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Post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) at the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University

Clinical research courses

The Punjab University Health Centre offers a variety of consultancy, clinical and emergency services. In addition to five full time doctors, including one medical specialist, one surgical specialist and one dental specialist, there are several part-time consultants - a gynecologist, a pediatrician, a Radiologist, an eye specialist. An Ayurvedic doctor and two general physicians. They are supported by a large paramedical staff. Beside regular consultancy, medicines and emergency attention employees and students have access to facilities like the clinical tests, ECG, X-Ray, Ultrasonic treatment, diathermy and Yoga. The Centre also runs a Family Welfare Clinic with facilities of family planning, vaccination and immunization of children (DPT, Polio and BCG). From time to time the Health Centre launches health awareness drives through lectures, film shows and workshops.

Post: Senior Research Fellow (SRF)

Job Description:
Applications are invited from GATE qualified First Class M. Pharm./ M.S. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Medicinal Chemistry) candidates below 40 years of age for the Post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) at the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh on stipend of Rs. 16000/- (First two years) and Rs. 18000/- per month (Third year) to work under the project titled “DISCOVERY OF NOVEL PROTEIN TYROSINE PHOSPHATASE 1B INHIBITORS FOR METABOLIC DISORDERS THROUGH BIOTECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH” sanctioned to the undersigned by LSRB, DRDO, New Delhi. for a period of three years .

Applications with complete Curriculum Vitaè including full mailing address along with
e-mail, supported by attested copies of all relevant certificates/ documents, should reach the undersigned, latest by 17th Sep., 2010. The tenure of the post will be co-terminus with the project.

Dr. Manoj Kumar
Associate Professor
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
UIPS, Panjab University
Chandigarh- 160 014

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