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Online applications are invited for Project Staff at CCMB | M.Sc, B.Pharm

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CSIR - CCMB is a premier constituent research Institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), conducting research in frontier areas of modern biology. The objectives of the Centre are to conduct high quality basic research and training in the areas of modern biology, and promote centralized national facilities for new and modern techniques in the inter-disciplinary areas of biology.

CSIR-CCMB is inviting applications for filling temporary staff positions to work on various funded projects. Applicants would be screened through a national level entrance test followed by interview of a select number of applicants based on the merit list. The successful candidates would be empanelled for recruitment into various projects. Details of the procedure and guidelines are accessible through links provided on this portal.

• A possibility of continuing as a CCMB Ph.D. student exists for very bright and committed Project JRF/SRF by nomination through Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), however, the candidate is expected to meet the high standards of CSIR-CCMB’s research program and preferably possess a fellowship such as CSIR-UGC NET or equivalent. It should be noted that mere selection and engagement as a Project staff does not automatically qualify a candidate’s entry into CSIR-CCMB’s Ph. D. program.
• Project Staff will be provided OPD medical facilities through CSIR-CCMB Dispensary for self only.
• Project Staff will be entitled for one day’s leave for each completed month’s service. However, in extra-ordinary circumstances Principal Investigator of the Project and/or Director, CSIR-CCMB may provide relaxation in the rules considering the exigency.

Project Assistant – II / Junior Research Fellow/  Project Fellow
Essential Qualification
(a) M. Sc. in any branch of biological Sciences / Bioinformatics / Ecological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Agricultural Sciences / Chemical Sciences or equivalent degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent GPA score.
(b) B. Tech/B. E. in Biotechnology or Bioinformatics with minimum 55% marks or equivalent GPA score. 
(c) M. B. B. S. /B. V. Sc. /B. Pharm. with minimum 55% marks or equivalent GPA score.

Emolument : Rs. 25000/month + HRA as applicable.

Upper Age Limit : 30 years as on the application close date

Project Assistant – III/Senior Research Fellow
Essential Qualification
Any of the qualification for the first position with additional at least two years of research experience

Emolument : Rs. 28000/month + HRA as applicable

Upper Age Limit : 35 years as on the application close date

Note :
• Candidates appearing/appeared for the qualifying examination whose results are awaited can apply provided they produce necessary certificates of qualification at the time of interview / joining .
• Candidates who are in the final year/semester of the qualifying degree can also apply and can be interviewed after passing the computer based test. However, if selected after interviews, such candidates shall be recruited only after producing necessary certificates of qualification.
• CCMB reserves the right to reject interview of those candidates who can not produce evidences confirming that the candidate is in the final year/semester of the qualifying degree.
• Apart from project funded internally or by CSIR, the guidelines for qualification, emoluments etc. laid down by the funding agencies (such as DBT, DST, MoES etc.) would be adhered to.
• SC/ST/OBC(non-creamy layer)/PWD/Women candidates will be eligible for 5 years of relaxation in the upper age limit.
• Candidates applying for second position (i.e., PA-III/SRF) are automatically eligible for the first position (PA-II/JRF/Proj. Fellow) provided they meet age criteria and do not need to apply separately for the first position (PA-II/JRF/Proj. Fellow).

Application Fees Structure
1. General. : Rs.500.00 ( Rs. Five Hundred Only)
2. Scheduled Castes (SCs). : NIL
3. Scheduled Tribes (STs). : NIL
4. Other Backward Class (OBC). : Rs.500.00 ( Rs. Five Hundred Only)
5. Other Backward Class (OBC)-NON CREAMY LAYER.. : Rs.250.00 ( Rs. Two Hundred & Fifty Only)
6. Physically Handicapped (PH). : NIL

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General Conditions
• The positions of Project Staff are purely Temporary and on Contract basis under the externally funded/sponsored/Network/other project undertaken by CSIR-CCMB and is co-terminus with the project’s tenure.
• The selection of the candidates would be based on their performance in a national level entrance test followed by interview of a select number of students to be held at CSIR-CCMB. A panel of suitable students would be generated after the interview. The validity of this panel would be for a period of maximum One Year.
• Empanelment does not provide automatic guarantee of engagement. Recruitment into a specific project will be solely based on the requirement of the project and any specific inquiry will not be entertained.
• Candidates who have completed their degree with requisite educational qualifications only need to apply. However, candidates appearing/appeared for the qualifying examination whose results are awaited can apply provided they produce necessary certificates of qualification at the time of interview / joining.
• The engagement under project does not confer any right/claim whatsoever, either explicitly or implicitly on the appointee, for regular appointment in CSIR /CCMB, against any post or otherwise under any legal conditions or precedent.
• Age limit will be reckoned as on the date of interview. Age limit shall be relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Women candidates as per Government of India / CSIR orders.
• All the communication regarding the call for interview will be only through electronic mode (through: E-Mail/Mobile).
• The terms and conditions of engagement of Project Staff may be amended from time to time.
• Offer engagement could be given for short duration, i.e. 3 months/ 6 months/1 year, which may be extended further on the recommendations of the PI based on the requirement, up to the tenure of the Project.
• The maximum duration for which Project Staff could be engaged in different projects taken together, will be 5 years.
• TA/DA and accommodation will NOT be provided to the candidates for appearing for the written test and interview.
• The performance of Project Staff would be reviewed periodically so that candidates not found up to the mark, could be replaced.
• The difficulty of questions asked in the written examination are at qualifying examination level. While the questions will be primarily from broad Biology discipline, there will be sufficient focus on other areas such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/Statistics, General Awareness, Logical Reasoning, and Aptitude. Candidates may refer to the CSIR-NET or equivalent examination for the syllabus.
• Request for change of examination centre will not be entertained at any stage. In the event of non-availability of primary examination centre due to reasons beyond our control, 2nd or 3rd choice will be allocated. Hence, candidates are suggested to carefully opt for examination centres at the time of filling the application form.
• Candidates short-listed for interview will need to travel to CSIR-CCMB and need to make necessary travel, accommodation and other arrangements at their own. No request pertaining to accommodation, travel support or any such issue will be entertained.
• Interviews will be of approximately 20-30 min and candidate is expected to be available throughout the day.
• Canvassing in any form will immediately render disqualification of the candidature.

Online Registration End Date :  06th March 2019


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