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Job for M.Pharm, MSc as JRF at National Ayurveda Research Institute for Panchakarma

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Job for M.Pharm, MSc as JRF at National Ayurveda Research Institute for Panchakarma

The Institute intends to engage the service of one Junior Research Fellow (Chemistry) for the IMR project “Development of SoP Estimation of marker compounds in Polyherbal formulation: Tryushnadi guggulu-A classical Ayurvedic formulation”. The duration of the project is two year.

Post : Junior Research Fellow (Chemistry) - 1 post

M.Sc. (Chemistry) / M.Pharm (Pharmaceutical chemistry) / Equivalent from a recognized University/Institution
Desirable :
1. Theoretical and experimental Experience in the field of AYUSH Drug analysis like Physiochemical, Phytochemical analysis and including knowledge in handling Instruments like HPTLC / HPLC / FTIR / UV-Spectroscopy.
2. Drafting and editing skills of scientific articles/documents/technical reports etc.
3. Publication in peer reviewed journals
4. Good working knowledge in computer
Age limit : Not exceeding 35 years as on date of interview 
Monthly Remuneration : Rs.31000/- + HRA

General instruction
1. The engagement would be purely on contractual basis initially for a period of 6 months which may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the competent authority, based on the performance of the selected candidate and co-terminus with the project and there will be no right to claim for continuation or regular appointment.
2. The eligibility of candidates in respect of age will be determined as on date of interview relaxable in the case of SC/ST/OBC as provided for in Govt, of India orders.
3. The format for submission of bio-data may be downloaded from the Council’s Website
4. The candidates are required to appear written test/interview. The selected candidate will have to submit Police clearance certificate and an undertaking in the non judicial stamp paper along with the joining report at the time of their joining.
5. The Director (Institute), NARIP, Cheruthuruthy reserves the rights to postpone or cancel the interview, without assigning any reason there off.

Interested candidates fulfilling the essential/desirable qualifications and age limit prescribed above, must report to the above mentioned address on prescribed date for screening, along with duly filled in bio-data form, one recent passport size photograph and original certificates with one set of self attested relevant certificates. The screening procedure will end by 10:30 AM and no candidate will be allowed after 10:00 AM.

Date : 25.09.2023 Written Test /Interview

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