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Job openings for freshers Pharma professionals at Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility

Clinical research courses

Andhra University is not just one of the oldest educational institutions in the country, but is also the first to be conceived as a residential and teaching-cum-affiliating University, mainly devoted to post-graduate teaching and research. The people of the State have an emotional attachment to the institution, since it came into being after a prolonged and collective struggle of the Telugu elite for a University in the educationally backward northern Circars and Ceded districts of the erstwhile Madras Presidency

Post : Traineeship

Applications are invited from eligible candidates, for the following positions (purely temporary), sponsored by the DBT, New Delhi, for advanced research & training in Bioinformatics.

Applicants who have completed their Post Graduate degree in Bioinformatics or any other branch of Life Sciences, M. Pharm. with knowledge in Bioinformatics are eligible. Preference will be given to fresh candidates with experience in computational Bioinformatics tools/ related field/ handling of Bioinformatics software/ database development etc.

A monthly stipend of Rs. 8000/- (Consolidated) shall be awarded to the candidate of Traineeship and duration of the training will be for 6 months.

Applications on plain paper, stating the name, address, date of birth, educational qualifications and experiences, and Institute, along with attested photocopies of mark sheets and certificates, should be submitted to K. UMADEVI, Coordinator, BIF Programme, Department of Marine Living Resources, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam-530 003, Andhra Pradesh, on or before 30th September, 2018.

Applications must be sent through Email only to, by mentioning “Application for the Traineeship Position under DBT-BIF Programme” in the subject title. Applications received through post/by hand shall not be entertained.

Short-listed candidates will be intimated through their valid E-mail ID about the interview date & time. Candidates are required to appear for an interview, with all the necessary certificates in original along with a set of attested copies in the office of the Principal, AU College of Science & Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Selected candidates should be prepared to join immediately.

Conditions Apply:
• No TA & DA will be paid for attending the interview.
• The Centre reserves the right to fill or not to fill the positions (in category), depending on the qualifications/ credentials of the candidates applied etc.
• The appointment does not confer any entitlement or right over the job and will not be considered as University service.

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