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Government invites M.Pharm/M.Sc through CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute | Require Research Assistant, Project Fellow, Project Assistant, SRF, JRF - 20 posts

GPAT courses

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow is a premier R&D Institute under the aegis of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi which is an autonomous body under Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India. The institute is engaged in the development of new drugs and diagnostics in various therapeutic areas like malaria, tuberculosis, filarial, leishmania, cancer, thrombosis, hypertension, dementia, diabetes, lipid disorders, gastric ulcer, osteoporosis, prostatic hyperplasia, etc. supported by very competent team of chemists and biologists. The institute is carrying out pioneering works on cellular and molecular studies to understand these disease processes, systematic evaluation of the medicinal properties of natural products and synthetic molecules, development of technology for drugs, intermediates and biological. The institute also has a robust programme in developing human resource for future requirement of the pharmaceutical industry and R&D institutions.

Engagement of project staff under different projects CSIR-CDRI invites online application for engagement of project staff under different projects as mentioned below:-

Post: Research Assistant 01 (One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Organic chemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry with minimum 55% marks and good academic records
Desirable qualification: 2 years research experience in relevant area.
Emoluments: Rs. 19,481/- (Fixed).
Age: 28years
Title of the project: Project (GAP0084) “Preclinical development of DSE- 37 [S,S”- {disulfanediylbi (pyrrolidinopropane- 2,1-diyl} bis (piperidinothiocarbama te)] as a vaginal contraceptive ICMR

Post: Project Fellow 02 (Two)
Essential Qualification: M.Pharm with minimum 55% marks.
Desirable qualification: One year experience of dealing with analytical instrument.
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000 (Fixed)
Age: 28years
Title of the project: CSIR- NMITLI TLPs- 0011 Leads based drug development and genetic improvement of Ashwagandha

Post: Project Assistant 01 (One)
Essential Qualification: M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics / Pharmaceutical Biotechnology/ Pharmaceutical Technology) OR M.S. Pharm (Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical Technology) with minimum 55% marks
Desirable qualification: Postgraduate with GATE/GPAT score more than 90 percentile Preference will be given to candidate who has research and development exposure in pharmaceutical company or academic/research organization.
Emoluments: Rs. 8,000/- (Fixed)
Age: 28years
Title of the project: DBT project (GAP0089) “Investigation of effect of polysaccharide in modifying leishmanicidal potential of nanoparticulate system bearing chemotherapeutics agent.”

Post: Project SRF 01 (One)
Essential Qualification:
M Pharm. or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have at least one year research experience experience in development of novel drug delivery system. OR M Pharm or equivalent degree in pharmaceutical sciences with at least 60% marks.
Desirable qualification: Qualified GATE/ GPAT or any other national level examination.
Emoluments: Rs. 20,000+ HRA
Age: 32years ICMR
Title of the project: Project (GAP0085) entitled “delivery system” for the management of Septic Shock ‘: Rational approach towards Lipopolysaccharide and Dexofication

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Post: Project JRF 01(One)
Essential Qualification: MPharm(Pharmacology)
Desirable qualification: One year research experience in pharmacological animal experimentation and one research publication.
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000+ HRA
Age: 28years
Title of the project: ICMR(GAP0095) “Neuro inflammation and memory impairment in hypertension: role of the central rennin angiotensin system”

Post: Project SRF 01(One)
Essential Qualification: M Pharm. or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and one publication in SCI Journal and should have at least one year research experience experience in development of novel drug delivery system. OR M Pharm or equivalent degree in pharmaceutical sciences with at least 60%
Emoluments: : Rs. 18,000+ HRA
Age: 32years
Title of the project: ICMR (GAP0098) entitled "elucidation of inflammatory pathways involved in septic Shock.”

Post: Project Fellow, 01 (One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Life Sciences/Zoology/Microbiology/Biotechnology with minimum 55% marks
Desirable qualification: Experience in maintaining Plasmodium falciparum in vitro culture and /or cell line invitro culture.
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000 (Fixed)
Age: 28years
Title of the project: CSIR project HCP0001 "Collection and bioscreening of organic compounds."

Post: Senior Project Fellow, 01 (One)
Essential Qualification:M.Sc. in Life Sciences / Zoology /Microbiology/ Biotechnology with minimum 55% marks plus two years research experience in maintaining Plasmodium falciparum in vitro culture and /or cell line invitro culture
Emoluments: Rs. 18,000 (Fixed)
Age: 32years
Title of the project: CSIR project HCP0001 "Collection and bioscreening of organic compounds."

Post: Research Associate 01 (One)
Essential Qualification: PhD. degree in the areas of Life Sciences
Desirable qualification: Experience in cell/molecular biology and laboratory animal experimentation evident from high quality publication
Rs. 22,000 (Fixed)
Age: 32 years
Title of the project:
Project (GAP0001) “Reproductive Health Research Programme”Ministry of Health & Family welfare”

Post: Project Assistant 01(One)
Essential Qualification:
MSc. In Life Science with minimum 55% marks
Desirable qualification: One year experience in Pharmacological animal experimentation
Rs. 12,000/- (Fixed)
Age: 28years
Title of the project: GAP0077 “Pharmacological Screening of Homeopathic Medicine under Drug Standardization Program of CCRH”

Post: Project Fellow 02(Two) 
Essential Qualification: MSc in Life Sciences/ Zoology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry with minimum 55% marks.
Desirable qualification: One year experience in Animal handling, immunological technique.
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000 (Fixed)
Age: 28years
Title of the project: CSRI- NMITLI TLPs- 0011 Leads based drug development and genetic improvement of Ashwagandha

Post: Project JRF 02(Two)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc (Microbiology/ Life Sciences/ Biotechnology) with minimum 55% marks
Desirable qualification: 4-6 month research experience/ training in Parasitic infection with working knowledge of Computer
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000+HRA
Age: 28years
Title of the project: ICMR Project “identification and characterization of cross reactive molecules of filarial and leishmanial parasites and their possible prophylactic potential against either infection.”

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Post: Project JRF 01(one )
Essential Qualification: M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ with minimum 55% marks.
Desirable qualification: Experience in work with animals and primary culture would be preferable.
Emoluments: Rs 14416/- (fixed)
Age: 28years
Title of the project: DBT project “Antioxidant capacity of astrocytes and neurotrophic factors in aging: Age and gender based analysis”

Post: Project fellow 02(Two)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ with minimum 55% marks
Emoluments: Rs 16000/- (Fixed)
Age: 28years
Title of the project: project (GAP0001) “Reproductive Health Research Programme ”Ministry of Health & Family welfare” MOH & F.W”

Post: Project JRF 01 (One)
Essential Qualification: M.Sc in Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Zoology/ Life Sciences with minimum 55% marks.
Desirable qualification: Minimum one year experience in Animal handling molecular biology techniques.
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000+ HRA
Age: 28years
Title of the project: ICMR(GAP0096) “Nanoreservoirs carrying brugia malayi recombinant proteins as potential vaccine against experimental lymphatic filariasis”

Post: Project Fellow 01(One)
Essential Qualification:
MCA with 55% marks.
Emoluments: Rs 16000/- Fixed
Age: 28 years
Title of the project: CSIR- NMITLI TLPs- 0011 “Leads based drug development and genetic improvement of Ashwagandha.”

1. How to apply:
Candidates need to fill up the on-line application which is available at the link The last date for online submission of application form is 17-05-2012. After submitting the online application take a print out of the system generated application ticket and send the same alongwith Xerox copies of all the certificates to The Section Officer E-I CSIR- Central Drug Research Institute, Chattar Manzil Palace, M.G. Marg Lucknow-226001. The hard copies should reach the institute latest by 27-05-2012. Candidates applying for more than one position are required to fill separate on-line form for each position. Candidates clearly mentioned on the envelop that application for engagement as project staff and the position code.

2. Selection process:
All applications will be screened by a committee. Only those candidates who are found suitable will be called for interview. The committee can set their own criteria for short-isting the candidates.

General conditions
1. Age relaxation will be admissible to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per GOI orders.
2. Candidates can be empanelled for future requirement if any, under different projects
3. The date for determining age/qualification and experience shall be the last date of application
4. The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the aforementioned projects. The candidates engaged in these projects will not confer any right implicit or explicit for consideration for regularization against any CSIR/CDRI post(s).
5. The selected candidates will not be allowed for Ph.D. registration.
6. The number of positions against the various projects can be vary at the time of selection. Important – All correspondence with the candidates shall be done through email only. CDRI will not be responsible for any loss of email sent due to invalid/wrong email id provide by the candidate or for delay/not receipt of information if candidate fails to access his/her mail in time


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