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Career as Scientific Assistant-B (Pharmacist) in National Institute of Science Education and Research

Clinical research courses

National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) has been setup at Bhubaneswar by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India as a unique institution of its kind pursuing undergraduate and post-graduate education in sciences combined with frontline research. NISER is presently functioning from its own academic building situated within the campus of Institute of Physics in Bhubaneswar city. The main campus of NISER Bhubaneswar is under construction at Jatni in a sprawling 300 acres of land on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar. It will be a fully residential campus with all modern living amenities including children's school, health centre, banking facilities etc.
NISER invites applications from Indian citizens for the following Medical & Paramedical positions to be filled by direct recruitment on regular basis

Post: Scientific Assistant-B (Pharmacist)

No of Post 01

(i) HSC (10+2) with 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy granted by institution of the Central/State Govt. (ii) Should be registered as a “Pharmacist” under the Pharmacy Act. 1948.

Age: Not more than 30 years.

Job profile:
To dispense medicines prescribed by the Medical Officers, to maintain Pharmacy records, to indent medicines, summarisation, posting in the relevant stock registers, proper storage of the medicines needed for the use in the Pharmacy, to coordinate with drug Controller, to perform rotating shift duties including night shifts, to accompany patients referred to higher centre, to maintain the medical equipment in hospital for smooth functioning, and also to perform any other duties and responsibilities entrusted by the administration

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How to Apply:
i) Only ON-LINE applications are received. The applicants should apply online through the website (Link to Apply ONLINE appears on 20-Sep-2016 till 15-Nov-2016 midnight).
ii) The candidates have to pay application fee of Rs 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) in the shape of Bank Demand Draft only, drawn in favour of ‘FINANCE OFFICER, NISER’ and payable at Bhubaneswar. Application fee is exempted for the women/SC/ST/PWD candidates.
iii) Before applying the candidate should ensure that he/she is fulfilling all the requisite qualification and experience.
iv) The candidate should have a valid email id for applying.
v) The candidate should keep the following items ready before going for apply. a) Soft copy (JPG file) of passport size photograph of the candidate
. b) Scanned copy of signature of the candidate c) Demand draft of requite value.
vi) After final submission of application the candidate should take printout of the online application form and send it to the following address on or before 21st November 2016 through Registered/Speed post only with the DD and self attested photocopies of certificates providing his/her age, qualification and experience. The envelope containing the application should be superscripted as “Application for the post of ________” and advertisement No. FA-Rct./NA/02-2016.
vii) The application form complete in all respect along with DD and self attested copies of relevant certificates in support of educational qualifications, age, caste and experience etc. must reach in the sealed envelope to the “Recruitment Cell” at the address given below. In any case NISER will not be responsible for any postal delay
National Institute of Science Education & Research,
Institute of Physics Campus,
Sachivalaya Marg, P.O. : Sainik School,
Bhubaneswar - 751005, Orissa, India

Advt. No.: Estt./Rct.-NA/02-2016

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