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MAHE Hiring Research Scientist - Salary 61,000 month | PG in Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Biochemistry apply

Clinical research courses

MAHE Hiring Research Scientist

Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), an Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University, is a self-financing higher educational institution that started its operations in 1953 by establishing the first self-financing medical college as Public Private collaboration model. Over the years various institutions have been added and finally, in June 1993, this group of institutions have been declared as a Deemed to be University by the Govt. of India. Its excellent track record in academics, infrastructure, and research contributions and its standing in the national and international rankings, culminated in it being declared as an Institution of Eminence Deemed to be University (IoE) by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, in October 2020. 

Post : Project Research Scientist- I (Non- Medical)

Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal invites applications for the position Project Research Scientist- I (Non-Medical) to work under ICMR funded project titled "Investigating EXOC6B function and the pathomechanisms underlying its associated skeletal dysplasia" at the Department of Medical Genetics, Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal

Salary : Rs. 56,000/+ 10% HRA (Rs. 61,600 p.m.)

Job Code : ICMR Project : Application for PRS – I (Non- Medical), KMC, Manipal

Essential Qualification : Postgraduate degree including the integrated PG degree in any branch of Life Sciences- Biological Sciences/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Genetics.

Mentioning of Job Code in the subject line of the application is mandatory

Duration of engagement : Initially for a period of One year and extendable upto three years based on the performance and need of the project. 

Eligible candidates may apply with a detailed CV including the copies of the certificate in support of qualifications & experience to the below mentioned e-mail id / address on or before March 03, 2025. Shortlisted candidates will be informed by e-mail about the interview date. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

Director - HR
Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Madhav Nagar, Manipal 576104
Udupi, Karnataka, India

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