NIPER Ahmedabad was initiated with three specializations Biotechnology, Natural Products and Pharmaceutics and over the period of time three more specialisations Pharmaceutical Analysis, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology and Toxicology were added in 2010. Subsequently in 2011, to cater the needs of Medical device industry in India, another feather was added to the cap of NIPER Ahmedabad in the form of specialisation in Medical Devices.
Online Applications are invited from the eligible and suitable Indian Nationals for direct recruitment for the Non-Faculty posts on regular basis through open competition on all India basis.
Post : Scientist / Technical Supervisor Grade II
Age limit for direct recruits : Not exceeding 35 years
Educational and other qualifications required for direct recruitment
Essential Qualification: M.Sc./ M.Pharma /M.V.Sc from recognised University /Institute. Experience: 2 (Two) years of experience of research/teaching in Central State Govt. Organisations / University or Research Institution or Central / State autonomous or other recognised institute of repute
Period of Probation, if any : 2 (Two) years
Pay Level : Pay Level 8
1. Only online applications with required uploaded enclosures will be accepted. Applicants should send ONE hard copy print of the application on or before (05.10.2020 17.00 pm) along with all self-attested testimonials, certificates, fees receipt (email copy) and all supporting documents wherever required or else the application will not be considered. Applicants must produce original testimonials, certificates and other documents at the time of interview, if called. The envelope should be super scribed as Application for the Post of ___________ Postal Address for sending the Application: Registrar, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) Ahmedabad Palaj, Opp Air Force Station, Gandhinagar, 382355, Gujarat (India)
2. Applicant should read carefully the requisite minimum essential qualifications, age and eligibility, experience criteria, etc., laid down in the Advertisement before applying for the relevant post. Since all the applications will be screened on the basis of data submitted by the candidate in the “Online Application” form, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying. If at any stage during the recruitment and selection process, it is found that candidates have furnished false or wrong information, their candidature will be rejected. Application once submitted cannot be altered under any circumstances. However, if the candidate wishes to reapply by paying necessary fee again he/she may do so. Further, no
3. request with respect to making changes in any data/particulars entered by the candidate in the Online Application will be entertained, once the application is submitted successfully. Therefore, please keep all data/details ready before you start filling up the Application Online.
4. Applicant may apply on prescribed application form online from the NIPER-A Website. They can apply for more than one post provided, they fulfil the eligibility criteria. In such a case, the candidate has to apply for each post separately and Pay Application Fee separately. However, based on the number of candidates applying for different posts, the Institute reserves the right to hold a written / skill test and or Interview for the various posts together or separately on a single or multiple day across various sessions as per the decision of the Director.
5. Applicants are advised to ensure, before applying, that they possess essential qualification and experience for the post. The Experience and Qualification will be reckoned as on last date for submission of application. No updating of qualification and experience will be entertained after the last date.
6. Applicants should submit the applications to the Institute well in advance without waiting for the last date to avoid postal delay or any delay due to other unforeseen events or circumstances. The Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage.
7. Incomplete application in any respect will not be considered.
8. The Institute shall verify the antecedents and documents submitted by applicants at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case it is found that the Applicants have submitted fake documents or the Applicants have undesirable clandestine antecedents/background and have suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be liable to be terminated. 9. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of appointment letter, the Institute reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the Applicants.
10. The reservations/relaxations policy for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/EWS Applicants will be provided as per the existing Govt. of India policy. Where there are no posts under reserved categories, such candidates can apply against unreserved posts; provided they meet all the norms prescribed for unreserved category.
11. Reservations for SC, ST, OBC and Persons with Benchmark Disabilities will be as per existing Government of India norms as amended from time to time. Applicants applying for the reserved posts should clearly state to which category they belong. Where there are no posts under reserved categories, such candidates can apply against unreserved posts; provided they meet all the norms prescribed for unreserved category.
12. Applicants seeking reservation under SC/ST category are required to submit certificate on the format prescribed by the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training (Annexure-I).
13. Applicants seeking reservation under OBC category are required to submit certificate on the format prescribed by the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training (Annexure-II).
14. EWS vacancies are tentative and subject to further directives of GoI and outcome of any litigation. The appointment is provisional and its subject to the Income and Asset certificate being verified through proper channel and if the verification reveals that the claim to belong to EWS is fake/false the services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provision of the Indian Penal Code for production of fake/false certificate. The Income and Asset Certificate (Annexure-III) issued by any one of the authorities mentioned in the prescribed format as given in Annexure-III shall only be accepted as proof of candidate’s claim as belonging to EWS.
15. Applicants applying for the post(s) reserved for OBC, should submit an self-attested copy of valid caste certificate specifically mentioning Creamy Layer-exclusion in the format prescribed by Govt. of India, issued by competent authority, vide Column 3 of GOI Dept. of Personnel and Training O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8.9.1993 and modified vide DoPT's O.M. No. 36033/3/2004-Estt.(Res) dated 9.3.2004, subsequently revised vide O.M. No.36033/3/2004-Estt.(Res) dated 14.10.2008. The Caste Certificate must be in the format as prescribed by the Govt. of India vide OM No. 36036/2/2013- Estt (Res.) dated 30/05/2014.
16. The person with Degree of Disability of 40% and above are eligible for applying for the PwBD. Proof to this effect, must be enclosed with the application as per Annexure - IV-I, IVII, IV-III (which ever applicable) without which the application will be treated as 'General (unreserved)'. Applicants seeking reservation under SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/EWS category are required to submit certificate in the prescribed format and duly countersigned by the competent authority of Government of India, Department of Personnel and Trainings. Socially
17. and Educationally Backward Class (SEBC) Applicants will be considered as OBC only if they submit the required creamy layer certificates in the above mentioned format. Further, they shall submit the declaration given in the application form.
18. Applicants already in service must submit a NOC from their employer and forward their applications (hard copy) through proper channel. In case the applicants are in service and delay is expected in getting endorsement of the employer concerned on the original application, the applicants may submit an advance copy of the application along with all enclosures directly (with or without the employer's endorsement on the advance copy). If the original application through proper channel has not been received by the Institute by the last date mentioned in this employment notification, the applicants will have to submit a 'NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE' along with Vigilance Clearance Certificate in a sealed cover from his/her employer to the Institute at the time of interview. (Annexure VI)
19. Canvassing in any form on behalf of or by any applicant will disqualify him/her from being considered for post.
20. All the appointees including the in-service candidates shall be governed by the New Pension Scheme (NPS) introduced by Govt. of India.
21. The Institute reserves the right to: (a) Withdraw the advertisement either partly or wholly at any time without assigning any reason to this effect. (b) Fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever (c) Increase/decrease the number of posts without giving any reason. (d) Any edition/deletion and changes in matter of terms and conditions given in this notification of recruitment. (e) Hold Written Test, Skill/Trade Test, Presentation and/or Interview for selection, whenever circumstances so warrant; Candidates are advised to visit the Website regularly. No separate call letter will be sent but only e-mail communication will be sent.
22. A Candidate’s admission to the Written Test/Interview and subsequent process is strictly provisional. The mere fact that the call letter(s)/has been issued to the candidate does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the NIPER-A. The NIPER-A would be free to reject any application, at any stage of the process, cancel the candidature of the candidate in case it is detected at any stage that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/Certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s). If any of these shortcomings is/are detected after appointment in the NIPER-A, their services are liable to be summarily terminated.
23. Request for change of mailing address or e-mail address during the process of recruitment will not be entertained under any circumstances.The Institute will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail, loss of any communication due to wrong address provided by the candidates.
24. Applicants shall have to produce original testimonials at the time of Test / interview, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in Test / interview.
25. Selection committee reserve the rights to give higher initial pay and position to exceptionally qualified and deserving selected applicants.
26. Applicants have to pay a non-refundable application fees of Rs.1000 for Pay Level 8 and above and Rs.500 for Pay Level 7 and below. Persons from the SC, ST, PWD, Ex- Servicemen categories are not required to pay application fee. Submitting the application form and paying fee should be done only through the online process; please visit Institute’s website ( for the same. After submission of application and payment of fee, a PDF will be generated of the completed form and fees receipt. Applicants are required to print hardcopy of application form and fee receipt, sign and send the same along with all self-attested relevant supporting documents by post to NIPER-Ahmedabad. In case of any corrigendum/addendum pertaining to this advertisement, the same shall be
27. published in the Institute’s website only. Accordingly, all applicants in their own interests are advised to regularly visit the Institute’s website They should also regularly check their email account for updates.
28. No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview / Test. However, for outstation SC/ST/PwBD candidates’ second-class single railway to and fro fare on shortest route will be reimbursed after attending the interview. This is not admissible to SC/ST/PwBD candidates who are already employed in the Central/ State Government services/Autonomous bodies, etc.
29. Call letters and other correspondence for attending the interview, etc., will be sent only to the eligible candidates by email only.
30. After joining the service of the Institute, the persons will have to abide by the Rules, Regulations, Ordinances, Statutes and Act of the Institute applicable from time to time. He/She may be assigned any duty within or outside the Institute depending upon the exigency of the work. Fake/derecognised Institutions: Candidates, who have obtained degrees or diplomas or
31. certificates for various courses from any Institution declared fake/derecognised by the UGC/AICTE/PCI shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the posts advertised.
32. Relaxation of upper age limit for departmental candidates for all non-faculty positions as per norms for appointment by direct recruitment.
33. No interim correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from Applicants regarding conduct and result of test(s) and reasons for not being called for test(s).
34. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the Director NIPER-Ahmedabad in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, conduct of examination/ interview will be final and no query or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual or his/ her agency.
35. The character of a person for direct recruitment to the service must be such as to render him/her suitable in all respect for appointment to the service. Persons dismissed by the Union Government or by a State Government or by a Local Authority or a Government Corporation owned or controlled by the Central Government or State Government will be deemed to be ineligible for appointment.
36. No person shall be recruited unless he/she is in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect that is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his official duties. Before candidates recruited directly are finally approved for appointment to the Institute, he/she shall be required to produce a medical certificate of physical fitness from whom the appointing authority specifies.
37. Errors and omissions in notification and selection process are subject to corrections as per rules and regulations. Moreover, guidelines relating to recruitment rules shall be followed as per NIPER Act, 1998 and as amended from time to time.
Last date of Online Application & Payment of Fees : 18.09.2020 (up to 6.00 pm)
Last date of receipt of hard copy of online application at NIPER-A along with all enclosures. : 05.10.2020 (up to 5.00 pm)
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