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Job for Pharma and Life Sciences candidates at CDRI

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Job for Pharma and Life Sciences candidates at CDRI

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, a premier Institute under Council of   Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), is involved in multidisciplinary R&D programs of both basic and applied nature. CSIR-CDRI is a pioneer biomedical research organization in India and has the infrastructure and expertise to develop a drug from concept to commercialization. In the year 2012, CSIR-CDRI shifted to its state of the art new campus, which has been set up with a vision to serve as a Nodal Center of CSIR in new drug discovery and development.

Part-I Online Interview & Part-II Walk-in-interview for engagement of Project Staff under different Projects are to be held in CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow. Dates of Online Interview will be informed separately while Part-II Walk-In-Interview will be held on 20.11.2024 (For Position Code No. 01 to 04, Area of Life Sciences) and 21.11.2024 (For Position Code No. 05 to 06, Area of Chemical Sciences) from 09:00 am onwards as per the details given below

Part-I : Mode of engagement:- Online Interview (Last date of filling up Application Form is 18.11.2024 till 5:00 pm) The date for determining age/qualification and experience shall be 18.11.2024 for online mode.
Project Associate (PAT-I) (01 Position)
Essential qualifications : Masters/Integrated Masters in Animal/Life /Biological/Allied Life Sciences
Desirable qualifications :  Experience in mammalian Cell culture, minimum 4-6 months M.Sc. Dissertation.
Stipend : (a) Rs. 31,000/- + 18% HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIR- UGC/ICAR/ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions. (b) 25,000+18%HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above.
Upper Age limit : 35 years
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR (MLP2035) “Understanding the mechanism of osteopenia and aberrant bone formation, and discovery of new targets for skeletal medicine (Osteo Target)” Tenure up to – 31.03.2025
Project Associate-I (01 Position)
Essential qualifications : Masters in Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry from a recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable qualifications : Candidates having Ph.D. or 2 years experience in Natural Product/ Synthetic organic chemistry.
Stipend : (a) Rs. 31,000/- + 18% HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIR- UGC/ICAR/ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions. (b) 25,000+18%HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above.
Upper Age limit : 35 years
Title & Tenure of the project : NIPER, Kolkata (GAP0430) “Centre for Marine Therapeutics” Tenure up to – 31.03.2028

Part-II: Mode of engagement: - Walk-In-Interview Please Note that Walk-In-Interview for Position Code 01 to 04 will be held on dated 20.11.2024 
Project Associate (PAT-I) (01 Position)
Essential qualifications : Masters in Life Sciences
Desirable qualifications : Experience in Molecular biology, biochemistry, parasitic culture.
Stipend : (a) Rs. 31,000/- + 18% HRA for those candidate who have qualified CSIR- UGC/ICAR/ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions. (b) 25,000+18% HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above.
Upper Age limit : 35 years
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR (MLP2031) “Chemical biology approaches towards dissecting non-canonical protein functions and novel targets in Malaria, Leishmania and Filaria parasites” Tenure up to – 31.03.2025
Project Associate (PAT-I) (01 Position)
Essential qualifications : M.Sc. in area of Biological sciences OR Bioinformatics
Desirable qualifications : 6 Months working experience in biological sciences laboratory.
Stipend : (a) Rs. 31,000/- + 20% HRA for those candidate who have qualified CSIR- UGC/ICAR/ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions. (b) Rs. 25,000+20% HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above.
Upper Age limit : 35 years
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR (MMP075202) “A Comprehensive Approach to Address Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)” Tenure up to – 31.03.2027
Project Associate-II (01 Position)
Essential qualifications : Masters in Life/Biological/Allied life Sciences and 2 years experience in research and development in academic/industrial institutions.
Desirable qualifications : Experience in mammalian Cell culture, protein expression and purification.
Stipend : i) Rs. 35,000/- + 16% HRA to Scholars who are (a) National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC NET including (assistant professorship) or Gate or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and institutions. Rs. 28,000+16% HRA for others who do not fall under (i) above.
Upper Age limit : 35 years
Title & Tenure of the project : SERB, DST (GAP0468) “Understanding the role of PIM kinases in regulating sclerostin expression, secretion and function: Hunt for an alternate target for the treatment of osteoporosis.” Tenure up to – 20.05.2027
Project Associate-II (01 Position)
Essential qualifications : Masters degree in any stream of Life Sciences along with NET/GATE & two years of research experience.
Desirable qualifications : Acquainted with Animal Handling & Molecular Techniques
Stipend : 35,000/- +18% HRA
Upper Age limit : 35 years
Title & Tenure of the project : DBT (GAP0474) “Preclinical Development and Scientific Validation of Putranjiva Seeds for Female Pro-fertility.” Tenure upto: 24.06.2027

for Position Code 05 to 06 on dated 21.11.2024.
Project Assistant-II (PA-II) (01 Position)
Essential qualifications : B.Sc. in Chemical Sciences
Desirable qualifications : Some experience of working in laboratory
Stipend : Rs. 20000 + 18% HRA
Upper Age limit : 35 years
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR NWP0100 (Phase II) “CSIR Integrated Skill Initiative-Phase II.” Tenure up to – 31.03.2025
Project Associate (PAT-I) (01 Position)
Essential qualifications : Masters/Integrated Masters in Chemical Sciences/Chemistry
Desirable qualifications : Experience in Organic Synthesis
Stipend : (a) Rs. 31,000/- + 18% HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIR- UGC/ICAR/ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE OR those who have qualified National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments like DBT/DST or equivalent and/or their Agencies/Institutions. (b) 25,000+18%HRA for others who do not fall under (a) above.
Upper Age limit : 35 years
Title & Tenure of the project : CSIR (HCP0050) “Active Pharmaceutical ingredients for Affordable Health Care [API-AHC].” Tenure upto : 31.03.2025

Timing:- Eligible candidates are required to report for the Walk-In-Interview on 20-11-2024 (For Position Code No. 01 to 04, Area of Life Sciences) and on 21-11-2024 (For Position Code No. 05 to 06, Area of Chemical Sciences) from 09:00 am onwards. Candidates reporting after 10:00 A.M will not be entertained. The eligible candidates may appear before the Selection Committee for interview on the date and time mentioned above at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226031. Eligible candidates must bring with them a duly filled application & undertaking (which can be downloaded from our website with original & self attested copies of mark sheets/certificates etc. along with a recent passport size photograph. Tentative mark sheets/certificates and ‘result awaited’ will not be considered. Any experience certificate to project personnel shall be issued by the Administration of the concerned Laboratory/Institute. However, any other recommendation letter of reference letter shall be issued by the Principal Investigator/Project Leader in all cases Project Manager and such letter shall not commit on any administrative aspects. For project Manager, such recommendation or reference letter shall be issued by the Director/Head of the Laboratory/Institute

(a)  Project personnel engaged as per these guidelines shall be eligible to medical facilities at CSIR dispensaries of the institute, to the extent of consultation and/or available medicines at the dispensary and transport facilities, if any, as per the term and conditions with which it is provided by the Institute.
(b) Project personnel engaged in the projects may be covered under Group Medical Insurance Scheme, subject to their willingness, for which the cost shall be borne by the individual concerned. 
(c) Women project personnel shall be eligible for maternity leave of 180 days and the male project personnel shall be eligible for paternity leave of 15 days only in case of two surviving children as per CSIR norms. Further, the Project Staff shall be paid the stipend for the period of aforesaid leave only after re-joining the office after availing such leave and submission of relevant medical reports/documents. 
(d) The project personnel are entitled to avail leaves as per extant rules of CSIR i.e., 12 days of leave (at the rate of one day leave per month). Any leave availed beyond this shall be without emoluments calculated pro-rata. 
(e) The project personnel may be allowed to register for higher degree (i.e., Ph.D) as per the policy of the Institute, if they fulfill all the requirements laid down for such purposes, provided that the project duration is at least 3 years or more, apart from any other conditions laid down by the concerned Institute/Laboratory. The permission to register for PhD is subject to the condition that the work of the project is not affected and it will be without any financial obligation to CSIR/Project. The tenure of the project personnel shall not be extended merely on the ground that he/she has not completed the Ph.D.

General Conditions
1. The relaxation in the age limit for the candidates belonging to the category of SC/ST/PwBD/Women and the Category of OBC shall be 05 years and 03 years respectively or as per Govt. of India instructions issued in this regard from time to time. 
2. Candidates may be empaneled for future requirement if any, under different projects. 
3. The date for determining age/qualification and experience shall be the date of interview. 
4. The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the aforementioned projects. The engagement in these projects will not confer any right implicit or explicit on the candidate for consideration for higher degree or regularization permanent employment against any CSIR- CDRI post(s). 
5. The number of positions against the various projects/Scheme can vary at the time of selection depending on the requirement of the institute. 
6. Position Code will be cancelled if funds are not available in the advertised concerned projects
7. The Director, CSIR-CDRI has discretion to increase or decrease the number of positions or cancel the recruitment process at any stage.
8. Interim queries will not be entertained.

No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
Note :- Candidates who fulfils the requisite qualification and age will be allowed to appear before the Selection Committee for interview. Written test in the subject area will be held, if required, to shortlist candidates for the interview on the same day depending upon the number of candidates. The interview may be continued for the subsequent days also, therefore candidates coming from outstations are requested to make their own arrangements accordingly.

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