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Walk in interview for Research Assistant, Senior Research Fellow in Regional Medical Researcch Centre for Tribals - ICMR

Clinical research courses

The Council's Regional Medical Research Centre for Tribals started functioning in 1984, at Jabalpur, from three rooms in Medical College with a handful of staff. The centre continued functioning from Medical college till 1990 to address mainly to the study of the health and nutritional problems of the tribal populations, including nutritional disorders, common communicable diseases, environmental health problems, etc.  The State Health has utilized the expertise of the scientists in planning, monitoring and evaluation of tribal health and other developmental programs in tribal areas of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and also in training health functionaries of these states. This Centre is also attempting simultaneously to estimate the magnitude of health problems posed by other common diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, diarrhoea, filariasis, venereal diseases, poliomyelitis, measles, etc. Further, the Centre also studies the blood groups, abnormal haemoglobins and other genetic health problems to stratify areas and to suggest control measures including interventions. Socio-economic, demographic and cultural profile of the tribal population gives an insight about how they play an important role in complicating and enhancing the magnitude of the problem. The centre was shifted to the main building of RMRCT in April 2002 and now establishing laboratories for Molecular Genetics, Immunology, Microbiology and Clinical Epidemiology in full swing.

Post: Research Assistant, Senior Research Fellow

A. Project: “ Bionomics of malaria vectors and their sibling species and to establish their role in malaria transmission under RMRCT, Jabalpur for period of one year.

Research Assistant (One  post)
Essential qualification: Post Graduate degree in life Science/ Biotechnology/ Bio-chemistry/ Microbiology.
Desirable qualification: Experience in Molecular techniques such as PCR, Sequencing. Knowledge of Bio-informatics, Proficiency in Computers.
Age: Below 28 Years. Age will be relax able to SC/ST/OBC/PWDs Candidates as per rules.
Consolidated monthly pay in Rs.: Rs 23,220/- .
Work Responsibility: Will be responsible for field and laboratory based work or any other work assigned by the Principal Investigator. Job involves Research in tribal areas of  Chhattisgarh.
Date, time & Place of walk-in -interview: 11/11/2014 at 11:00…AM RMRCT Campus, Jabalpur

B. Project: “Analysis of in vivo transcriptome of plasmodium falciprum from Indian patients suffering from cerebral malaria and its comparison with that from Patient Infected severe malaria (with MOD symptoms) at RMRCT, Jabalpur.” – Period of One year

Senior Research  Fellow- one post
Essential qualification: M.Sc. in life Science/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology /Bio-chemistry with minimum two years Research experience.
Desirable qualification: Experience in Molecular/ Immunological techniques such as PCR, DNA Sequencing and ELISA. Knowledge in data analysis software’s.  Proficiency in Computer
Age: 35 Years.  Age will be  relaxable to SC/ST/OBC/PWDs Candidates as per rules.
Consolidated monthly pay in Rs.: Rs. 18,000/-pm  +  20% HRA
Work Responsibility: Will be responsible for field and laboratory work related to the project. Job involves research in the endemic areas of the States of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh.
Date, time & Place of walk-in -interview: 11/11/2014 at 11:00…AM RMRCT (ICMR) Campus, Jabalpur

General Conditions:
The posts are purely temporary and co-terminable with the project. Preference will be given to the candidates having higher qualification and work experience. The selected candidates will have no claim for regular appointment under ICMR. No TA/DA will be paid for attending interview. Age may also be relaxed in deserving cases.

Candidate who wish to appear for the walk-in-interview can download the application format given in the website of ICMR ( and  RMRCT ( Duly filled in application along-with copies of certificate should be submitted at the time of interview. Late entry will not be considered.

JABALPUR (M.P.)-482003


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