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PharmaTutor Magazine Content April - 2014

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APRIL - 2014 (Vol-2, Issue-4)
Identification of Bacterial Species by Combined Bioinformatic and Polymerase Chain Reaction              (MORE)
A Review on Interstitial Cystitis Syndrome (ICS)                                                                         (MORE)
Value Based Pricing- New Concept                                                                                           (MORE)
Rational use of Medicines: Can We Promote                                                                               (MORE)
Solid Dispersion: A Tool to enhance solubility of Poorly Water Soluble Drugs                                     (MORE)
Probiotics - A Review                                                                                                            (MORE)
Interleukins in Therapeutics                                                                                                    (MORE)
A Review: Atherosclerosis & its treatment                                                                                 (MORE)
A Review on Pharmacognosy, Pre-phytochemistry and Pharmacological analysis of Tridax procumbens  (MORE)
A critical insight into the intricate role of plant hormones in growth and development phase                (MORE)
Health benefits of Garlic                                                                                                         (MORE)
In-vitro screening of Dhatura Inoxia for its anti-Malarial activity against P. falciparum                        (MORE)
Pharmaceutical Marketing and Ethical codes: Myths or reality with special Reference to Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh                                                                                                                              (MORE)
Microscopical and Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of ‘Piper betel’                                            (MORE)
Knockdown (Micro-RNA Inhibiting Technique) Technique for Evaluation of Alpha-1A Adrenergic Receptor and P2X1 Receptor Functions                                                                                                       (MORE)
Anti-Diabetic activity of Gossypium Herbaceum by Alloxan Induced Model in Rats                             (MORE)
Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Lawsonia Inermis                                    (MORE)
Enhancement of Solubility characteristics of Alprazolam                                                               (MORE)
A Review on Pharm.D education in India                                                                                    (MORE)