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GPAT courses

  • Vacancy for Junior Research Assistant at King George’s Medical University

    K.G. Medical College has contributed immensely in the education and training of thousands of graduate and post-graduates who have brought glory and laurels to their Alma mater by the academic and professional excellence. On 16th September 2002 an Act was passed by the Government of Uttar Pradesh resulting in a major milestone in change in the history of the institution in converting and upgrading it as Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University.

    Post : Junior Research Assistant

  • Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow at BITS Pilani | M.Pharm, M.Sc

    The Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (BITS Pilani) is an all-India Institute for higher education. Founded in 1964 in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, it is one of the top most educational Institute in India.  The institute is one among the 6 Indian 'Institutes of Eminence' recognized by the Government of India in 2018. It is established across 4 campuses and has 15 academic departments. The BITS, Pilani - K. K.

  • Women Scientists Scheme - C flagship programme for Pharmacists by DST

    Women Scientists Scheme (WOS) is a flagship programme of KIRAN Division of Department of Science & Technology (DST). Through one of its components- ‘Women Scientists Scheme-C (WOS-C)'- it provides one year on-the-job training in the area of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Patent Facilitating Centre (PFC) of Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) has been entrusted with implementation of WOS-C.

  • Job for Scientists at Indian Institute of Technology - For Pharmaceutical Professionals

    Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is one of the seven Institutes of Technology created as centres of excellence for higher training, research and development in science, engineering and technology in India, the others being at Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Bombay, Guwahati and Roorkee. Established as College of Engineering in 1961, the Institute was later declared an Institution of National Importance under the “Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 1963″ and was renamed “Indian Institute of Technology Delhi”. It was then accorded the status of a deemed university with powers to decide its own academic policy, to conduct its own examinations, and to award its own degrees.

  • Walk in interview in Production, Engineering, Warehouse at PAR Formulation

    PAR is a pharmaceutical company that develops, manufacturers and markets safe, innovative and cost-effective pharmaceuticals that help improve patient quality of life. Par Pharmaceutical offers a line of high-barrier-to-entry generic drugs. We offer a wide variety of interesting employment opportunities and are continually looking for key external talent to complement our existing workforce and enhance our organizational strength, adding the diversity required to continue along our successful path.

  • Job for Assistant Professor at DIT University

    Our infrastructure, facilities, teaching methodologies and academic rigor make sure that DIT retains a special place in the academic landscape of northern India and in the heart of those who live, study and teach here. DIT graduate are highly valued by employers for their communication, Leadership and problem-solving skills.

  • Career for B.Pharm as Senior Technical Assistant at NABI - 06 posts

    National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali, Punjab is an autonomous R&D Institute under the aegis of Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. The institutional campus has been established on 35 acres of land in the Knowledge City, Sector-81, Mohali, (Punjab)-140306. The institute has mandate to strengthen research at the interface of Agricultural, Food processing and Nutritional sciences biotechnology.

    Post : Senior Technical Assistant

  • Notification of Joint CSIR-UGC NET 2019 for B.Pharm, M.Sc, B.Sc

    Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India, a premier national R&D organisation, is among the world's largest publicly funded R&D organisation. CSIR's pioneering sustained contribution to S&T human resource development is acclaimed nationally. Human Resource Development Group (HRDG), a division of CSIR realises this objective through various grants, fellowship schemes etc.

  • Online applications are invited for Project Staff at CCMB | M.Sc, B.Pharm

    CSIR - CCMB is a premier constituent research Institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), conducting research in frontier areas of modern biology. The objectives of the Centre are to conduct high quality basic research and training in the areas of modern biology, and promote centralized national facilities for new and modern techniques in the inter-disciplinary areas of biology.

  • Multiple Job openings at Montage Laboratories Pvt. Ltd | M.Pharm, M.Sc, B.Pharm

    We “Montage Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.,” are one of the leading Pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturers Company, operating from the Himatnagar. It is a professionally well established company and has its own identity for quality products and services in the Pharma Industry.  Montage means “A piece of work produced by combining smaller parts, or the process of making such a work”. Montage Laboratories strongly believes in building quality into the products with established quality systems with the help of a team of well-trained and technically qualified, competent & committed personnels.

    Post : Production, QA and QC executive

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