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Job for Post-Doctoral Fellow under the Life Sciences Division of IASST

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Job for Post-Doctoral Fellow under the Life Sciences Division of IASST

The Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST), Guwahati is an autonomous R&D Institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The Institute is engaged in frontier areas of research in the specific domain of Physical, Chemical, Mathematical and Life Sciences. The Institute’s aim is to contribute to basic sciences and develop technology using local resources through strong interdisciplinary research approach across different divisions. Institute is equipped with modern and sophisticated instrumentation including SEM, XRD, LCMS-MS, AFM, DNA Sequencer and computational facility for cutting edge scientific research.

Post : Post- Doctoral Fellow (PDF)

Applications are invited for the position of Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) under the Life Sciences and Physical Sciences Division of the Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST), Guwahati, Assam.

Subject area : Life Sciences (02 posts)
1. Drug Discovery and Biodiversity
2. Microbial Diversity
Essential Qualifications : Ph.D. in Life Sciences / Molecular Biology / Microbiology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology with research experience on drug development and delivery/ microbial diversity/probiotics/ gut microbiome/ medicinal plants. Candidate who has submitted their Ph.D. thesis may also apply.

Subject area : Physical Sciences (02 posts)
1. Condensed Matter Physics / Material Science / Device Physics
2. Computational Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science
Essential Qualifications : Ph.D. in Physics / Material Science / Applied Physics / Instrumentation / Nano Science / Physical Science / Nano-technology/ Electronics with research experience on materials for electronic/opto- electronic devices/electronic structure calculations in bulk or low dimensional systems. Candidate who has submitted their Ph.D. thesis may also apply.

Age Limit : Upper age limit is 35 years at the time of the application. Relaxation as per GoI rules.
Fellowship : Rs. 55000/- plus admissible HRA as per institute rules

Essential criteria : Candidate should have sound knowledge of running common analytical/laboratory instruments related to his/her research field, which is evident by at least 2 first author and 1 co-authored publication in peer-reviewed national and international journals.
Duration : Appointment will be for a period of 12 (twelve) months which may be extended maximum for a period of one year (6 months at a stretch) depending on the satisfactory performance of the candidate.

How to apply
Interested candidate should apply through online within twenty-one days of publication of the advertisement. Only short listed candidates will be called for the interview and short presentation of her research work. The candidate should upload self-attested documents as mentioned in the online application. Further, they must have to bring their original mark- sheets, certificates and other credential if, called for interview. Shortlisted candidates may appear before the interview board through video conferencing, subject to prior approval.

(1) No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
(2) Those in employment should submit a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the concerned employer.
(3) Those have submitted Ph.D. thesis should produce a thesis submission certificate from the Controller of Examination/ Registrar.
(4) Appointment and payment will be strictly as per IASST / DST rules and guidelines.

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