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Job for Pharmacists (445 posts) under State Programme Management Unit

GPAT courses

Job for Pharmacists under State Programme Management Unit

The National Health Mission (NHM), UP seeks to provide universal access to equitable, affordable and quality health care, which is accountable, yet at the same time responsive to the needs of the people, resulting in the reduction of child and maternal deaths, as well as population stabilization, gender and demographic balance.

NHM, U.P. is seeking applications from eligible candidates for contractual vacancies of  Pharmacist-Allopathic detail of which is mentioned below.

NUHM Program Name
Post : Pharmacist- Allopathic
No of Posts : 209 (UR-97, EWS-10, OBC-49, SC-46, ST-7, PWD-4)
Honoraria (Rs.) : 19101
Max. Age Limit : 18-40

DHS Program Name
Post : Pharmacist- Allopathic
No of Posts : 46 (UR-19, EWS-4, OBC-13, SC-10, PWD-2)
Honoraria (Rs.) : 18000
Max. Age Limit : 18-40

RBSK Program Name
Post : Pharmacist- Allopathic
No of Posts : 186 (UR-75, EWS-18, OBC-51, SC-39, ST-3, PWD-7)
Honoraria (Rs.) : 13500
Max. Age Limit : 18-40

NVHCP Program Name
Post : Pharmacist- Allopathic
No of Posts : 4 (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1)
Honoraria (Rs.) : 13500
Max. Age Limit : 18-40

1. Reservation will be provided as per applicable reservation rule to candidates who are original inhabitants of Uttar Pradesh (domicile of Uttar Pradesh only).
2. Candidate not having domicile of Uttar Pradesh will be treated under Un-reserved category and may apply as Un-reserved category candidates.
3. Only female candidates can apply for ANM position and as per The GoUP Gazette number 622/paanch-8- 2016-N(92)-86-TC 1 dated 11-02-2016 wherein 90% and 10% vacancies has been earmarked for Female and Male candidates respectively shall be applicable for Staff Nurse Positions.
4. Relevant required documents should be uploaded by Candidate at the time of online submission of application.
5. Candidate belongs to OBC (NCL) category and EWS category and claim benefit of the same, must provide the required OBC (NCL) Certificate and EWS Certificate duly issued from competent authority at the time of Document Verification Process (DVP) on the attached format (Annexure-1 & 2), not older than 01.04.2022.
6. In case of Female candidate, the valid caste certificate issued from father side will be treated valid
7. OBC Candidate of creamy layer is not entitled for reservation. 8. Female, Dependent of freedom fighters and ex-servicemen reservation quota as applicable in Uttar Pradesh shall be applicable.

Instructions for filling Online Application Form
Online recruitment application is spread over different Modules/Sections designed to capture information of the candidates related to Personal Information, Contact details, Age, Educational Qualification and upload of relevant document etc. Details can be filled in multiple sessions after Registration. Before closing each session, applicants must save the information filled by clicking ‘Save’ button.

Selection Process
Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria. Admission to Computer based Test will be purely provisional. Candidature will be subject to verification of details/documents when the candidate reports for document verification, if shortlisted. At the time of document verification process, Candidate has to produce only those documents which have been uploaded by him/her during online submission of application

The Computer based Test will be held for duration of 2 hours (in one sitting) consisting of two sections of total 100 marks. Section-I (80 Marks) will consist of Professional Knowledge (Discipline/Domain related) and Section-II (20 Marks) will consist of General Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness and Basic Computer knowledge with 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ). Each question will carry 1 mark and there is NO NEGATIVE marking for wrong answer. No marks will be awarded for un-attempted questions. The question paper shall be set in bilingual language i.e. English and Hindi only. However, in case of any inconsistency in Hindi version, the English version of the question shall be valid & final.

Minimum Qualifying marks in the Computer Based Test
GENERAL(UR) / EWS : Minimum 33% marks i.e. 33 Marks out of 100
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) : Minimum 30% marks i.e. 30 Marks out of 100
SC / ST / PwD : Minimum 24% marks i.e. 24 Marks out of 100

i) Candidates of Uttar Pradesh State, who are claiming reservation in their respective category (OBC-NCL, SC, ST, PwD and EWS), must submit the caste/requisite certificates in the prescribed format issued by competent authority at the time of document verification process. Candidate not having domicile of Uttar Pradesh will be treated under the Un-reserved category.
ii) The appointment will be purely on contractual basis for a period of one-year or up to 31.03.2023, renewable subject to satisfactory performance and subject to the approval from Government of India. Any claim for absorption in the regular position shall not be entertained in the future.
iii) If at any stage of recruitment, it is found that the candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria and/orthat he/she has furnished incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his /her candidature will stand cancelled. The decision of the NHM, UP in any matter relating to the recruitment at any stage will be final and binding upon the candidates. iv) Incomplete details in application or application submitted without photograph along with signature/supporting documents shall be rejected.
v) Applicants are required to provide all the mandatory information [Marked with *(asterisk) sign] in the application form.
vi) The applicants must ensure that all the details are correctly filled and successfully submitted online before the closing date. Applicants should ensure that the Applicant Status on Application Form is “Submitted Successfully”; Half-filled applications shall be treated as incomplete and shall deem to be rejected.
vii) Request for change or correction of any information shall not be entertained once online form is successfully submitted.
viii) A candidate can apply for various vacant positions of ANM, Staff Nurse, Lab Technician and Pharmacist- allopathic. Separate application will be submitted for different Programs and sub-Programs giving location preference for all the districts available for those vacant positions.
ix) For candidates who filled multiple applications – NHM reserves the right to schedule online examinations in a single or multiple shifts. In case the examination is scheduled in a single shift, candidates who have applied for multiple posts may choose to appear for any of the post at their sole discretion.
x) If a candidate submits more than one application form for same vacant Position, his/her candidature shall Page no 5 liable to be cancelled.No communication shall be sent in this regard.
xi) No TA/DA will be paid to eligible candidates for appearing in examination.
xii) Result will be prepared based on the merit obtained in the computer-based test.
xiii) NHM, UP reserves the right to cancel any or all positions at any stage of the recruitment process. Vacancies may vary in number and category at any stage during the recruitment process.
xiv) Waitlist shall be generated in the ratio of 1:3 amongst the eligible candidate (who have achieved thecut- off marks in the respective category).
xv) Candidate does not have the right for being posted at any specific district. Any decision regarding district allocation to candidates shall be at sole discretion of the NHM, UP.
xvi) RESERVATIONS AND RELAXATIONS: Reservations and relaxations for SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/PwD (Percentage of Disability - 40% or above) candidates will be provided as mentioned in advertisement. The reservation for PwD, Female, Dependent of freedom fighters and ex-servicemen is on overall horizontal basis.
xvii) In the case of Person with Disability (PwD), application shall be invited for candidates having Partially Deaf (PD) for Lab Technician, OL (One Leg affected Right or Left) for Staff Nurse Position, OL (One Leg affected Right or Left) or OA ((One Arm affected Right or Left) for Pharmacist-Allopathic Position. ANM vacant Position is not suitable for PwD candidates, hence not earmarked.
xviii) The Scheduled Caste(SC),Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward class(OBC-NCL), Economically Weaker Section (EWS) & PwD candidate, who do not have the permanent residence of Uttar Pradesh shall not be given the benefit of reservation/age relaxation.
xix) In case of Female candidate, the valid caste certificate issued from father side will be treated valid.
xx) Selection/Appointment of the candidate for the contractual position is purely provisional, unless verification of documents and genuineness of the candidature is verified. In case of any incorrect/falsification/ tempered/fabrication found, selection/appointment will be liable to be cancelled forthwith and appropriate Legal action may be taken against the candidate.
xxi) No request for transfer shall be entertained to another District Health Society/District in any circumstances.

AGE LIMIT : 18-40 Years (on the date of advertisement)
Candidate should note that the Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation / Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent Certificate only will be accepted by the NHM, UP for determining the ageand no subsequent request for its change will be entertained.
Upper Age Limit is relaxed by:
• 3 Years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)
• 5 Years for SC/ST
• Persons with Disabilities candidate:
• By 10 Years for General (UR)
• By 13 Years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)
• By 15 Years for SC / ST


i) Candidate will apply through online mode only as per the qualifications and eligibility criteria indicated above.
ii) Candidate is required to apply On-line through NHM website in English only. No other means/mode of submission of applications will be accepted under any circumstances.
iii) Candidate should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in on-line application. Any mistake committed by the candidate shall be his/her sole responsibility. Once the application is submitted, no change/edit will be allowed, thereafter. iv) Candidate should enter their Name, Father’s Name and Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation certificate only. In case of name change, candidates should indicate their changed Name only in the online application. However, other details should match with the Matriculation certificate. Date of such change (or) application for such change should be prior to the date of ONLINE registration. Gazette Notification or any other legal document as applicable for such cases should be Page no 6 submitted at the time of Document Verification (DV).
v) The on-line registration process involves 02 (two) steps for successful filling up of the application form.
vi) The candidates should ensure the completion of both the Step 1 and Step 2 of the registration process within the stipulated date. Candidates in their own interest are advised, not to wait till the last date & time and register their application well within the time. NHM shall not be held responsible, if the candidates are not able to submit their application due to last minute rush on account of heavy load on internet/website jam/disconnection etc.
vii) Candidate should have a valid personal e-mail ID and Mobile number. It should be kept active during the entire recruitment process. Registration number, password, etc for document verification or any other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID of candidate (also check email in spam/junk box). Candidate is, therefore, requested to check regularly their e-mail for any communication from NHM. Under no circumstances, the candidate should share/mention e- mail ID or password to/ or any other candidate / person. Please note that the Call Letter for Online Exam will not be sent by post.
viii) Candidate is being advised to view the UP NHM Portal i.e. time to time for notifications/other related information.
ix) The candidates found provisionally eligible shall be issued admit cards for appearing in Computer Based Test, at their own expenses.

i) There are separate links for uploading:
- Photograph,
- Signature,
- Passing Certificate/Mark sheet of High School for age proof,
- Related Diploma/Degree,
- Related valid Registration Certificate from respective Council.
- Valid Category Certificate at the time of online submission of application.
Click on the respective link to Upload Photograph/Signature/Certificates.
ii) Select the location where the scanned Photograph/Signature/Certificates files have been saved. Select the
file by clicking on it.
iii) Click the ‘Open/Upload’ button. The photograph/signature/certificate file will get uploaded. If the filesize and format are not as prescribed, an error message will be displayed. In such a case, change the size and format of the file as required and re-upload.
iv) Candidates should upload the scanned (digital) image of their photograph, signature and other relevant Certificates as per the process given below. The applicant should note that only jpg or jpeg formats are acceptable:
Photograph :
i) Photograph must be a recent passport size color photograph (not older than 03 months).
ii) Make sure that the picture is in color, taken against a light-colored, preferably white, background. Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
iii) Dimensions of the image should be approximately 200X230 pixels. It will not be possible to accommodate larger images. Size of file should be between 50kb-80kb in jpg/jpeg format only.
iv) If the size of the file is too large, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the DPI resolution, number of colors etc., during the process of scanning. Minimum resolution should be 200 dpi.
Signature image :
i) The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black ink pen.
ii) The signature must be of the applicant only and not of any other person. If at any stage the signature is not found to be matching with the candidate’s actual signature, the applicant’s candidature may be summarily rejected.
iii) Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.
iv) Dimensions of the image should be approximately 140X60 pixels. Size of file should be between 10kb–30k
in jpg/jpeg format only. Category/Educational Qualification & other relevant Certificates:
i) Please scan the relevant certificates (issued by Competent Authority) and should be clearly visible.
ii) Size of file should be between 50kb–1000kb in jpg/jpeg format only.

Section 1 Discipline
(a). Pharmaceutics
1. Metrology
2. Prescriptions
3. Sterilization
4. Processing of tablets
5. Processing of capsules
(b). Pharmaceutical chemistry
1. Acids, bases, and buffers
2. Antimicrobials and astringents
3. Pharmaceuticals organic compounds
4. Anesthetics
5. Drugs
(c). Pharmacognosy
1. Adulteration and drug evaluation
2. Pharmaceutical aids
3. Miscellaneous drugs
(d) 1. Biochemistry
2. Clinical pathology
3. Human anatomy and physiology
(e). 1.Health education and community pharmacy
2. Toxicology and pharmacology
3. Pharmaceutical jurisprudence
4. Drug store and business management
5. Hospital and clinical pharmacy
Section 2 - General
General Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness and Basic Computer Knowledge (5 questions from each topic)

i) Only online submission of application is acceptable.
ii) Candidates of Uttar Pradesh state who are claiming reservation in their respective category (OBC(NCL), SC, ST, PWD, and EWS) must submit the Caste/requisite certificates in the prescribed format issued by the competent authority at the time of document verification. Candidate having domicile of another state will be treated under Un-reserved category.
iii) The GoUP Gazette number 622/paanch-8-2016-N(92)-86-TC 1 dated 11-02-2016 wherein 90% and 10% vacancies has been earmarked for Female and Male candidates respectively shall be applicable for Staff Nurse Position.
iv) The appointment after successful Document Validation Process will be purely on contractual basis for a period of one-year or up to 31-03-2023 and the posts are non-transferrable, renewable subject to satisfactory performance for successive financial year and subject to the approval from Government ofIndia. Any claim for absorption in the regular position shall not be entertained in the future.
v) NHM, UP reserves the right to cancel any or all positions at any stage of the recruitment process. Vacancies may vary in number and category at any stage during the recruitment process.
vi) If at any stage of recruitment, it is found that candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria and/or that he/she has furnished incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. The decision of the Society in any matter relating to the recruitment at any stage of the recruitment process will be final and binding upon the candidate.
vii) Tie Breaking Criteria - In case of tie of marks obtained by more than one Candidates, the resolution will be done in following order:
a. Candidate achieved higher marks in discipline related part i.e. Section 1 will be placed higher in the merit.
b. In case of tie as mentioned at (a) above, the candidate older in Date of birth, will be placed higher i.e. the candidate in age seniority will be placed higher.
c. In case of tie as mentioned at (a) and (b) above, the candidate with name in alphabetical order will be placed higher.
viii) All disputes will be subject to Jurisdiction of Court of Law at Lucknow-Uttar Pradesh.
ix) Please note the date of advertisement shall be taken as the reference date for computing experience, age, qualification, etc.
i) In case of any query, candidate may call Help Line No 022-61306219 between Monday to Friday (10.00 AM to 05.00 PM on working days) or Help Line No 104 and e- Mail

Closure of Online Application form : 12.12.2022 at 11.55 PM (midnight)

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