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Job as Drug Inspector at MPSC

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Applications  (Off - line/ On - line) in the Commission’s prescrib ed  form  AF - I  are  invite d  from  genuine  citizen s  of  India  who  are  desirous  to  apply  as  per  the  terms  and  conditions  of  this  Advertisement for  recruitment  to  the  various  categories of posts specified in the table below.   Application will be received up to  5 :00 P.M. on 10 th June , 201 6 a nd no application will be entertained after the  closing date. For on - line applications through MPSC Website closing date is  23:59 Hrs  on 10 th June , 201 6 after  which the  link will be disabled.

Post: Inspector of Drugs under Health & Family Welfare De partment

Salary: Rs.17000 - 470 - 20290 - EB - 560 - 25330 - 760 - 33690/ - pm

The candidate must possess a degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with specialization in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from any recognised university established in India by law.

Age & Relaxation:
Not more than 27 years & below 18 years relaxable by 5 years in respect of SC/ST. No age limit for candidates already in Meghalaya Government service provided they entered service within the prescribed age limit.

Application Fee: 460/-
Half the rate for SC/ST who are permanent resident of the State of Meghalaya

The date of birth to be accepted by the Commission is as entered in the Matriculation/Secondary School Leaving Certificate/or a Certificate recognized by an Indian University as equivalent to Matriculation or an extract from the official  Registers duly Certified by the proper authority of the Board of School Education. Proof other than these, will not be accepted by the Commission.

As already indicated candidates can submit their application through the following modes:-  
1. Off-line Mode:
a) In this option candidates should present their applications completed in all respect at:  
i. Office Counter of MPSC, Office, Headquarter, Shillong.
ii. MPSC Cell at Tura, Nongstoin, Jowai, Baghmara, Williamnagar & Nongpoh  
On any working day between 10:30 A.M. to 5: 00 P.M. till the last date  
b) Applications can also be sent by registered post so as to reach the Commission’s office at Shillong not later than the last date prescribed for off-line mode. The Commission will not be responsible for postal lost or transit delay.  
2. On-line Mode:  Applicants may also apply online through the MPSC website viz Kindly read the instruction on the web page carefully before applying on-line. Last date for on-line applications is 23:59 Hrs on 10th June, 2016 

Payment for Online Applicants:  MPSC has introduced State Bank Collect for online payment of Application Fees. Online applicants may pay either through Credit Card, Debit Card, ATM Card or Cash through the Challan generated from the State Bank Collect portal.   
Kindly note that an additional amount in the form of Bank’s Commission is applicable for all payments made online.  

Candidates are strongly advised to read the instructions carefully for making payments using State Bank Collect.

Candidates who wish to file applications on line may file through cyber cafes and community service centres (csc). In districts where such facilities are not available candidates may visit the nearest nic centres where they will be assisted by the nic in filling applications on line.

I. All application must be complete in all respects and accompanied with proof of payment of fee and enclosed with One Window Envelope of 4 cms x 9 cms affixed with Rs. 5/- postage stamp.               
II. Candidates are required to clearly indicate both the Division and percentage of marks in the column captioned “Division/Percentage” at Sl. No. 20 of AF-I Form.  
III. The following documents are to be attached/ uploaded along with the application form:  
(a) Recent self attested passport size photograph.
(b)MPSC copy of Fee Challan.  
IV. Incomplete application will be summarily rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained.  
V. Government Employees  may submit their application directly to the Office of the Secretary, Meghalaya Public Service Commission, Shillong  in Form AF-I with separate request to their heads/appointing authorities for “PERMISSION / NO OBJECTION” when called for Examination /Interview.  
VI. Candidate must appear for Written Test/Interview at his/her own expenses.

As per Government policy. Further, where the vacancies are 9 (nine) or less than 9 (nine) all posts are reserved in favour of specified communities.

Only preliminary scrutiny of the applications and other aspects will be undertaken before proceeding to the next stage of the recruitment and therefore, the acceptance of candidature will only be provisional. Candidates are advised to carefully go through the eligibility criteria prescribed for each post such as educational qualification, age, physical standards etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the posts, before applying. After such scrutiny a “Proposed Rejection / Ineligibility List” shall be published and hosted in the Commission’s website as well as in the Notice Board of the M.P.S.C Office/Cells. A candidate is allowed 15 days time to file representation against such proposed Rejection. Copies of supporting documents will be sought only from those candidates who qualify for the Personal Interview. When detailed scrutiny is finally undertaken, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated the candidature will be cancelled and the Commission’s decision in this regard shall be final.

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The final selection/recommendation of suitable candidates against the vacancies notified in this Advertisement shall be made by the Commission through any of the following processes.  
1. Typing Speed, English Composition and Stenography Test, in recruitment to post of Typist and Stenographer (All Grades) as the case may be.
2. Screening Test followed by Personal Interview.
3. Written examination followed by Personal Interview.
4. (i) Preliminary Screening Test  (ii) Main Examination (iii) Personal Interview.
5. Personal Interview only 

Physical Efficiency Test (PET), wherever required and prescribed by the Service Rules shall be conducted by the Commission assisted by a Medical Board duly constituted for the purpose, in accordance with the norms/standards and such specification as prescribed under such Rules.

The Screening Test shall be applied /conducted by the Commission in respect of all recruitments to those posts where the method of selection/Syllabus has not been prescribed by the Service Rules. The objective of the test is to shortlist the number of eligible candidates in recruitments where the number of candidates is disproportionately large compared to the available vacancies, otherwise the selection of suitable candidates against the notified vacancies shall be made on the basis of personal interview. The decision to hold or not to hold the Screening Test in any such recruitment shall lie with the Commission.

Written Examination shall be mandatory in respect of recruitments to posts where the Service Rules has specifically prescribed the conduct of such examinations. In such cases, the subjects, syllabus, total marks and pattern of examination shall be as notified by the concerned Government Department under such Rules. However, the Commission may, at its discretion, decide to hold Preliminary Screening Test in these categories of recruitment when the number of candidates is disproportionately large compared to the notified vacancies and on the basis of such Preliminary Screening Test, the number of candidates who shall be called to appear for the Written Examination shall not be more than 10 (ten) times the number of declared vacancies. 

Screening Tests or Preliminary Screening Tests, where decided to be held, shall be Multiple Choice OMR  based Tests. Such Tests shall be held for 350 Marks, on:  
(i) General English – 100 Marks (of the standard of the Qualification prescribed for the post)
(ii) General Awareness & Aptitude – 150 Marks
(iii) Mathematics – 100 Marks (10th Standard) 

On the result of such Screening Test/ Written Examination the Commission shall call such number of candidates as it may think appropriate to appear for the Personal Interviews. The principle/policy followed by the Commission is that the ratio of the number of candidates called for interview to the vacancies should be limited to 1:2 to 1:5. In recruitments involving very few posts the ratio can be raised. DEBARMENT 

(a) Candidates should make sure of their eligibility for the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility is correct in all respects. Any candidate furnishing incorrect information or making false declaration regarding his/her eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information is liable TO BE DEBARRED FROM APPEARING FOR ANY OF THE EXAMINATIONS CONDUCTED BY THE COMMISSION, and summarily rejection of their candidature for this recruitment. 

(b) The Commission is vested with the constitutional duty of conducting recruitment and selection as per rules duly maintaining utmost secrecy and confidentially in this process and any attempt by anyone causing or likely to cause breach of this constitutional duty in such manner or by such action as to violate or likely to violate the fair practices followed and ensured by the Commission will be sufficient cause for rendering such questionable means as ground for debarment. 

(c) If any candidate is or has been found impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for selection or obtaining support of candidature by any means, such a candidate may in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, will be liable to be debarred permanently from any exam or selection held by the Service Commissions in the country. 

(d) Canvassing Directly or Indirectly will Disqualify a candidate.

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