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Ayurvedic BGR-34 therapy is effective in the treatment of diabetes, says research



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Ayurvedic BGR-34 therapy is effective in the treatment of diabetes

Recent research reported that Ayurvedic medicine BGR-34 is effective in reducing high blood sugar levels and this reflects that the BGR-34 therapy is a more effective drug in the treatment of diabetes.

This study was a randomized, parallel group, comparative study conducted over a period of 12 weeks in order to determine the efficacy and safety of the new molecular entity, BGR-34 at a tertiary care teaching hospital of North India. The Indian population was selected for the study in which the subjects were divided into two groups which were receiving 100 mg of Sitagliptin once a day and 620 mg of BGR-34 once a day respectively for the duration of 12 weeks. In addition to this, the patients received counseling on a diet consistent with the American Diabetes Association recommendations for the study entry.

Diabetes mellitus is a highly prevalent metabolic disorder that has affected nearly half of the population around the world. It is characterised with significantly high glucose lev-els in the blood which is associated with its typical clinical presentation of polyuria, polydipsia and polyphagia.

Based on the results obtained in the present study, it can be concluded that BGR-34 is effective in reducing high blood sugar levels and is more potent and efficacious in decreasing the glycemic levels possibly by modulating the insulin release and strengthening the β-cell functional capacity.

It also exerts a powerful antioxidant action which prevents the development of diabetic complications. This reflects that the BGR-34 therapy is more effective drug in the treatment of diabetes suggesting that it is better in efficacy, reliability and affordability with little or no adverse effects.

From the present study, it has emerged that this treatment favourably contributes to the health effective benefits by inhibiting the dis-ease progression and fulfilling the alternate goals of the management of diabetes mellitus. Strict glycaemic control favours the goals of managing diabetes mellitus.

The study is published in Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research on Sciendo scientific platform.

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