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Apply Online for Pharmacists (08 posts) in District Health & Family Welfare Samiti

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Apply Online for Pharmacists in District Health & Family Welfare Samiti

District Level Selection Committee (DLSC), Howrah will engage personnel for various vacant posts as mentioned below under National Health Mission, XV Finance Commission - Health Grant & National AIDS Control Programme on contractual basis in the District of Howrah. Only online applications will be accepted. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete are liable to be cancelled. No application fees have to be submitted.

Post : Pharmacist under NUHM

Number of Vacancy : 08 (Eight) - [ST - 01, SC - 02, OBC-A - 01 & UR- 04]

Place of posting : Any UPHC

Essential Criteria
• Two years Diploma in Pharmacy (D-Pharma) (ALLOPATHIC) recognized by the Government of West Bengal and registered as "A" category Pharmacist under West Bengal Pharmacy Council. (Weightage will be given for higher qualification)
• The candidates must have proficiency in Bengali and must have efficiency in computers including MS office and internet.

Age (as on 01/01/2023) : Minimum 18 years and maximum 40 years as on 01.01.2023 with age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Govt. Norms.

Monthly Remuneration : Rs. 22,000 /- per month

Mode of Selection : It may be three stages of selection process : 1. Screening of document, 2. Scoring on D-Pharma/ B-Pharma/ M-Pharma & 3. Computer test. Final selection will be made on the basis of total marks obtained in D- Pharma/ B-Pharma/ M-Pharma qualification (weightage) and computer test.
Scale of Scoring :
Full marks = 100 Educational Qualification = 85 , Computer Test =15
D-Pharma = 65 B-Pharma = 75 M-Pharma = 85
Remarks (Proportionate Marking) rounded off to 2 decimals.
Qualifying Marks for Computer Test is Minimum 50%

General Information for the Applicants / Candidates
1. For above mentioned positions the applicants must be permanent resident of West Bengal. If any District/Sub- Division/Block/ULB specified for residence must be complied.
2. Candidates working in Government Organization must route their application through proper channel if their departmental rules require so and produce NOC at the time interview.
3. Applications will be shortlisted on the basis of marks obtained in qualifying qualification and experience. Only short-listed candidates will be called for Verification / Written test / Computer Test / Interview whichever applicable.
4. Applicants are requested to visit for online application link and for information / instruction issued from time to time. No other correspondence will be done from this end.
5. The essential qualifications mentioned are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitles the candidate to claim selection. All the essential qualifications must be completed within the first date of online application.
6. Experience will be calculated after obtaining the required qualification for the above-mentioned position, till the first date of online application.
7. No rounding off of marks will be granted. Proportionate marking up to 2 decimal points will be considered.
8. If the aggregated marks after final selection is equal then preference is to be given to the candidate inter se-senior in age as on the 1st date of the year of publication of advertisement.
9. Registration of the respective Council (wherever applicable) must be obtained within the first date of online application from West Bengal only.
10. Caste certificate issued before the first date of online application, by the component authorities of West Bengal only will be accepted. In case of OBC candidates, category 'A' or 'B' must be mentioned specifically in the caste certificate; otherwise, the caste certificate will not be accepted.

11. Only online applications will be accepted. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete application forms are liable to be cancelled. If the online application details submitted by the applicant differ with the original testimonials, that application shall be liable to be cancelled.
12. After filling in the form correctly, the button "Proceed Next" has to be clicked. The filled in data will be displayed. In case of change of any information, "Back to Edit Registration Form" button needs to be clicked. If there is no change in information, click "Submit" button. Recheck before submitting online as no editing is possible after submission.
13. Last date of submission of Online Application: 5:00 PM of 15th June 2023
14. Hard copy / Print copy of online Application Form (which must be downloaded after successful submission of online application) should be retained by all applicants for document verification purpose. Without application form no candidates will be entertained for original testimonials verification by the authority. Employer is not liable to give any information regarding the online Application Format &Number in future.
15. Passport-sized colour photograph and signature in JPEG format of size within 20 to 50 KB needs to be uploaded. If proper Signature and photograph is not uploaded at the time of online application that application shall be liable to be cancelled.
16. The candidates, who are not eligible after verification process, will not be called for the subsequent stages of the selection process.
17. Panel of candidate will be valid for one year from the date of approval and if any vacancy generated due to un-join/resignation will be filled in from the available panel within the stipulated period. Number of vacancies indicated in advertisement likely to increase as per approval from the competent authority - if so those posts are to be filled up from the existing panel.
18. The decision of the Competent Authority regarding the recruitment is final.

Eligible candidates should apply ONLINE in the prescribed format as given in from 12:00 PM of 1st June 2023 to 5:00 PM of 15th June 2023 for below-mentioned posts.

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