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Require Guest Faculties in Jiwaji University

Clinical research courses

Jiwaji University was established as a teaching and affiliating University on 23rd May 1964, under the provision of M. P. Government Ordinance no. 15 of 1963. Dr. Sarwapalli Radhakrishanan, the then President of India, laid the foundation stone of the University Campus on 11th December 1964
Right from its inception, Jiwaji University started with a status of a residential and an affiliating University. The territorial jurisdiction of the affiliation extends to six districts of Gwalior and Chambal Division, viz., Gwalior, Morena, Bhind, Guna, Shivpuri and Datia. To begin with, the University had a total of 29 affiliated colleges. Those have steadily increased to more than 100 colleges. Till date of 26 Government and 7 non-Government colleges impart teaching up to postgraduate level. Some of the colleges have also developed into recognized research centers.

Post: Guest Faculties

Advertisement for Guest Faculty (per Lecture Basis) Session 2011 –12

Applications on plain paper with complete biodata, copies of mark sheets/ certificates/degrees and testimonials are invited from candidates to teach as Guest Faculty in the following subjects:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Zoology, Microbiology, Botany,

Applications must be send by Speed Post/ Regd. Post only to the Registrar, Jiwaji University. Gwalior 474011 so as to reach on or before 20.07.2011.

Reservation policy of Govt. of Madhya Pradesh shall be followed.

For further details the candidates may contact the Head/Director/ Coordinator of the respective Courses. The envelop for the app lied position must be marked with the respective discipline ("Application for Guest Faculty in ") on the corner of the envelope.


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