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Job for Pharma Faculty at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

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Advertisement for Pharma Faculty at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University is a dynamic growth oriented organization established to facilitate and promote studies and research in emerging areas of higher education with focus on professional education. The University imparts education in the field of Engineering, Science, Technology, Humanities & Social Sciences etc. at Graduate, Post-Graduate, and Doctorate Level under its various Schools.

Online Applications are invited to fill-up the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor on Direct recruitment basis in various University Schools of Studies & Centre of Excellence in Pharmaceutical Sciences(CEPS) as per following details.

Specialization : Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmacology/ Pharmaceutical Analysis/ Pharmacognosy/Pharmaceutics
Post & No of posts : Professor (Academic Level 14) : 02 UR
Associate Professor (Academic Level 13A) : 02 UR
Assistant Professor (Academic Level 10) : 04 (03 UR, 01 OBC)

Qualifications and Experience
Professor : First Class B. Pharm. with Master s degree in Pharmacy (M. Pharm.) in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy or Pharm. D. (Qualification must be PCI recognized) With Ph.D. degree in any of Pharmacy subjects (Ph.D. Qualification must be PCI recognized) Essential: 10 years experience in teaching in PCI approved /recognized Pharmacy College or research experience out of which 5 years must be as Associate Professor in a PCI approved / recognized Pharmacy College.
Associate Professor : First Class B.Pharm with Master s degree in Pharmacy (M.Pharm) in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy (Qualification must be PCI recognized).
A PCI recognized Pharm.D degree holder shall also be eligible for the posts of Associate Professor in the subjects of pathophysiology, pharmacology and pharmacy practice.
Associate Professor shall acquire PCI recognized Ph. D. in any of Pharmacy subjects within 7 years to become eligible for the post of Professor.
Essential: 3 years experience in teaching research at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent in PCI approved Pharmacy College.
Assistant Professor : First Class B. Pharm With Master's degree in Pharmacy (M.Pharm) in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy or Pharm.D (Qualification must be PCI recognized).
A PCI recognized Pharm.D degree holder shall also be eligible for the posts of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the subjects of pathophysiology, pharmacology and pharmacy practice.
Essential : A lecturer will be re-designated as Assistant Professor after 2 years of teaching experience in PCI approved/recognized Pharmacy College.
Note:- The candidate should fulfill the requirements prescribed in the Schedule under “The Minimum qualification for Teachers in Pharmacy Institutions Regulations 2014” notified by Pharmacy Council of India vide Gazette notification no. 14-163/2010-PC1, Dt.l 1 Nov 2014.

Important Note
1. The candidate must be the citizen of the India.
2. The Number posts are indicative and may vary. The University reserves the right to fill or not to till any or all the posts advertised. No reason for the same shall be communicated.
3. Age relaxation, in respect of SC/ ST/ OBC/ Persons with benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)/ Ex- Seiviceman candidates etc. and regular government employees will be as per rules. The age relaxation to employees of GGSIP University will be provided as per University policy.
4. Modifications, if any, pertaining to this advertisement like qualifications, interview dates, requisite documents etc. will be uploaded and updated on University website. The Candidates are advised to visit University website time to time.
5. In case of large number of applications, candidates will be shortlisted based on their Academic Research Score/ Experience etc. as decided by the University and University may adopt any mode of test. In case of written test, admit card will be issued online to eligible candidates on University website. The scheme of examination and syllabus will be informed well in advance on the University website.
6. No TA/ DA in connection with the submission of application form or appearing in screening test/ presentation/ interview will be paid to the candidate.
7. Prescribed Educational Qualifications are minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. Where numbers of applications received are more, the University reserves the right to shortlist the candidates to be called for presentation/interview in any manner as may be considered appropriate.
S. No documents will be accepted or considered by the University after submission of application form by the candidate and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.
9. The fee once paid will not be refunded to the candidate in any circumstances. Hence, it is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure about his/ her eligibility before submitting the online application. In case of any dispute/ ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the university shall be final.
10. If the qualification possessed by the candidate is equivalent, then the authority (with number and date) under which it has been so treated must be indicated and its copy must be attached.
11. All candidates are requested to ensure submission of duly filled in Appendix-II Table-II for the post of Professor and Associate Professor and Appendix-II Table-3A in case of Assistant Professor in the Universities. In absence of above appendix as applicable, the application of candidate will be summarily rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained.
12. As per provision under Statute 31 of the University, the selected candidates on regular basis shall be on probation on such post for a period of twenty four months provided that the appointing authority may extend the period of probation for a period of another twenty four months.
13. The shortlisted candidate will be called for Document Verification on scheduled date and time as informed by the University on University website as well as through e-mail. At the time of Document verification, candidates should carry all their original documents and testimonials for verification along with a hardcopy of duly filled-in application form submitted in online mode with a copy of all educational qualifications, reprints of research publications, teaching/ working experience certificates/ last pay drawn etc for submission.
14. The Academic score as specified in Appendix II (Table 3A of UGC Regulations No. F.l- 2/2017(EC/PS) dated 18/07/2018) (for Universities) shall be considered for short-listing of the candidates for interview.
15. Eligibility conditions as amended by AICTE / UGC / COA / PCI from time to time shall be applicable. Relaxation in qualification / age for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD shall be as per UGC norms as applicable. The OBC candidates must be in possession of Non Creamy Layer certificate issued durina current financial year along with his/ her caste certificate issued by Delhi.
16. In case of Contract appointment, the initial appointment will be for a period of one year which may be extendable subject to performance and the requirement of the University. The contract appointment may also be terminated with one month notice on joining of regular faculty.
17. This advertisement may be read with attached “General Instructions and Guidelines*'.
18. All applicants who are presently employed in Government/Semi Govt./Public Sector Undertaking/University/Recognized Educational Institute etc. should submit through proper channel enclosing a certificate from the Government organization stating no Vigilance or Disciplinary case is pending or contemplated against them and also submit a no objection certificate from present employer at the time of interview. Failure to provide the same shall make them ineligible for consideration to the post.
19. The educational qualification(s), age, experience and other conditions of eligibility as stipulated above against the post shall be determined as on the closing date of receipt of applications.
20. UGC / A1CTF, / COA / PCI guidelines shall be followed as applicable from time to time.
21. Fulfillment of conditions of minimum qualification shall not necessarily entitle any applicant to be called for further process of recruitment.
22. The University will verify the antecedents of the applicant at the time of time of verification of documents/ at the time of appointment or any time during the tenure of the service. In case it is found that the document/ information submitted by the candidates is false/ forged/ fabricated/ falsified of the candidate has suppressed/ concealed any relevant information, his/ her candidature shall be liable to be cancelled or services of the applicant shall be terminated without prejudice to any other action initiated by the University. Further, appropriate legal action under applicable law shall also be initiated against the applicant.
-3. In case of any inadvertent mistake on part of the University, in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of offer letter, the University reserves the right to modify / withdraw/ cancel any communication made to the applicants.
24. The University shall, in no way, be responsible for any error/ omission/ commission/ suppression of the relevant information by the applicant knowingly/ unknowingly/ overtly/ covertly while filling up the application form and uploading the documents required therein,
25. Candidates having Educational Qualification from Foreign University shall submit equivalence certificate from relevant statutory body like UGC/ AICTE/ AIU/ COA.
26. Canvassing/ enquiry in any form will be treated as disqualification.

Opening Date for Submission of Online applications : - 25th November,2024 (Monday)
Closing Date for Submission of Online applications : - 24th December,2024 (Tuesday)
Closing Date for receiving of hard copy of Applications :- 31st December,2024(Tuesday)

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