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Director/Professor {1 post}, Lecturer {9 posts} require in Dr B. R. Ambedkar University

GPAT courses

The foundation of Dr B. R. Ambedkar University (originally known as Agra University) was laid on the 1st of July, 1927, as a result of hectic efforts of a band of enthusiastic educationists like Rev. Canon A.W. Davis, Munshi Narain Prasad Asthana, Dr L.P. Mathur, Lala Dewan Chand, Rai Bahadur Anand Swaroop and Dr Brajendra Swaroop,. Original jurisdiction of University extended over United Provinces of Agra, Central India and Rajputana with 14 affiliated colleges and 2530 students of which, 1475 students belonged to United Provinces. Initially, there were only four faculties in the University viz. Arts, Sciences, Commerce and Law. Faculties of Medicine (1936), Agriculture (1938), Home Science (1980), Basic Sciences (1981), Fine Arts (1982) and Management (1994) were added subsequently.

Post: Director/Professor {1 post}, Lecturer {9 posts}

Qualification as per Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Statutes & AICTE norms for Teaching Post and Research Assistant

The Candidates are advised to visit University website regularly for information regarding interview date and other relevant information.

The reservation to Persons with Disabilities (PWD) will be given as per Office Memorendum No. 36035/3/2004-Estt(Res) Government of India, New Delhi, dated 29th December, 2005

The University reserves the right not to fill any post. The no. of posts may increase or decrease.

Applications on plain paper alongwith Photograph (passport size) & photo copies of requisite documents relating to educational qualification, teaching, reserarch experience publication contribution in seminars/confrences and reservation (in any) along with bank draft of Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred) rupes-300/- (Three Hundred) for SC/ST in favour of Finance Officer. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra. Should reach Registrar (RW) latest by 26 April. 2012 bv Registered & Speed post.


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