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Pharmacy, Life Sciences recruitment at MHSSP | Pay Rs. 60,000 pm

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Pharmacy, Life Sciences recruitment at MHSSP

Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Mizoram is implementing Mizoram Health Systems Strengthening Project (MHSSP) with financial and technical assistance from the World Bank. The Project aims to improve the management, quality, accessibility and delivery of health services in the state of Mizoram. The Project Management Unit (PMU) established under the Project Director is responsible for overall supervision, overseeing day to day project implementation and co-ordination with other stakeholder agencies.

Post : District Quality Manager

No of vacancies : 2
Place of Posting : CMO office – Aizawl East & Aizawl West District
Reporting to : Project Director, MHSSP, through state nodal person quality improvement, and Chief Medical Officer of the district.

The Project Development Objective (PDO) of MHSSP is “to improve management capacity and quality of health services in Mizoram”. The project aims to improve the quality of and access to health services as well as strengthening of governance and management capacity in the health system. The project is innovating inputs- and result-based financing to achieve the project objectives over the five-year project duration. The project will accomplish its objectives through implementation of four components:
a. Strengthen management and accountability through Internal Performance Agreements (IPA) - this is results-based financing to improve quality of health services delivered through health facilities that are eventually certified through Quality certifications.
b. Improve the design and management of the state health insurance programs implemented by in the state through the Mizoram State Health Care Society (MSHCS).
c. Enhance the quality of health services and support innovations through inputs- based financing targeted towards health infrastructure strengthening, human resources for health, bio-medical waste management, clinical knowledge and skills improvement and nursing education, in addition to other pilot innovations.
d. Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERD).

a. The District Quality Manager (DQM) will provide techno- managerial support to the district Chief Medical Officer (CMO) office and healthcare facilities for implementation of the project activities.
b. The DQMs will be responsible for improvement of the quality of district healthcare facilities quality improvement by implementation of quality procedures, standards and specifications. They will undertake periodic assessments with the objective of getting National Quality Assurance Certification for the health facilities in their districts.
c. The District Quality Managers will be deployed in the respective district CMO office on a full-time basis.
d. DQMs will report directly to the CMOs, and submit a weekly activity report in prescribed format to the Project Director, MHSSP.
e. They will coordinate with and assist other consultants including state consultants in implementation of other project components as directed by the Project Director, MHSSP

1. Bachelor’s degree in MBBS/BHMS (Homeopathy)/BAMS/BDS (Dental Sciences) or
2. Bachelor’s degree in Nursing / Life Sciences / Social Science with a Master’s degree in Nursing/Hospital Administration/Health Care Management / Public Health or
3. Doctors of Pharmacy
4. Professional training in evaluation, quality accreditation of health care facilities including laboratories, and/or state/national/international health programme management
Experience :
1. Essential: Applicant must possess a minimum five (5) year of working experience in managing Hospital operations or in public health.
2. Desirable: Preference shall be given to candidates with experience in Health Care Quality or Formal Quality of a quality system like NQAS/NABH/ISO 9001:2008/Six Sigma/Lean/Kaizen.

Skills and Competencies :
1. Sound knowledge on the concepts of Quality to the hospitals
2. Experience of working in teams
3. Knowledge of English and Mizo both written and oral
4. Effective communication skills, with demonstrated ability to talk and listen to people and build rapport with them
5. Computer proficiency and familiarity with MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

1. Provide technical support to the PMU towards development, implementation and evaluation of Internal Performance Agreements (IPA) in the state.
2. Facilitate the organization of regular participatory mechanisms for assessment of IPAs in the assigned district by all relevant stakeholders.
3. Provide technical assistance to the PMU, state and district level administrative units and health facilities of the assigned districts towards implementation of ‘quality’ assurance programmes such as National Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS) and related programs such as Kayakalp, LaQshya, Suman, MusQan, etc. in Mizoram.
4. Facilitate the organization of capacity building (training) events for all units in the assigned district.
5. Provide technical support in implementation of Internal Performance Agreements (IPA) by
6. Conducting training and capacity building of the district staff.
7. Conducting regular field visits for monitoring and evaluation of IPA units along the IPA framework and other ‘quality’ programmes.
8. Extend support and guidance to the health facilities/ IPA units of the assigned districts in preparation of Internal Performance Agreement (IPA)’s Action plans and its implementation.
9. Support the health facilities of the districts in all the actions required for achieving national quality accreditation certificate.
10. Facilitate the roll out and implementation of the assignment Clinical Knowledge and Skills Improvement (CKSI) in the district.
11. Periodical assessment of hospital on quality checklist and arrive at the score for the facility.
12. Preparing assessment plan and schedule, and constitute an assessment team for internal assessment
13. Communicating and coordinating with departments Assessment Protocol National Quality Assurance Standards for Public health facilities 14. Monitor & review the internal assessment programme
15. Maintenance of assessment records and disseminate the findings of internal assessment
16. Preparation of action plan in coordination with quality team and respective departments
17. Undertake periodic data quality assessment and timely submission of report to the state PMU.
18. Facilitate conduct of meetings of IPA, Rogi Kalyan Samiti, QA & Kayakalp assessment, etc. and promptly assist the assessors.
19. Monitor the quality index and verify data on quarterly basis and report to the Medical Officer and the State PMU Consultant
20. Facilitate fund utilization,
21. Facilitate and assist the project activities like community intervention, civil works, clinical vignettes, intervention in Human resource for Health (HRH) and other activities in the assigned district.
22. Any other task assigned by the Project Director, MHSSP

Upon joining the work, the staffs expected to be responsible for the following deliverables
1. Undertake quarterly Quality gap analysis of all the, CHC and PHCs in the assigned districts and share the scores with the respective Medical Officer, CMO and the state quality assurance team nodal person.
2. Provide technical assistance to the CMO, SDH, all PHCs towards implementation of ‘quality’ assurance programmes such as National Quality Assurance Standards (NQAS) and related programs such as Kayakalp, LaQshya, Suman, MusQan, etc. in Mizoram.
3. Facilitate the organization of on sight (at the facility) capacity building (training) events for quality improvemet (IPA and NQAS) for facility level committee members and facility staff.
4. Submit the training reports to the CMO with copy to the state nodal person for quality improvement
5. Field visit to monitor the quality index and verify data on quarterly basis and report to the CMO and state nodal person for quality improvement .
6. Make periodic quality improvement presentation to the DC.
7. Provide written feedback to the facilities for quality improvement
8. Undertake quarterly quality index based internal-assessment of the healthcare facilities and submit the report to CMO, Point person for quality improvement under the Health and family welfare Department and MHSSP project director.
9. Submit a monthly report to PD MHSSP

1. The assignment is on purely contractual basis. The tenure will be co-terminus with the project duration. The initial contract will be for one year at a time and extended on satisfactory performance. Annual extensions will be given on the basis of review of performance by the Project Director.
2. Consolidated Pay of Rs. 60,000/- (Rupees sixty thousand only) per month with 5 percent increment on extension of contract.
3. Location: MHSSP office, Aizawl, Mizoram

1. Eligible candidates interested in this position are requested to send their applications either by email to ( by 3rd December, 2022 by 12 noon.
2. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their fit to the requirements cited above. Shortlisted candidates will be informed by email and shortlisting will be available within 15 days from the last date of submission.
3. A written test will be used as a form of screening.
4. Personal interview will be conducted in person.
5. All communication will be via email.
6. Result of selection of consultant will also be displayed on Health & Family Welfare Department and MHSSP websites.
7. Selected candidates will be required to join within 15 days of announcement of results.

Last Date : 3rd December, 2022 by 12 noon

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