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Multiple Vacancies in CIMAP for the posts of Project Assistant, Junior Research Fellow, Research Associate | Government Jobs

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Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, popularly known as CIMAP, is a frontier plant research laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Established originally as Central Indian Medicinal Plants Organisation (CIMPO) in 1959, CIMAP is steering multidisciplinary high quality research in biological and chemical sciences and extending technologies and services to the farmers and entrepreneurs of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) with its research headquarter at Lucknow and Research Centres at Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pantnagar and Purara. CIMAP Research Centres are aptly situated in different agro-climatic zones of the country to facilitate multi-location field trials and research.

Eligible and interested candidates may attend the Interview for engagement on purely temporary basis as Project Assistants of different level/JRF/RA-Projects on contract basis in the Projects under CSIR Network Scheme, Grant-in-aid Projects and other projects sponsored by Govt. Agencies tenable at CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow.

PA II (S.No - 1) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. (Min 55%) in Botany/ Plant Science/ Biotechnology
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ Fixed Per Month (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

PA II (S.No - 2) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification : M.Sc./M.Tech.(Min 55%) in Botany/Plant Breeding/Agriculture Sciences/Seed Science&Technology/Biotechnology/Plant Sciences/Microbiology/Life Sciences.
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ Fixed Per Month (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

PA II (S.No - 3) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. Ag (Min.55%) in Genetics Plant Breeding/ Plant Breeding/Horticulture/Plant Physiology or M.Sc. in Ag. Biotechnology /Biotechnology or M.Sc. in Ag. Botany/Botany
Desirable:‐ Work Experience of field experimentation with DNA finger printing and characterization of germplasm using minimum descriptor.
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ Fixed Per Month (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

PA II (S.No - 4) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. (Min 55%) in Chemistry (Organic/Analytical)/Pharmacy(Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Analysis/Pharmacognosy) with (Min 55%).
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ Fixed Per Month (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

PA II (S.No - 5) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. (Min 55%) in Chemistry (Organic/Analytical)or Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ Fixed Per Month (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

PA II (S.No - 6) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. B.Pharm, B.V.Sc., (Min 55%) in biological sciences
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ Fixed Per Month (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

PA II (S.No - 7) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. (Min 55%) in Agronomy Soil Science/Environmental Sciences Experience:‐ At least one year experience in Phytoremediation
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ Fixed Per Month (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

PA II (S.No - 8) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. Ag (Min.55%) in Genetics Plant Breeding/ Plant Breeding/Horticulture/Plant Physiology or M.Sc. in Ag. Biotechnology /Biotechnology or M.Sc. In Ag. Botany/Botany
Desirble Qualification:‐ Work Experience of field experimentation with DNA finger printing.
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ + HRA Per month

JRF-Proj (S.No - 9) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. /M. Tech (Min 55%) Biotechnology/Biochemistry/Botany/Microbiology Desirable Qualification:‐ Experience of working with basic biochemistry and molecular biology techniques.
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 12000/‐ +HRA Per month (for Without NET/ BET Qualify) Or 25000/‐ +HRA Per month (for With NET/ BET Qualify) (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

JRF-Proj (S.No - 10) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc./M.Tech (Min 55%) with NET‐LS in Biochemistry /Biotenchnology
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ +HRA Per month (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

PA-II (S.No - 11) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. (Min 55%) in Environmental Science/ Biochemistry /Botany
Desirable Qualification:‐ Knowledge of extraction and analysis of Pesticides and metal.
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐+HRA Per month

RA-Proj (S.No - 12) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
Ph.D. Award in Genetics/ Plant Breeding/ Ag. Botany/ Biotechnology/ Botany
Desirable Qualification:‐ Work Experience in Genetics/ Plant Breeding/ Molecular Biology.
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 36000/‐ +HRA Per month

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PA II (S.No - 13) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. (Min 55%) in Agronomy Soil Science/Environmental Sciences
Desirable Qualification:‐ At least one year experience in Phytoremediation.
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 18000/‐Fixed (NMPB)Sponsered (AS PER FUNDING AGENCY)

PA II (S.No - 14) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. (Min 55%) in Agronomy Soil Sciences.
Desirable Qualification:‐ At least one year experience in area of agrotechnology medicinal and aromatic crops.
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ +HRA Per Month

PA II (S.No - 15) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 30 Years
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. (Min 55%) in Chemistry
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 25000/‐ +HRA Per Month

PA I (S.No - 16) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification :
B.Sc. (Min 55%) in Agriculture Science
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 15000/‐ +HRA Per Month

PA I (S.No - 17) - 01 post
Max. Age Limit : 28 Years
Essential Qualification :
B.Sc. (Min 55%) in Agriculture Science/ Botany
Stipend (Rs) (Fixed) : 15000/‐ +HRA Per Month

Desirable Qualification: Practical experience in the relevant field (as above) as evident by publications/thesis/dissertation.

Terms & Conditions:
• For Project Assistants Level-I/II/III, the upper age limit as mentioned for all the above positions will be as on Date of Interview(Dated 12-06-2019 Reporting Time between 9.30AM to 11.00AM) which is relaxable upto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Persons with disabilities and OBCcandidates.
• Special age relaxation in case of widows, Divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands, who are not remarried as per rules.
• The positions will be co-terminus with the Network, Grant-in aid projects and other projects against which the stipend is offered to the candidates and are non-transferable to another Project.
• In case of JRFSRF/RA (Projects),the upper age limit as mentioned above will be as on Date of Interview which is relaxableupto 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Persons with disabilities/ Women/ OBC.
• If the number of candidates is large, a written test may be conducted to shortlist the candidates for interview. Interested candidates may appear before the committee on the date and time mentioned as above for the respective area/Project in the Auditorium of the Institute for interview alongwith their signed Bio-Data on prescribed performa alongwith original and attested copies of marksheets/certificates and a recent passport size photograph.

No TA will be admissible.

Date of Interview : Dated 12-06-2019 Reporting Time between 9.30AM to 11.00AM

Kukrail Picnic Spot Road, Lucknow-226 015

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