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Life Sciences recruitment as Project Associate at IBSD

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Life Sciences recruitment as Project Associate at IBSD

The Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD) although registered in April, 2001, under the Manipur Societies Registration Act, 1989, the regular activity of the Institute could be started only with the appointment of its first Director on 18th January, 2003 to achieve the following mission, goal and objectives.

Post : Project Associate-I (01)

Applications are invited from deserved and suitable candidates for the following post under the project entitled “Conservation, Propagation and Mass Multiplication of Selected Orchids Species for Developing Biobased Entrepreneurship in North East India” under Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India.

Age Limit : 35
Fellowship / Consolidated pay : Rs. 31,000/- + 8% HRA per month.

Qualification : M.Sc. in Biotechnology / Life Science / Botany / any other relevant discipline.
Duration : 6th months (till 19th March, 2023

Emolument research persona(s) mentioned in table shall be applicable only if candidate(s) met educational qualification and eligibility criteria as per DST OM No. SR/S9/Z-05/2019 dated 21/08/2019.

1. The above positions are purely temporary and co-terminus with the project. Selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointment either in IBSD, Imphal and its branches or DBT, New Delhi.
2. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview.
3. The upper age limit for above mentioned post is relaxable for reserved categories as per GoI norms.
4. Name of the project and applied position should be clearly written on front of the envelope containing application form in BLOCK LETTERS.
5. Last date of submission of application form is 15 days from the date of advertisement.
6. Application should reach to the Senior Administrative Officer, Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Takyelpat, Imphal-795001, Manipur. Scanned copy of application form can be sent to the email: hard copy should also be sent by post/submit personally.
7. Interim queries will not be attended.

Documents need to be enclosed
• Dully filled-in application form which is given in the next page.
• Copies of mark sheets, certificates, age proof, Category (in case of SC/ST/OBC/PWD) applicants, relaxable for reserved categories as per GoI norms).
• Experience certificates, if any.
• In-depth biodata.
• Applicants should provide their no. and e-mail id.

Last Date : 15th November, 2022

Application Form & More Info

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