Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the posts of Assistant Professors , Associate Professors and Professors in the Departments of Aerospace Engineering, Biological Sciences & Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial and Management Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, and Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS).
Several Departments also participate in the teaching and research activities of interdisciplinary post-graduate programmes in the Institute in Environmental Engineering & Management, Design, Laser Technology, Materials Science, and Nuclear Engineering & Technology. Appointments for these programmes are made in the relevant departments among those listed above.
Department specific areas of required specializations are available on (CLICK HERE)
Minimum Qualification (for all faculty positions): Ph.D. with first class or equivalent (in terms of grades, etc.) at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch, with a very good academic record throughout (also see in Notes below). In addition, for:
Professor: 10 years teaching/research/industrial experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor.
Associate Professor: 6 years teaching/research/industrial experience of which at least three years should be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent..
Assistant Professor:For a fresh Ph.D. the position will be on contract basis for first three years, after the completion of which it can be regularized. For those with three or more years of teaching/research/industrial experience, regular appointment can be made. Period of probation in regular appointment will be one year.
Application forms for all the above positions can be downloaded , or filled (on-line), or can be obtained from Dean, Faculty Affairs, on request. Applications (hard copy or in electronic form) should be submitted to the Dean of Faculty Affairs, IIT Kanpur.
The last date of receiving applications against the advertisement is July 31, 2011.
The details of pay scale admissible at the time of joining are as follows:
Post |
Academic Grade Pay |
Pay Band |
Professor | Rs. 10500 | PB-4 (37400-67000) |
Associate Professor | Rs. 9500 | PB-4 (37400-67000) |
Assistant Professor | Rs. 8000 | PB-3 (15600-39100) |
Candidates who do not fulfill the minimum experience requirement for the post of Assistant Professor may be offered appointment on contract basis for a period not exceeding three years, depending upon the academic credentials.
The pay carries all other allowances as admissible to a Central Government employee stationed at Kanpur. The fringe benefits, such as HRA, LTC, medical re-imbursement, conveyance allowance, education allowance for children, contribution towards New Pension Scheme (NPS), re-imbursement of telephone bills, book grants, research initiation grant (up to Rs. 10 lakhs), financial support towards national and international conferences etc. shall be permitted as per the Institute norms.
Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for interview.
Applicants who do not fulfill the minimum experience requirements may be offered an appointment on contract.
The requirements of minimum qualification and/or experience may be relaxed in the case of candidates with outstanding credentials.
Reservations at entry level will be applicable as per G.O.I. norms.
The Institute reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post(s) at any time without assigning any reason.
Applicant not found suitable for higher positions may be considered for lower positions in the same area of specialization.
All correspondence to be addressed to either to the Head of the concerned Department or to the Dean of Faculty Affairs. Contacts details of Heads of the Department are available in the Institute website as well as in For any clarification, please contact Dean, Faculty Affairs, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur-208016, India. Tel: +91-512-2597414 E-mail:
1. Candidates applying for a position to more than one department are required to use separate application forms.
2. (a) On the first page of the Application Form, (columns 1 to 11), the desired particulars are to be filled in by the candidate supported by certificates and documentary proofs (where necessary)
(b) On the second page (columns 12 to 16) separate sheet (s) for each sub-heading in the format is/are indicated to be used indicating cross references in the columns provided and the annexures attached.
(c) All annexures and the application form must bear full name and signature of the candidate on each page at the bottom.
3. Besides pay, posts carry allowances according to the Institute rules which at present correspond to those admissible to the Central Government employees stationed at Kanpur.
4. Higher initial pay is admissible to exceptionally qualified and deserving candidates.
5. Candidates called for and appearing in interview will be paid first class/second Ac. railway fare from place of duty or the nearest Railway Station from the residence to Kanpur and back by the shortest route.
6. Applicants who are employed in Government, Semi-Government Organizations or Institutions should send their applications THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL else they will be required to produce a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from their employer at the time of interview.
7. No information will be sent to those candidates who are not short listed for interview. It is expected that the entire selection process will be over within six months of the issue of the advertisement.
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