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Job for Research Associate, Junior Research Fellow at IIIM - pharma professionals can apply

Clinical research courses

Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM) is a national Institute of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) of India, with primary focus of research on drug discovery from natural products (medicinal plants and microbial species). IIIM is a multi-disciplinary organization encompassing the natural products chemistry, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, biotechnology and botanical sciences.

Research Associate
Essential Qualification: Ph.D in Microbiology / Biochemistry/ Pharmacology/ Biotechnology/ Zoology/ Botany/ Life Sciences any branch or equivalent.
Desirable qualification : Experience in tuberculosis drug discovery and actionomycete research
Stipend Per Month :  36000+HRA

Junior Research Fellow
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Microbiology / Biochemistry / Pharmacology / Biotechnology / Zoology / Botany / Life Sciences any branch or equivalent with at least 55% marks.
Desirable qualification: Experience in tuberculosis drug discovery and actionomycete research
Stipend Per Month :  25000+HRA

NOTE: The Upper Age Limit is 35 years for Position (Code 01) and 30 years for Position (Code 02) as on the date of Walk-in-Interview.

TENURE OF THE POSITIONS(CODE 01 & 02): Upto the tenure of the aforesaid DBT sponsored project

Date of Walk-in-Interview : 04.10.2018 (Thursday)
Time : 10.00 A.M.

1) Age relaxation for SCs/STs/OBCs/PWDs candidates as per GOI/CSIR Instructions
2) Age relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from their Husbands, who are not remarried, as per GOI/CSIR provisions.
3) Age relaxation in the upper age limit of 5 years is also applicable for persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of J&K during the period of 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 subject to production of DOMICILE CERTIFICATE from the concerned District Magistrate in the J&K within whose jurisdiction he/she had ordinarily been resided or from any other authority designated in this behalf by the Govt. of J&K to the effect that he/she had ordinarily been domiciled in the J&K during the period of 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989.
4) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/J&K Domicile etc. should bring copies of certificates in the proper format issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest instructions issued on the subject.
5) Eligible candidates can attend the Walk-in-Interview along with complete bio-data in the prescribed application form (to be downloaded from the CSIR-IIIM Website attached with the advertisement) duly filled-up and signed and enclosing therewith self attested photocopies of certificates/testimonials in support of Date of birth, Educational Qualification, Experience, Caste, Domicile Certificate etc. and one latest passport size photograph duly affixed at the appropriate place in the application form. Tentative Mark sheets/Certificates and ‘RESULT AWAITED’ will not be considered.
6) Candidates must also bring original certificates/testimonials along with them, for counter verification of the enclosed photocopies with the submitted application form.
7) Eligible candidates are requested to be present at the venue on the said date ONE HOUR BEFORE the scheduled time of interview [i.e. Candidates are supposed to arrive at the venue of interview ON OR BEFORE 9.00 A.M.] for necessary verification of documents. Candidates will not be entertained after 10.00 A.M. under any circumstance.
8) Mode of Selection: Through Interview. However, if large number of candidates turn up, a Screening test comprising of Multiple Choice Objective Questions (MCQs) will be held for short listing the candidates for interview. The short listed candidates will be interviewed by the Selection Committee and, based on the performance in the interview; a panel of recommended candidates will be formed. The panel shall be utilized as and when the requirement arises in the projects in the relevant field/area. Candidates have the option to interact in Hindi/English before the committee. In case turning up of large number of candidates, interview may continue for next day.
9) The positions are purely temporary on contract basis and co-terminus with the DBT Sponsored project.
10) In case the final certificates reflect CGPA/SGPA/OGPA Grades etc., in that case the candidate should convert the same into equivalent percentage as per the approved formula of the university in the application and a copy of such conversion formula must be attached along with the application.
11) HRA will be applicable as per availability of funds in the respective project.
12) To avoid any inconvenience, only those candidates who strictly fulfill the eligibility criteria and possess the degrees/mark sheets in the aforesaid subject should turn up for walk in interview.
13) Application Form can be downloaded from below link and submitted duly filled on the day of interview between 9.00 A.M. to 10.00 A.M.




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