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A Review on Interstitial Cystitis Syndrome (ICS)

GPAT courses

PharmaTutor (April- 2014)
ISSN: 2347 - 7881


Received On: 10/02/2014; Accepted On: 20/02/2014; Published On: 01/04/2014


Author: M Sushma*, TVV Vidyadhar, R Mohanraj, M Babu
Department of Pharmacy Practice,
Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (RIPER),
Near S.K University, Anantapuramu District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.


Interstitial cystitis (IC) is an irritative bladder syndrome of multifactorial aetiology and is said to be one of the several conditions that causes bladder pain, which is most commonly seen in women than in men. It is of unknown aetiology. But some factors like autoimmune disorder, Genetic predisposition, Gynaecologic surgery in the past, History of recurrent UTIs. The body's immune system attacks the bladder, similar to other autoimmune conditions. The urologist may use a special scope called a cytoscope to look inside your bladder for inflammation, pinpoint bleeding. Management of IC is done by oral therapy of pentosanpolysulphate, Tricyclic anti-depressants, Anti-histamines, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Bladder analgesics. Whereas intravesical therapy Dimethyl sulphoxide, heparin, Bacillus calmette-Guerin

How to cite this article: M Sushma, TVV Vidyadhar, R Mohanraj, M Babu, A Review on Interstitial Cystitis Syndrome (ICS), PharmaTutor, 2014, 2(4), 31-36