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Entrance exam notification in Amrita School of Pharmacy

GPAT courses

With headquarters at Coimbatore and campuses at Amritapuri, Kochi, Bengaluru and Mysore, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has emerged as one of the fastest growing institutions of higher learning in India.
The university is managed by the Mata Amritanandamayi Math. Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, Amma, one of the foremost humanitarian leaders in the world today, is Chancellor of the university.
The university offers 150+ undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in engineering, business, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, journalism, biotechnology, information technology, arts and sciences, health sciences, education, microbiology, hospital management, communication, visual media studies and ayurveda.

AMRITA ENTRANCE EXAMINATION - (2011) Pharm.D (Doctor of Pharmacy)

Dates Extended
Date of Examination: 28.05.2011
Last Date for Submission: 23.05.2011

Application forms for B.Pharm ( Both Regular & Lateral) M.Pharm and, Pharm. D (PB) are also under Issue

Application form can be obtained
a)    By Post: Write to The Admission Coordinator, Office of Admissions, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, AIMS - Ponekkara.PO. Kochi 682 041 with a Demand Draft of Rs. 1,570 for Pharm.D, M.Pharm and Pharm.D (PB) and Rs.570 for B.Pharm (Regular/Lateral) favouring "Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham", payable at Kochi.
b)    Download from the website: Completed application to be sent along with a DD of Rs1500 for Pharm.D, M.Pharm and Pharm.D (PB) and Rs.500 for B.Pharm to The Admission Co-ordinator, Office of Admissions, AIMS -Ponekkara P0, Kochi 682 041.
c)    Application can be submitted ONUNEloo ( For more details contact: 0484 285 8383 / 8037 / 5651 / 8374

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