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Wanted senior research fellow (SRF) /Junior Research Fellow in the CSIR funded project

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited on plain paper for a contractual post of senior research fellow (SRF) /  Junior research Fellow (JRF) (01) in the CSIR funded project entitled “To study the differential  distribution of adipokines in serum and synovial fluid and contribution of joint tissue to  their production in patients with knee osteoarthritis” under Dr. Anjali Aggarwal, Associate  Professor, Department of Anatomy, PGIMER, Chandigarh. The post is purely on contract basis  for one year and subject to the approval of appointment from CSIR.

Post: senior research fellow (SRF) /Junior Research Fellow(01)

Qualification :
First class masters degree in life sciences/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry from a  recognized university 
Age:  As per GOI rules 
Pay Scale :  as per CSIR

The  above  mentioned  appointment  will  be  purely  on  contract  basis  for  one  year,  likely  to  continue till the project is sanctioned. Interested candidates fulfilling the above conditions are  required to submit their bio-data and necessary testimonials/ certificates by 7th  June’2016 in the  Department of Anatomy, Room No. 1005 (Office), Research Block B, Ground floor, PGIMER,  Chandigarh. 

The short listed candidates will be intimated through e-mail to attend the personal interview in  the  Department  of  Anatomy,  Research  Block  B,  Ground  floor,  PGIMER,  Chandigarh.  No  separate interview letters will be sent. No TA/DA will be paid.

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