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Applications are invited for the post of Director at NIHFW - Government Jobs

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The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) is an Autonomous / Apex Technical Institute funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for promoting Health and Family Welfare Programmes in the country through Education & Training, Research & Evaluation, specialized services, consultancy and advisory service. This Institute has been appointed by MOHFW, GOI as a Nodal Agency for Coordination of all the Activities in the country under the Centre of Health Informatics (CHI) for National Health Portal (NHP).

Additional Director (Technical) – 1 Post
Pay Scale: Level -13 in the Pay matrix
Maximum Age limit : Shall not be exceeding fifty-six years as on the closing date for receipt of applications
Essential Qualifications and Experience :
• Master’s degree in Quantitative Sciences / Management / Public Health / Engineering in Computer Science or IT from a recognized university / institution.
• Minimum 10 years’ experience of working in or with the Government
• 4-5 years’ experience in the health / social sector.
• Preference will be given to candidates having experience in designing / managing large scale e- Governance projects.
Eligibility: Group ‘A’ officers holding (i) analogous posts on a regular basis or
(ii) with 3 years’ regular service in the Grade Pay 7,600 under the Central Government would also be eligible to apply.
Job requirement : Responsibilities would involve planning, designing, development and modification of the National Health Portal, to address the healthcare information needs of the country in multiple languages. The job would involve close interaction with the Project Director / Nodal Officer, CHI of NHP and with all the other team members.

Deputy Director (Technical) – 1 Post
Pay Structure : Level -11 in the Pay matrix
Maximum Age limit : Shall not be exceeding fifty-six years as on the closing date for receipt of applications
Essential Qualifications and Experience:
• Master’s degree in Quantitative Sciences / Life Sciences / Social Sciences/ Management / Public Health / Medicine /Engineering in computer Science or IT from a recognized university / institution.
• Minimum 5 years’ experience of working in or with the Government
• 3-4 years’ experience in the health / social sector.
• Preference will be given to candidates having experience in the areas like e-Governance projects, public health, IT and network, managing large-scale databases, marketing research, social research, community mobilization etc.
Eligibility : Group ‘A’ officers holding (iii) analogous posts on a regular basis or (iv) with 4 years’ regular service in the Grade Pay 5,400 under the Central Government would also be eligible to apply.
Job requirement: Responsibilities would involve designing IT architecture systems, administration, systems analysis, technical support for purchases, systems maintenance, development and modification of software, training setting up an enterprise portal to address the healthcare information needs of the country in multiple languages. Help train other staff to understand the technology and operation of the portal.

1. The application in the prescribed proforma together with attested copies of ACRs / APAR for the last five years of the eligible officials, who are willing to be considered for the said post and would be spared immediately, may be forwarded to the Director, The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Baba Gangnath Marg, New Delhi-110067.
2. While forwarding the application, certificate to the effect that the officials are (i) clear from vigilance point of view and; (ii) there is no disciplinary case pending / contemplated against him/her, shall be given at the bottom of the given Proforma.
3. The officials who volunteer for the post shall not be allowed to withdraw their names later on.
4. Applications received after the expiry of last date or otherwise found incomplete for want of ACRs / APARs/Vigilance Clearance and No Penalty Certificate may not be entertained.
5. Completed application should reach to Deputy Director (Admn.), The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Baba Gangnath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi-110067 on or before 10.12.2020.

Note : Canvassing of any form will be a disqualification.

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