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Opening for Pharmacist at Dr.A.Lakshmipathi Research Centre for Ayurveda

Clinical research courses

Dr.A.Lakshmipathi Research Centre for Ayurveda, Chennai under CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt.of India invite applications from eligible candidates for the following post to be filled up on regular basis:

Post: Pharmacist

No. of Post: 1

Scale of Pay: Scale of Pay:PB-1
Pay Band: Rs.5200-20200 Grade

Candidate Profile:
Diploma in Pharmacy/ D.Pharm.(Ay) from recognized University/ Institution with two years experience in recognized Ayurvedic Hospital or B.Pharm (Ay)

Age: 27 years as on 1.1.2016

Terms and conditions:

  1. The post is temporary, but likely to be continued.
  2. Fresh appointees shall be governed by New Pension Scheme.
  3. The Candidates selected will be on probation for two years and are liable to be transferred anywhere in India under the Council's Institutes/ Centres/Units.
  4. Age will be reckoned as on 1.1.2016. Age relaxation will be admissible for SC/ST/OBC/PH persons in as per Central Govt.rules in force.
  5. Work experience would be determined as on the last date of receipt of the application.
  6. Applications for the above post are to be submitted within 15 days from the date of advertisement by registered post with acknowledgement only. Application received after due date will not be considered in any circumstances.
  7. Application form can be downloaded from the Council's website
  8. Persons already in service must submit their application through proper channel. While forwarding applications of service candidates, the head of the Institution should certify that the applicants are free from administrative and vigilance angle and that no vigilance proceeding are pending or contemplated. Photocopies of ACRs dossier of the candidates for the last five years may also be forwarded along with application in sealed cover.
  9. Institute in-charge reserves the right to cancel the advertisement without assigning any reason.
  10. Late application, in complete application, application without attested/ self¬attested copies of academic qualification, experience, age and community will be summarily rejected.
  11. Selection will be based on performance in written test.
  12. Canvassing inanyformwill be considered as disqualification.

Last date of Application: Up to 15 days from date of Advertisement.(6th May 2016)

Application Form:

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