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Recruitment for M.Pharm, M.Sc to work in research project at Uttarakhand Ayurved University

Clinical research courses

Uttarakhand Ayurved University was established by the Government of Uttarakhand vide Uttarakhand Ayurved University Act, 2009 for the purpose of ensuring, effective and systematic instructions, teaching, training, research and development in ayurved.

Applications on prescribed format arc invited from eligible candidates for the following temporary positions in a NMPB-funded research project entitled “Exploring plant-derived SGLT2 inhibitors to treat type-2 diabetes and unravelling their structure-activity relationship” (Grant No. Z. 18017/187/CSS/R&D/ UK-01/2017-I8-NMPB-1V A) to be supervised by Dr. D.K. Semwal (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Ashutosh Chauhan (Co-Investigator).

Post : Junior Research Fellow

Emolument per month: Rs. 25000+HRA for Erst 2 years and 28000+HRA for third year

Essential Qualification: Master degree in Organic Chemistry/ Medicinal Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmacognosy with at least 60% marks or equivalent in a CGPA format. (1) Two years research experience in the relevant Eeld (i.e. Molecular Biology/ Cell Culture/ Animal handling/ Pharmacology/ Phytochemistry) supported by publications in SCI-indexed Journals; (2) Qualification of NET/ GATE/ GPAT or equivalent National level test; (3) Good computer skills in software, hardware and networking.


Note: The candidate without research experience (after PG) will be given-a consolidated -fellowship of Rs. 22000 p.m. whereas with one year of research experience (after PG) will be given a consolidated fellowship of Rs. 24000 p.m. After two years’ experience, the fellow will be given Rs. 25000+HRA p.m.

1. Upper age limit on the date of interview should be 30 years; age relaxation of 5 years can be given to highly deserving candidate.
2. The total duration of project is 3 years and the positions are purely temporary on contractual basis coterminus with project. The renewal of yearly contract is subjected to satisfactory performance of candidate.
3. Academic/ experience certificates, thesis, publication/ NOC from the previous employer etc. along with a set of self-attested copies of the certificates/ testimonials must be brought along with at the time of interview.
4. The interview of the shortlisted candidates will be held at Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Harrawala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand on 10 November at 11.00 am onwards.
5. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification
6. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate appearing for the interview.

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