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Multiple Openings at National Institute of Epidemiology

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Multiple Openings at National Institute of Epidemiology

The ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology (ICMR-NIE) is a permanent premier institute of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) established on July 2, 1999 by merging the Central JALMA Institute for Leprosy (CJIL Field Unit), Avadi with the Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (IRMS), Chennai.  The broad objectives of the Institute cover conducting epidemiological studies, development of human resources in epidemiology and bio-statistics, networking of the various ICMR and non-ICMR Institutes at the national level for epidemiological purposes, and consultancy.

Project Research Scientist – I (Non-medical)
Name of the Project : ONE-HEART : One Health Epidemiological study on Antimicrobial Resistance in Tirunelveli, South India
Place of Interview : ICMR – NIE
Date of interview : 25.09.2023
No. of posts & Category : 01 (UR)
Place of posting : ICMR-NIE
Essential Qualifications : First-class Post Graduate degree including Integrated degrees in Microbiology / Medical Lab Technology/ Biomedical sciences OR Second class Post Graduate degree, including Integrated degrees in Microbiology/ Medical Lab Technology/ Biomedical sciences with Ph.D. in Microbiology / Medical Lab Technology / Biomedical sciences
Desirable Qualifications and Experience
• Doctoral degree/ Post-doctoral experience in Microbiology/ Molecular Biology/ Infectious diseases
• Previous experience in AMR research (field-based and bench work) combined with experience in scientific writing as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications
• Working knowledge of bioinformatic tools for microbial identification/ characterization/ genetic relatedness
Remuneration : Rs. 56,000/- + admissible HRA per month
Age Limit : 35 years
Nature of Duty : Prospective candidate is a self-starter with strong commitment, good communication, managerial skills and the ability to work well under pressure and balance competing priorities in a demanding work environment.
Duties include but not limited to the following :
1) Provide support for planning, managing and implementation of the project
2) Close coordination with project staff and investigators at the collaborating institutions for smooth implementation of the project
3) Prepare study-related protocols/ SOPs / training materials
4) Supervise field and laboratory personnel involved in the project
5) Responsible for laboratory analyses including bacterial culture, AST, PCR etc.
6) Perform field visits to monitor field work
7) Perform laboratory QA/QC for the project
8) Coordinate sample shipment between field and MRHRU Tirunelveli lab as well as with ICMR-NIE Lab
9) Responsible for best documentation practices in maintaining project records, reports, and inventory (logistics and samples).
10) Submit daily updates on project activities to study investigators/ supervisory officers
11) Contribute to the preparation of project administrative/technical reports and presentations
12) Perform any other work assigned by the Director/ PI/ Co-PI/ Supervisory officers
Duration : Initial appointment will be for 6 months. The contract will be renewable, subject to satisfactory performance and project requirements.

Project Technical Support III (Lab)
Name of the Project : ONE-HEART : One Health Epidemiological study on Antimicrobial Resistance in Tirunelveli, South India
Place of Interview : ICMR – NIE
Date of interview : 25.09.2023
No. of posts & Category : 01 (OBC)
Place of posting : ICMR-NIE
Essential Qualifications : Three years graduate in Microbiology/ Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognized university with 3 years’ experience OR PG in Microbiology/ Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognized Institution/ University
Desirable Qualifications and Experience
• Hands-on experience in clinical microbiological techniques as evidenced from work experience in recognized diagnostic/hospital/ medical research institutions
• Experience in performing molecular techniques viz. nucleic acid extraction, PCR etc. 
• Working knowledge of MS Office applications
Remuneration : Rs. 28,000/- + admissible HRA per month
Age Limit : 38 years
Nature of Duty :
1) Responsible for coordinating with the project team at MRHRU Tirunelveli for the timely and proper shipment of samples/ isolates to ICMR-NIE
2) Perform bacteriological culture isolation and identification, AST, PCR etc., as may be applicable/ required for the project.
3) Perform appropriate storage of samples/ isolates
4) Perform internal quality and external quality control/ assurance testing
5) Maintain laboratory testing records, study logistics/samples/ isolate inventories
6) Assisting the project scientist in molecular testing
7) Submit daily updates on project activities to study investigators/ supervisory officers
8) Perform any other work assigned by the Director/ PI/ Co-PI/ Supervisory officers
Duration : Initial appointment will be for 6 months. The contract will be renewable, subject to satisfactory performance and project requirements.

Project Technical Support III (Lab)
Name of the Project : ONE-HEART : One Health Epidemiological study on Antimicrobial Resistance in Tirunelveli, South India
Date of interview & Venue : 11.10.2023 ; Model Rural Health Research Unit (MRHRU), Kallur, Tirunelveli
No. of posts & Category : 01 (UR)
Place of posting : MRHRU, Kallur, Tirunelveli Govt. Primary Health Centre campus, Kallur Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu
Essential Qualifications : Graduate in Microbiology/ Medical Laboratory Technology from a recognized university with 3 years’ work experience from a recognized institution/University OR Masters in Microbiology/ Medical Laboratory Technology from recognized institution/University
Desirable Qualifications and Experience
• Hands-on experience in clinical microbiological techniques as evidenced from work experience in recognized diagnostic/hospital/ medical research institution/ NABL accredited laboratory
• Working knowledge of MS Office applications
Remuneration : Rs. 28,000/- + admissible HRA per month
Age Limit : 35 years
Nature of Duty :
1) Responsible for coordinating with the project field team for sample collection in the field and proper shipment to MRHRU Tirunelveli
2) Perform stool and nasal swab processing for bacteriological culture isolation and identification using standard protocols
3) Perform water sample processing for bacteriological culture isolation and identification using standard protocols
4) Coordinate with collaborating center to receive bacterial isolates from animals
5) Perform appropriate storage of samples/ isolates
6) Perform internal quality and external quality control/ assurance testing
7) Maintain laboratory testing records, study logistics/samples/ isolate inventories
8) Submit daily updates on project activities to study investigators/ supervisory officers
9) Perform any other work assigned by the Director/ PI/ Co-PI/ Supervisory officers at MRHRU/ ICMR- NIE
Duration : Initial appointment will be for 3 months. The contract will be renewable, subject to satisfactory performance and project requirements

Project Research Scientist – I (Medical/Non- medical) (Lab)
Name of the Project : Strengthening laboratory surveillance for pneumococcal meningitis in India to understand the impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) rollout (BMGF)
Place of Interview : ICMR – NIE
Date of interview & Venue : 25.09.2023
No. of posts & Category : 01 (OBC)
Place of posting : ICMR-NIE
Essential Qualifications : First-class Post Graduate degree, including Integrated degrees in Microbiology/ Medical Lab Technology/ Biomedical sciences OR Second Class Post Graduate degree, including Integrated degrees in Microbiology/ Medical Lab Technology/ Biomedical sciences + Ph.D. in Microbiology/Medical Lab Technology/ Biomedical sciences
Desirable Qualifications and Experience
• Doctoral degree/ Post-doctoral experience in Microbiology/ Molecular Biology/ Infectious diseases
• Previous experience in infectious disease related research combined with experience in scientific writing as evidenced by peer-reviewed publications
Remuneration : Rs. 56,000/- + admissible HRA per month
Age Limit : 38 years
Nature of Duty :
Prospective candidate is a self-starter with strong commitment, good communication, managerial skills and the ability to work well under pressure and balance competing priorities in a demanding work environment. Duties include but not limited to the following:
1) Provide support for planning, managing and implementation of the project
2) Close coordination with project staff and investigators at the collaborating institutions for smooth implementation of the project
3) Perform PCR based molecular testing on clinical samples
4) Supervise other laboratory personnel involved in the project
5) Responsible for performamnce and documentation of laboratory activities including test outputs, reports etc.
6) Coordinate sample shipment between hospital sites and ICMR-NIE as well as with other network labs
7) Responsible for inventory (logistics and samples) management for the project.
8) Submit daily updates on project activities to study investigators/ supervisory officers
9) Contribute to the preparation of project administrative/technical reports and presentations
10) Perform any other work assigned by the Director/ PI/ Co-PI/ Supervisory officers
Duration : Initial appointment will be for six months. The contract will be renewable, subject to satisfactory performance and project requirements.

Project Technical Support - III
Name of the Project : ICMR Task Force study on Epidemiology of Chronic Respiratory iIIness in Select Population Groups in India (CRISPI)
Place of Interview : National Institute of Epidemiology – ICMR, Chennai
Date of interview & Venue : 05.10.2023
No. of posts & Category : 01 (SC)
Place of posting : National Institute of Epidemiology – ICMR, Chennai
Essential Qualifications : Graduate in Sociology / Social Work / Social Sciences / Statistics / Biostatistics / Life Sciences from a recognized University with three years work experience in public health project from a recognized institution (OR) Masters degree in Sociology / Social Work / Social Sciences / Statistics / Biostatistics / Life Sciences / Public Health / Epidemiology
Desirable Qualifications and Experience
• Research/working experience in the handling of pollution monitoring equipment’s, analytical instruments and/or carrying out pulmonary function tests
. • Experience in working community-based health research studies
• Experience in organizing and carrying out community awareness, engagement and outreach activities
• Experience in conducting spirometry testing in the field
• Experience in collecting air pollution data using monitoring tools in the filed
• Communication skills to work with multiple stakeholders
• Knowledge of MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint
• Proficiency in Tamil to interact with community.
Remuneration : Rs.28,000/- plus HRA per month
Age Limit : 40 years
Nature of Duty : • Experience in carrying out pulmonary function tests.
• Any other work assigned by the PI / Co – PI / Supervisory Officer
Duration : 06 Months (May be extended based on satisfactory performance and continuation of the project)

Project Technical Support - II (Field)
Name of the Project : ICMR Task Force study on Epidemiology of Chronic Respiratory illness in Select Population Groups in India (CRISPI)
Place of Interview : National Institute of Epidemiology – ICMR, Chennai
Date of interview & Venue : 05.10.2023
No. of posts & Category : 04 (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1, EWS-1)
Place of posting : National Institute of Epidemiology – ICMR, Chennai
Essential Qualifications : l2th' pass in science subjects + Diploma + five years experience in relevant subject / field *B.Sc. (sociology/ Social Work/Social Sciences/ Statistics/ Biostatistics/ Life Sciences) degree from a recognized institution shall be treated as 3 years’ experience.
Desirable Qualifications and Experience
• Experience in conducting community-based health research surveys
• Experience in collecting anthropometry data
• Experience in doing spirometry testing in the field
• Handling pollution monitoring tools etc.
Remuneration : Rs.20,000/- plus HRA Per month
Age Limit : EWS/UR - 30 years
OBC – 33 Years
SC – 35 Years
Nature of Duty : • Conduct interviews and data collection in the field
• Carry out anthropometry
• Carry out spirometry testing in the field
• Handle pollution monitoring tools
• Any other work assigned by the PI/ Co-PI Supervisory Officer.
Duration : 06 Months (May be extended based on satisfactory performance and continuation of the project)

Project Technician III
Name of the Project : Health System Preparedness of Siddha System of Medicine in Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) Tamilnadu. : Current Status, Stack holders perspectives and Cost Analysis.
Place of Interview : National Institute of Epidemiology – ICMR, Chennai
Date of interview & Venue : 05.10.2023
No. of posts & Category : 04 (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1)
Place of posting : ICMR-NIE, Chennai
Essential Qualifications : 12th Pass in Science subjects with two years of field experience [community-based research/ hospital-based research] *B.Sc (Public health/Sociology/ Social work/Bio-statistics, life sciences) degree from a recognized institution/university. *B.Sc degree shall be treated as 3 years of experience
Desirable Qualifications and Experience
• Master's degree in Public health/ Sociology/Social work/Bio-statistics
• Experience in conducting research in the community/ hospital
• Experience in data collection in the communities/ hospitals
• Knowledge of web applications (Viz ODK)
• Willingness to travel
• Proficiency in Tamil Language (Reading, Writing and Speaking)
Remuneration : Rs.18,000/- per month
Age Limit : UR – 30 years
OBC – 33 years
SC – 35 years
Nature of Duty : • Responsible for data collection from the hospitals and the community
• Responsible for data management
• Travel to study sites.
• Administrative work
• Any other work assigned by the Director/PI/Co- PI/Superior Office
Duration : 06 Months (May be extended based on satisfactory performance and continuation of the project)
Note : Designation and remuneration are likely to be revised

Instructions to the candidates for Walk in Interview
1. Please bring the filled in application with one set of photocopy of qualification and experience and other testimonials on the date of walk-in interview.
2. Applications received from post/Courier should be not considered for the interview.
3. Candidate should submit all certificates / testimonials in original for verification. Candidates who fail to bring the Original Certificates for written test / Interview will not be considered.
4. Age relaxation is admissible in respect of OBC candidates, Retrenched Government Employees, Departmental Candidates (including projects) in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Government from time to time.
5. Experience certificate should clearly indicate the nature of duty during the period of employment. Appointment order, pay slip and offer of appointment will not be accepted in place of experience certificate. Experience certificate should contain salary per month and duration.
6. No-Objection Certificate from the current employer (for Govt./AB/PSU Servants only).
7. The above said post is Contractual for the duration offered. The appointment may be renewed after every specific period of time subject to satisfactory performance and project requirement
. 8. The incumbents selected will have no claim for regular appointments under NIE/ICMR or continuation of his/her services in any other project.
9. TA/DA will not be paid by NIE for attending the written test/interview.
10. The Director, ICMR-NIE reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or cancel the recruitment or re-advertise the posts, without assigning any reasons thereof, no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
11. Any further information may be downloaded from ICMR-NIE website (Careers) which will be updated from time to time. 12. Date of Walk-in Interview may be changed due to administrative reasons, hence, candidates are advised to check website before appearing Walk- in Interview.

Candidates are invited to attend Walk-In Interview / Written Test between 9.30 AM to 10.00 AM for project posts under the various projects on contract basis.

The Director / Selection Committee has the right to accept / reject any application without assigning any reason thereof. Canvassing and bringing pressure in any form for short listing, interview and employment will be a disqualification and barred from selection process.

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