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Job opening for Pharma Professionals at BIRAC - Govt of India | Salary upto Rs 2,30,000 pm

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Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) is a not-for-profit Section 8, Schedule B, Public Sector Enterprise, set up by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India as an Interface Agency to strengthen and empower the emerging Biotech enterprise to undertake strategic research and innovation, addressing nationally relevant product development needs.  BIRAC is a industry-academia interface and implements its mandate through a wide range of impact initiatives, be it providing access to risk capital through targeted funding, technology transfer, IP management and handholding schemes that help bring innovation excellence to the biotech firms and make them globally competitive. In its Five years of existence, BIRAC has initiated several schemes, networks and platforms that help to bridge the existing gaps in the industry-academia Innovation research and facilitate novel, high quality affordable products development through cutting edge technologies. BIRAC has initiated partnerships with several national and global partners to collaborate and deliver the salient features of its mandate.

Senior Manager (Technical) - Post Code TG-01

Scale of Pay: Rs. 70,000/- - 1,90,000/- plus 35% perks and 24% HRA.

Job Description: Responsible for Technical Management of projects.

Essential Qualification:
Ph.D in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Pharma / Agri / Plant Sciences from a recognized and reputed institute

Experience : Minimum 10 years of work experience with minimum 3 years of experience in a senior position with experience of Grant / Project Management.

Age Limit : 40 years

Key Responsibilities:
i. Work closely with experts to identify priorities and need based project
ii. Assist Head Technical for project appraisal and technical due diligence.
iii. Make detailed technical reports, analyze data and interpret results.
iv. Technical monitoring of all projects.
v. Evaluate the project specific technologies, project results, products and processes and define future strategies.
vi. Contribute to scientific analysis and understanding of the problem, gaps and required scientific intervention
vii. Supports the projects for product development regulatory approval process.
viii. Understand team objectives and cooperate and collaborate with others to achieve them
ix. Adhere to internal and external compliance responsibilities in a timely manner.

Deputy General Manager (Specialized Services) - Post Code IP-01

Scale of Pay: Rs. 90,000/- - 2,30,000/- plus 35% perks and 24% HRA.

Job Description: The Deputy General Manager position is a senior level position requiring interaction with individual innovators, start-ups, SMEs, academic institutions, research organizations and Government Departments / Ministries / Agencies to identify their inventions, protecting intellectual property rights emerging from such inventions and manage IPR, provide support for proof of concept, scale up / prototyping and helping technology transfer of such innovations. The Deputy General Manager is expected to develop business models to enhance revenue earning of BIRAC.

Essential Qualification:
Ph.D in Life Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Agri/ Plant Sciences from a recognized institute with working knowledge of patent searches and analysis and technology mapping.
MBA from a Premier / Institutes of repute with proven experience in Technology Management.

Desirable Qualification:
a. Excellent Communication & Networking skills and Experience in Business Development.

Experience : 16 years with minimum 6 years of experience in a Senior Management position in industry / academia institution / research organization / Govt. agency and having exposure to technology / IPR licensing and familiarity with regulatory functions and business analytics of product management.

Age Limit : 48 years

Key Responsibilities
i. Leading the Team on IP and Technology Transfer.
ii. End to end innovation management.
iii. Develop frameworks for BIRAC as knowledge partner, IP and Technology Management by providing specific specialized services that would outline BIRAC’s role.
iv. Conduct opportunities mapping of technology gaps and intellectual property sector wise.
v. Provide advisory services for licensing, acquisition and technology transfer
vi. Facilitate networking for Technology Transfer / Acquisition
vii. Provide advisory services / training in patent filing and registration.
viii. Leads analysis of patent policy of India in comparison to other countries.
ix. Working on business analytics of project support in terms of impact, absorption and delivery of technology.
x. Coordinate and facilitate revenue generation activities in BIRAC.

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Officer (Investment)  - Post Code IG-01

Scale of Pay: Rs. 40,000/- - 1,20,000/- plus 35% perks and 24% HRA

Job Description: Responsible for Management of Projects under different Investment Schemes.

Essential Qualification:
B.Tech / M.Sc in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Agri / Plant Sciences from a recognized and reputed institute.

Desirable Qualifications: M.Tech / Ph.D in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Agri / Plant Sciences / M.Tech from a recognized and reputed institute.

Experience : Minimum 2 years of work experience

Age Limit : 30 years

Key Responsibilities:
i. Assist Head Investment for project appraisal and technical due diligence.
ii. Make detailed technical reports, analyze data and interpret results.
iii. Technical monitoring and grant management of assigned projects / scheme.
iv. Evaluate the project specific technologies, project results, products and processes and define future strategies.
v. Contribute to scientific analysis and understanding of the problem, gaps and required scientific intervention
vi. Supports the projects for product development regulatory approval process.
vii. Understand team objectives and cooperate and collaborate with others to achieve them
viii. Adhere to internal and external compliance responsibilities in a timely manner.

The positions are under a Contract of Services initially for 4 years and thereafter based on performance renewed twice for five years and then for every 10 years or till superannuation. A very well designed Career Growth Plan has been developed which provides opportunities for career progression within bands and levels.

Employees of Central / State Govts and or other CPSEs should send a copy of their applications through proper channel to the following address:
Head (Admin. & HR)
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council
1st Floor, MTNL Building
9, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi-110003

Last Date for Application : September 23, 2019.

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