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Online applications are invited for post of JRF at ICMR-NARI

Clinical research courses

Online applications are invited for post of JRF at ICMR-NARI

ICMR-NARI is located at Bhosari, Pune on a seven acre plot. Since its inception the Institute has ably supported the National AIDS Control Programme, especially in the areas of surveillance, capacity building, laboratory services and drug resistance studies. ICMR-NARI derives strength from wide ranging National and International Collaborations.  The Institute's research activities are guided by a Scientific Advisory Committee which includes eminent scientists from varied disciplines. All research projects are reviewed and approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee, which ensures that a research activities are conducted maintaining highest ethical standards. Community involvement and community participation in the studies have always been followed as core principal from the conception of new ideas to implementation and final dissemination of results.

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Online applications are invited through the online system on the ICMR-NARI website up to 04.11.2022 for the following post under the project entitled, “Role of Toll-like receptors in HIV Latency: An approach to ‘Reactivate and Eliminate’ the latently infected cells”. The post is purely temporary basis. In case of OBC, Non-creamy layer certificate from the competent authority empowered to issue such certificate.

Age : Up to 28 Years
Duration : 6 months extendable upto 1 year

Essential Qualification : Post Graduate degree in Life Science OR graduate/ post graduate degree in professional course selected through a process described through any one of the following: a. Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Test (NET) – CSIR UGC Net including lectureship and GATE b. The selection process through National level examinations conducted by central govt. departments and their agencies and institutions such as DST, DBT, DAE, DOS, DRDO, MHRD, ICAR, ICMR, IIT, IISc, IISER etc
Desirable Qualification : Laboratory experience in one or more of the following:
• Molecular biology techniques (like RNA/DNA extraction, PCR)
• Tissue culture
• PBMC isolation from whole blood & Cell separation
• Immunological assays (Flow cytometry, ELISA etc)

Job Requirement :
•  Processing of blood samples, carrying out laboratory assays including (but not limited to) flow cytometry, RNA extraction, Real time PCR, etc.
•  Maintenance of cell lines
•  Data analysis & interpretation
•  Writing manuscripts & reports
•  Keeping appropriate laboratory records of the laboratory assays.
•  Assist the PI in project managemen
Consolidated Salary : Rs. 31000/- + 24% HRA Per month

Age Concession : Age concession to the extent of service rendered in other research projects will be admissible for experienced and skilled persons. Government servants should apply through proper channel or enclose `No Objection Certificate’ from the present office/employer along with their application. Any canvassing by on behalf of the candidates or bringing political or other influence with regards to the selection shall be considered as a disqualification. The selected candidate should be willing to join immediately. Local candidates will be given preference. Director, ICMR-NARI reserves the right to shortlist the candidates to be interviewed. The appointing authority has the right to accept/reject any application without assigning any reason(s) and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained

The Date for Personal discussion via Skype/ video call will be confirmed to the shortlisted candidates through phone or email.

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