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Opportunity for Pharmacists to join Central Medical Services Society, Salary Rs. 50,000 pm

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Opportunity for Pharmacists to join Central Medical Services Society

Central Medical Services Society has been established with the approval of Cabinet on 24.08.2011 as a Central Procurement Agency to streamline drug procurement and distribution system of Department of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and to eliminate existing deficiencies. The Mission of the Society is to procure high quality health sector goods in a transparent and cost-effective manner in line with the directives of the Government of India and ensure timely and un-interrupted supply of health sector goods & services for State Government and Union Territories.

Post : Warehouse Manager (Pharmacist)

No. of posts : 05*
The actual number of vacancies may vary as per the requirement
01 for each location- Delhi, Ahmedabad (Gujarat), Bhubaneswar (Odisha), Kolkata (West Bengal) & Ranchi (Jharkhand)].
The vacancy may vary except the above mentioned five (5) positions. OR any vacancy may also arise due to completion of contract/ resignation at any of these thirteen (13) locations i.e. Agartala (Tripura), Bangalore (Karnataka), Bhopal (M.P.), Zirakpur (Punjab), Chennai (T.N.), Guwahati (Assam), Hyderabad (Telangana), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Lucknow (U.P.), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Patna (Bihar), Raipur (Chhattisgarh), & Trivandrum (Kerala).

Emoluments (in Rs.) : 50,000/-
Mode of Recruitment : On Contract
Tenure of post : On yearly contract basis, initially for a period of 5 years [Renewable on yearly basis subject to satisfactory performance]. For deserving candidates, period of engagement can be further extended beyond 5 years, on yearly contract basis subject to satisfactory performance.
Age as on last date of application : Below 45 Years

Educational Qualification : B.Pharma, degree from a recognised University / Institute & recognized by the Pharmacy Council of India.
Experience :
a) An approved/registered pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
b) Minimum 4 years of post- qualification experience [including minimum 02 years of work experience in Central Govt./State Govt./PSU/Autonomous body/Pharmaceutical MNCs/ Hospital of 100 bed] in pharmaceutical store/ warehouse functions.
c) Experience in drugs Storage & Distribution.
d) Exposure in handling regulatory audits on store/warehouse/distribution functions of Pharmaceutical.
e) Exposure to ERP, GFR and E-procurement system are desirable

Probation period : 6 Months
Period of appointment : For retention/continuation, review of performance at the end of every year by the DG & CEO of the Society. However, services can be terminated / relieved by serving one month notice by either side. CMSS at its discretion may terminate the services by paying one month salary (in lieu of notice period) and may dispense with the requirement of one-month advance notice by the employee by depositing and accept one month’s pay in lieu thereof.
Annual increase in salary : 5% Subject to satisfactory performance as mentioned at point 10.

Job Responsibilities
1) Orderly warehousing of various categories of products like quarantine, rejected, released, returned or recalls etc.
2) Implementation of Good Storage Practices.
3) Compliance of all statutory requirements and maintain records.
4) Ensure storage at recommended environmental conditions, housekeeping procedure compliances, etc.
5) Sampling as per the SOP.
6) Traceability of distributed products batch wise.
7) Authorized movement of man, machine and goods at warehouse.
8) Training of w'arehousing staff on SOP.
9) Investigation of complaints as per the relevant procedure.
10) Adherence with the financial, operational and statutory compliances.
11) Ensure co-ordination between state nodal officer, program division & head office
12) Maintain records of all transactions and assets of warehouse.
13) Ensure legal operation of warehouse, including meeting all inspection and other requirement.
14) Any other duties as specified or assigned by the DG & CEO or/ and Reporting Officer.

Instruction for filling of application
1. All the columns are compulsory. If any column is not applicable or no information is there to be furnished write ‘Not applicable’ or ‘N/A\ Any other answers will render the application invalid.
2. Incomplete/invalid application: If any column is left unfilled, such an application will be treated as incomplete/invalid and will be rejected summarily.
3. Instructions are provided below for each column in the application. Please read the instructions before filling the application.
4. TA/DA:- Outstation Applicants will get reimbursement of rail fare (upto a maximum of AC 3 Tier Class rail fare, by shortest route, from the railway station nearest to their address as cited in the application to New Delhi Railway Station/ Delhi Division and back) on submission of the tickets. The payment shall be made through RTGS in due course of time. For the purpose, the candidate(s) are required to submit duly filled TA form which will be made available on the day of selection test.
5. Application Fee: Applicants shall be required to pay application fee of Rs. 100.00 (Rupees One Hundred Only) by demand draft in favour of “CENTRAL MEDICAL SERVICES SOCIETY” Payable at New Delhi OR by online payment / NEFT as per below mentioned accounts details
[Female, SC/ST, PwD & Ex-serviceman category applicants need not pay any application fee.]
Note : The fees once paid shall not be refunded or re-adjusted under any circumstances.
MICR CODE : 110002092

Candidates are advised to submit their application along with all supporting documents pertaining to age, educational qualification, experience etc and superscribed on the top as “Application for the post Central Medical Services Society” to the address :- The General Manager (Administration), Central Medical Services Society, 2nd Floor, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Teen Murti Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021. The last date of receipt of application is 31.10.2023. No application will be received after 5.30 PM. on closing date.

General Terms & Conditions
i) It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to ascertain his/her own eligibility for the post for which he/she is applying in accordance with the prescribed qualifications, experience, etc., and submit his/her application duly filled-in, along with the desired information and documents as per the advertisement.
ii) Suppression of factual information, supply of fake documents, providing false or misleading information or canvassing in any manner on the part of the candidates shall lead to his/her disqualification. In case, it is detected at any point of time in future, even after appointment, that the candidate was not eligible, his/her appointment shall be liable to termination forthwith.
iii) The date of birth is acceptable only as mentioned in the SSC/ Matriculation certificate issued by the concerned educational board / university
iv) The date for determining the age of applicants shall be the closing date of receipt of applications.
v) Candidate who is already in Central / State Government / PSU/ Autonomous Institution services shall submit a "No Objection Certificate” at the time of selection test.
vi) Certificates in support of experience should be in proper format ie., it should be on the organization's letter head mentioning date of issue, period of experience, gross salary and the name and designation of the issuing authority along with signature and date.
vii) CMSS shall verily the antecedents submitted by the applicant at any time of appointment or during the service. If it is detected at any stage that the information given in the application is incorrect / false then the candidature / appointment shall be summarily cancelled / terminated.
viii) In case of any ambiguity pertaining to the eligibility criteria for the post, or during the entire process of recruitment, the decision of the Competent Authority of the CMSS shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual (s) representatives, ix) The selection will be based on selection test as prescribed by CMSS. x) Any information related to the advertisement shall be displayed in the CMSS Website ( only. Applicants are advised to visit the website regularly.
xi) CMSS reserves the right to rectify any discrepancy in the advertisement, if found later, as well as to modify / cancel any communication made to the candidate.
xii) CMSS also reserves the right to withdraw the advertisement, either partly or wholly, at any time without assigning any reason.
xiii) Any issue not covered in the instruction shall be decided by the Competent Authority of the CMSS and the decision shall be final and binding on all applicants.
xiv) Application Form is available in the website for download and use.
xv) Candidates are advised to submit their application along with all supporting documents pertaining to age,
educational qualifications, experience etc. to The General Manager (Administration), Central Medical Services Society, 2nd Floor, Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, Teen Murti Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021 by speed post/ Registered post only.
xvi) The last date of receipt of application is 31 -10-2023.
xvii) The application along with all serially page-numbered enclosures/documents in support of the candidature must be sent in an envelope of suitable size and quality. The envelop should be
superscribed on the top as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF...................AGAINST ADVT. No. CMSS/AN/015/2023 DATE - 18-09-2023. xviii) Application received after the last date (31-10-2023) will not be entertained. CMSS shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
xix) Canvassing in any form by the candidate or on behalf of the candidate shall be treated as disqualification of candidature.

Application Form & More Info

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