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Central Drug Research Institute invites applications for Ph.D programme

Clinical research courses

CSIR-CDRI, a premier research institute with world-class instrumental facilities and with experience of 70 years in the field of drug discovery research, works in multidisciplinary areas (organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, disease biology, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutics) to fulfill the dream to provide affordable healthcare to the nation. In this pursuit, CSIR-CDRI is looking for brilliant young researchers who aspire to build their career in synthetic organic, medicinal, natural product chemistry (Chemical Science) and disease biology (Biological Science)

CSIR - CDRI Lucknow, a premier research centre in the country invites applications from highly motivated and research-oriented applicants for admission to full time Ph.D. programme in relevant research areas of Institute.

Eligibility criteria: M.Sc. or equivalent degree in Life sciences/ Biotechnology/ Chemical sciences/Pharmaceutical sciences with valid fellowship (CSIR /UGC /ICMR /DBT /DST GPAT-JRF/AYUSH-NET or with any other relevant national fellowship).

The fellowship should be valid as on the date of joining for the session commencing August 2019.

Valid E-Mail ID and Mobile No.: The E-Mail ID and Mobile No. entered in the Online Application Form should remain valid / active until the admission process is completed. No change in the E-Mail ID and Mobile No. will be allowed once submitted. The candidate himself/herself will be responsible for wrong or expired E-Mail ID & Mobile Number.

PHOTOGRAPH: One recent Colour passport size photograph preferably with white background, not more than three months old is to be SCANNED AND UPLOADED in the space earmarked in the Online Application Form. Submit Option should be exercised by the candidates carefully after going through the Advertisement and keeping in view fulfillment of eligibility conditions, educational qualification  etc. SUBMIT OPTION ONCE EXERCISED SHALL BE FINAL AND NO CHANGE WILL BE ALLOWED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES AFTER SUBMISSION OF ONLINE FORM.

Selection process:
All applications will be screened by a committee. The committee will set the criteria for short-listing the candidates. Only those candidates who are found eligible will be called for written test/ interview/counselling at CDRI, Lucknow tentatively between 01-10 July 2019. No TA will be paid by CDRI and candidates will have to make their own arrangements for 1-2 days stay at Lucknow. The number of students to be selected will depend upon the positions available. The decision of the committee with regard to selection of candidates shall be final.

Interview: Begins from 1st week of June for August session and in 1st week of Decemberfor the January session.

Last date for filling up online application : 15th June 2019; Upto 5:00 PM


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