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Applications are invited for Pharmacist in Health Medical & Family Welfare Department at APVVP



Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from qualified and eligible candidates for filling up of the post of Pharmacist, initially for a period of One year and likely to be extend in various institutions in Health Medical & Family Welfare Department, Govt, of AP under NHM schemes.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 01

Remuneration : Rs. 19019/-

Requisite Qualifications :  Passed SSC & D.Pharmacy/inter vocational course Regd. In AP Pharmacy and AP Paramedical council.

Age Limit: The Minimum age 18 years and the Maximum age is 44 years.
The minimum and maximum age shall reckoned as 01.09.2018 with the following relaxations allowed for reckoning the maximum age limit as per rules :
1) 5 years relaxation to BC,SC,& ST Candidates
2) 10 years relaxation to Disabled persons up to a maximum for 45 years.

1) As per the existing provision, if any suitable candidate is not available in a particulars roaster point, vacancy may be allotted to the next roaster point to suit the candidate instead of going for 2nd notification.
2) It is informed that the notified vacancies may increase / decrease and the prepared merit list will be operated for the next one year to fill up the future and arising vacancies. Hence the candidates from all categories can apply irrespective of roaster points.
3) Already working on contract basis in various schemes appointed by the DCHS & DM&HO, Vizianagaram are not eligible for the above posts. If applied, the applications shall be rejected.

How to Apply :
a) Candidates shall submit their application form in enclosed format along with enclosures to the DCHS, Vizianagaram on or before last date of submission.
b) All application covers should be super scribed on right top corner as follows : Contract basis Recruitment - 2018 - Application for the Post of
c) The following documents are to be submitted in the following order only.
1. Filled in Application Form
2. Attested copy of SSC marks memo (or) equivalent certificate
3. Attested copies for Doctors P.G. / Diploma, MBBS Degree of all years and provisional certificates, internship certificate and permanent registration of APMC council
4. Attested copies for Nursing posts B.Sc Degree/ GNM Marks Memos of all years and provisional certificates, internship certificate and permanent registration of Nursing council and lyear experience in ICU at NABH Accredation Hospitals only
5. Attested copy of latest caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/BC)
6. Attested copies of study certificates from IV to X where the candidates studied
7. Attested copy of latest differential abled certificate (if applicable) / Ex-serviceman
8. Attested copy of D.Pharmacy/inter vocational course Regd. In AP Pharmacy and AP Para-medical council for Pharmacist post.Attested copy of possessing in First Aid Certificate with 2yrs experience supported by certificate from any Nursing Home of AP for Theatre Asst, post for MNO post, Attested copy of passed 7th class from a recog. School and must have put in a experience of 5yrs in any recoq. hospital

i) if attested copies of caste certificate / differential abled certificate
/ Ex- servicemen are not enclosed, the candidate will be treated under OC
ii) if the certificate copy of Residence of the study certificate is not enclosed the candidates will be treated as Non-Local.
iii) If attested copies of the above are not enclosed, the application will be summarily rejected.
iv) Applications shall be submitted in the format enclosed to these guidelines only.

The candidate selected and appointed on contract basis shall not be regarded as a member of the service in which the post to which he/she is appointed, is included, and shall not be entitled by reason only of such appointment, to any preferential right to any other appointment in that or any other service. The department or the person may revoke the contractual appointment or discontinue the contract by giving one month's notice in writing on either side. This contract would automatically cease to operate on lapse of contract period and both parties will be discharged of their respective obligations and liabilities without any formal communication.

Last date for of receipt of applications : 04-10-2018


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