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Job for Junior Research Fellow at BITS

Clinical research courses

Job for Junior Research Fellow at BITS

The Birla Institute of Technology and Science, BITS Pilani is an all-India Institute for higher education. The primary motive of BITS is to train young men and women able and eager to create and put into action such ideas, methods, techniques and information. The Institute is a dream come true of its founder late Mr G.D.Birla - an eminent industrialist, a participant in Indian freedom struggle and a close associate of the Father of Indian Nation late Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates of Indian nationality for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF), DST-SERB sponsored project, under the supervision of Dr. Piyush Khandelia, Principal Investigator, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad 500078, Telangana.

Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Title of the Research Project : “Probing the functional and regulatory role of m6A reversible RNA methylation in skeletal myogenesis and muscle wasting”
Eligibility : Post Graduate Degree in Basic Sciences (M.Sc. in Microbiology, Biotechnology, Life Science, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Industrial Biotechnology, Bioinformatics) with GATE/NET qualification or Graduate Degree in Professional Course (B.E./B.Tech. in Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, Bioinformatics) with GATE/NET qualification or Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course (M.E/M.Tech. in Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology, Bioinformatics) (NET qualification includes DBT-BET, CSIR-UGC, GATE, GPAT, ICMR-JRF, ICAR-AICE, JEST, JGEEBILS conducted by Central Government as per SERB OM SB/S9/Z-01/2015 dated 07/01/2015)

Desirable : Molecular Biology and Biochemistry techniques
Fellowship : Rs 31,000/- per month + HRA/Hostel Fee (as per DST-SERB norms)

General Terms and Condition : The position is temporary and renewable subject to satisfactory performance for a maximum of two years. The position is co-terminus with the project. Original documents of age proof/certificates/degrees/mark sheets and other testimonials must be presented at the time of interview. Self-Attested photocopies of these documents with CV and latest photo will be collected at the time of interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Interested candidates can send their detailed resume/CV by email, with the subject marked as “Application for JRF in DST-SERB Project CRG/2018/000492” before 31/05/2021 to Dr. Piyush Khandelia, Assistant Professor and Principal Investigator - DST-SERB project, Department of Biological Sciences, BITS Pilani-Hyderabad Campus, Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal Hyderabad- 500 078, Telangana. The time and mode of interview will be intimated to the selected candidates after the due date of application.


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