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Job for Research Associate, Junior Research Fellow, Project Assistant, Senior Research Fellow at NABI - M.Pharm / M.Sc

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National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) is an autonomous Institute under Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. NABI aims at catalysing the transformation of Agri-food sector in India by being a nodal organization for knowledge generation and translational science leading to value-added products based on Agri-Food biotech innovations for improved household nutritional security. Since its inception in 2010, NABI is involved in research activities for the Bio fortification, development of designer crops for improved nutrition, providing sustainable and novel solutions towards quality food and nutrition, and development of evidence based functional foods to counter malnutrition. Food and nutritional Biotechnology division at NABI requires following research personnel purely on temporary basis.

Research Associate for Improvement of nutritional and processing quality in Wheat (01 Position)

Job profile:-
1. RA will be responsible for nutritional enhancement of wheat by Bio fortification based strategies.
2. RA will be responsible for biochemical and agronomic studies on colored wheat.
3. RA will be responsible for outreach activities and public awareness generation.

Essential Qualifications:-
PhD/MD/MS/MDS or equivalent degree in Life Sciences or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/ M.Pharm/ME/M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI) journal. (Eligibility criteria as DST OM No.SR/S9/Z-09/2012 dated 21.10.2014).

Desirable qualifications:- 1 Research experience in plant breeding, crop, storage and extension activities or proximate analysis of food products. Experience in outreach activities.

Emoluments:- The RA will be hired as per the emoluments’ guidelines and service conditions notified by DST (DST OM No.SR/S9/Z-09/2012 dated 21.10.2014).

Age Limit:- The age limit of applicants for RA will be 40 years as on date of interview. (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/women as per government of India instructions).

Project Investigator:- Dr. Monika Garg, Scientist D email:-

Duration for RA position
The research associate-ship is a purely temporary assignment and is tenable for a period of two years.

* FOR RA Candidates who have submitted Ph.D. thesis and are waiting for viva voce may also apply (For such candidates, fellowship amount will be that of an SRF until he/she submit completion of PhD certificate.)

Research Associate-1 for Food Trial Research (01 Position)

Job profile:-
1. RA will be responsible to develop linkages between Food and Nutritional Biotechnology division of NABI and clinical/human nutrition institutes in Tricity region.
2. RA will be responsible to develop guidelines for conducting food trials and their successful execution in collaboration with clinical and human nutrition institute in Tricity region.
3. RA will be responsible for submitting and follow up of the applications for food trials to the respective Institutes.
4. RA will assess the possibility and will take steps towards developing food trial facility at NABI.

Essential qualifications:-
PhD/MD/MS/MDS or equivalent degree in Life Sciences or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/ M.Pharm/ME/M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCI) journal. (Eligibility criteria as DST OM No.SR/S9/Z-09/2012 dated 21.10.2014)

Desirable qualifications:-
1. Prior research experience of working with human samples for different measurements supported by peer reviewed publications.
2. Training in the area of clinical trial/food trial application submission.

Emoluments:- The RA-I will be hired as per the emoluments’ guidelines and service conditions notified by DST (DST OM No.SR/S9/Z-09/2012 dated 21.10.2014) (Rs. 36000/- per month plus HRA)

Age Limit:- The age limit of applicants for RA will be 40 years as on date of interview. (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/women as per government of India instructions).

Duration for RA position.
The research associate-ship is a purely temporary assignment and is tenable for a period of two years.

Project Investigator:- Dr. Mahendra Bishnoi, Scientist D email:-

* FOR RA Candidates who have submitted Ph.D. thesis and are waiting for viva voce may also apply (For such candidates, fellowship amount will be that of an SRF until he/she submit completion of PhD certificate.)

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Junior Research Fellow for understanding the molecular mechanism/strategies for reduction in celiac disease-causing epitopes in wheat. (01 Position )

Emoluments:- Rs 25000/- Per month Plus HRA/ Hostel .

Essential qualifications:- Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science with NET qualification or Graduate Degree in Professional Course with NET qualification or Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course. The JRF will be hired as per the emoluments’ guidelines and service conditions notified by DST (DST OM No.SR/S9/Z-09/2012 dated 21.10.2014).

Age limit:- The age limit of Junior Research Fellow is 28 years as on date of the interview. Age relaxation will be as govt of India instructions.

Project Investigator:- Dr. Monika Garg, Scientist D email:-

Project Assistant-II for “Genomics assisted synthetic hexaploid wheat gene isolation and pre breeding platform for improvement of heat tolerance and sustainable production”(GAP-15) (01 Position)

Emoluments:- Rs 8000/- Per month fixed. Essential qualifications:- Ist Class M.Sc/B.E/B.Tech. in any branch of life sciences

Desirable qualifications:- Preference will be given to candidates having qualification in any of the National Exams, good academic record, and research experience.

Age: 28 years (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/PD as per GOI instructions)

Duration: The appointment will be till 13th April, 2019 or till the termination of the project whichever is earlier.

Project Investigator:- Dr. Monika Garg, Scientist D email:-

Project Assistant-II for “Genome and transcriptome sequencing of aromatic rices from North Eastern Region”(GAP-17) (01 Position)

Emoluments:- Rs 8000/- Per month fixed.

Essential qualifications:- Ist Class M.Sc/B.E/B.Tech. in any branch of life sciences

Desirable qualifications:- Preference will be given to candidates having qualification in any of the National Exams, good academic record, and research experience.

Age: 28 years (Relaxation is admissible in case of SC/ST/OBC/PD as per GOI instructions)

Duration: The appointment will be till 18th October, 2019 or till the termination of the project whichever is earlier.

Contact:- Dr. Joy K Roy, Scientist E email:-

Senior Research Fellow in project utilizing genome editing tools for nutritional improvement in wheat (01 Position )

Emoluments: Rs 28000/- Per month Plus HRA as applicable in project / Hostel.

Essential qualifications: Post Graduate Degree in Basic Science with NET qualification or Graduate Degree in Professional Course with NET qualification or Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course. The SRFs will be hired as per the emoluments’ guidelines and service conditions notified by DST (DST OM No.SR/S9/Z-09/2012 dated 21.10.2014).

Age limit: The age limit of Senior Research Fellow is 32 years as on date of the interview. Age relaxation will be as govt of India instructions.

Duration: The appointment will be till 16th June, 2020 or till the termination of the project whichever is earlier.

Project Investigator:- Dr. Siddharth Tiwari, Scientist D email:-

Application and Selection Process:-
All interested candidates may appear for Walk-In Interview at National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute located at Knowledge City Sector-81, Mohali 140306 on 30th October, 2018 at 0900 hrs (Tuesday) along-with duly filled Application form (Mandatory) available on the below link. The duly filled application form must be submitted at the time of registration at NABI from 0900 hrs to 1100 hrs on 30th October, 2018. The candidates must ascertain their eligibility before applying, as ineligible candidates will not be interviewed. All the candidates are requested to appear for the interview with full CV, thesis/project report, publications and original degree certificates and transcripts. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview. Canvassing in any form or bringing influence, political or otherwise, will lead to disqualification of the candidate(s).

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI)
Sector-81, Knowledge City, Manauli P.O, S.A.S. Nagar-140306, Punjab, India

Application Form>>

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