marking for each wrong Answer to the extent of 0.25 of marks assigned to that question.

8. Syllabus for the Posts : The syllabus for the Posts shall be notified separately and made available in the official website of the Govt Medical College, Udhampur, Aspirants are advised to visit the website regularly.

9. Procedure for filling Online Application : The necessary instructions regarding the filling-up of online applications including the details of the online portal in this regard shall be made available on the official website separately along with the start date and last date for the filling up of online form. Candidate will be required to fill the application form in online mode only along with the supporting documents pertaining to the Posts and no other means/mode of application shall be accepted.

10. Finality of Decision : The decision of the Selection committee in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the application, Penalty for false information, mode of selection, conduct of screening tests, allotment of centre, preparation of merit list etc. will be final and binding on the candidates and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
The Screening Committee will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for the eligibility and other aspects at the time of Screening test and, therefore, candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, age, etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post. Copies of supporting documents will be sought at the time of Document Verification. When scrutiny is undertaken, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated or correct, the candidature will be cancelled, Criminal Proceedings under law shall be initiated, or any other action as may be deemed appropriate by the Committee, shall be taken.

The candidates who are declared qualified in the Screening test by the committee , will be required to produce relevant Certificates such as Mark sheets, Provisional Certificates, Technical qualifications, hard copy of application or any other document as deem appropriate by the Selection Committee, etc. in original as proof of having acquired the prescribed educational qualification on or before the   cutoff date fixed and the date and timings for verification shall be notify separately in our official website failing which the candidature of such candidates shall be cancelled by the Committee.

General Instructions :
Candidates are advised to go through instructions and eligibility conditions for given post before filling up the application form.

Other Terms and Conditions :
• Candidates for the posts should not be more than (63) years of age as on the date of issuance of notice.
• The appointment under these rules shall not be entitled the appointee to any preferential claim for regular appointment.
• The academic arrangement shall cease immediately on joining of regular appointed candidate selected and posted by the SSRB/Competent Authority on regular basis.
• The candidate lower in the merit in the selection list shall be relieved first.
• The selected candidates shall have to submit an affidavit duly signed by the Judicial Magistrate that they will not leave the institution before the completion of one-year contract at the time of joining.
• In- service candidate may not apply.
• Administration of GMC Udhampur reserves the right to increase or decrease the above- mentioned number of vacancies listed against each post at any point of time during recruitment process without prior information to the candidates.
• Candidates are advised not to furnish any particulars that are false or suppress relevant material information. Candidates found guilty will be debarred from applying for the next 2 years.

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