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Applications are invited for the post of Pharmacist in Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital | Govt. Job

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Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, formerly known as Willingdon Hospital, was established by the British for their staff and had only 54 beds. After independence, its control was shifted to New Delhi Municipal Committee. In 1954, its control  was again transferred to the Central Government of Independent India.

Post : Pharmacist (Group "C" Non-Gazetted)

No. of Vacant Posts : 01 UR post

Scale of Pay PB-1 : Rs.5200- 20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2800

Age Limit 18 to 25 years (Relaxable for Govt, servants in accordance with the Instructions or orders issued by the Central Govt.)

Educational Qualification
(i)10 + 2 with Science
(ii)    Two years Diploma in Pharmacy
(iii)    Registration with State Pharmacy Council.

Application Fee:
All Candidates should submit the application fee in the form of a "Crossed Demand Draft for Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) issued by any Nationalized Bank, which is Non-refundable. The Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of "Pay & Accounts Officer", Dr. R.M.L. Hospital, payable at New Delhi.

Eligibility for Applicants:
Applicants must fulfill the educational qualifications, experience and age limit and other criteria for the post applied for, as on the last date of receipt of the applications i.e. 30 days from the date of issue of the advertisement, failing which the application shall be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be enter¬tained in this regard. Candidates are, therefore, advised to satisfy themselves about their eligibility before apply¬ing for the post that they possess the requisite essential qualification and experience. The Hospital will not enter into any correspondence on their ineligibility. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for the interview/selection.

Note:-All Government Servants, including the officials working in this institutions, shall apply after obtaining the age relaxation certificate (Copy of age relaxation certificate to be enclosed) from their concerned Department/ Ministry for claim for age relaxation.

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Scheme of Selection:-
Selection to the aforesaid post will be on the basis of written examination and skill test which will be conducted by a duly constituted Selection Committee. However, if the number of applications received for a particular post is large, then hospital reserves the right to lay down any criteria for the purpose of short listing of the candidates for interview.

Last date for Receipt of Application:
Application in the prescribed proforma along with application fee and attested photocopies of all certificates for age, educational qualifications, experience and SC/ST/OBC certificates, if any etc. must be reach to the under¬signed within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News. Applications received after the last date or without relevant documents/ incomplete documents/unsigned appli¬cation or application fee shall summarily be rejected. The hospital authorities shall not been responsible for any postal delay.
Candidates in Central/State Govt./PSU/UT service whether in permanent or temporary capacity are required to submit their applications through proper channel along with NOC.
Candidates shall be governed by the new structure defined Contributory Pension Scheme as notified by the Central Government.

i)  Mere fulfilling the eligibility criteria will not vest any right in the candidate for being called for skill test.
ii) Applications not accompanied by the full prescribed fee will not be considered and summarily rejected.
iii) Number of vacancies is likely to change depending upon the position at the time of Skill Test.
iv) Appointment Authority reserves the right to withdraw the said notification at any time

Last Date : 21th December, 2016

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