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Opportunity for Ph.D or M.Pharm, MSc to work on CEFIPRA sponsored project at NIBMG

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Opportunity for Ph.D or M.Pharm, MSc to work on CEFIPRA sponsored project at NIBMG

National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBMG) Kalyani is an Institute of Government of India, Ministry of Science & Technology, Department of Biotechnology. The Institute has created necessary physical infrastructure and critical platform technologies to support research, translation, and training in biomedical genomics.

Post : Post Doctoral Fellow / Research Associate

Project name : “Identify, characterize and determine the in vivo efficacy of small molecules using a synthetic lethality screen which targets the major DNA repair pathways in colon and lung cancer”. 
Project tenure : Upto 31.10.2026 
Principal Investigator’s name : Dr. Sagar Sengupta 

Brief Description : The candidate is expected to do large scale screening of compounds/small molecules which will disrupt genetic interactions in cells which are essential for cancer development. The candidate will be expected to work not only in NIBMG but also in National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi as part of the PI’s laboratory in both the institutes. 
Funding Agency : Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA)

Essential Qualifications : 1. PhD*/MD/MS/M DS or equivalent degree OR 2. having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after MVSc/M.Pharm/ ME/M.Tech with at least one research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
Desirable Qualifications : The candidate is expected to have the capability of carrying out cell biology experiments in human cells. Candidates will be preferred who have experience in molecular biology and biochemistry.

Nature of Duty :  The candidate will be expected to shuttle between NII and NIBMG labs, willingness to learn state-of- the art cell biology, molecular biology and biochemical assays
Consolidated Remuneration [INR] Per Month : Rs 47000/- + 8% HRA (expected to be revised to the current DST guidelines in near future)

1. This position is contractual, and appointments will be initially for one year, which is extendable depending upon performance and requirements of the project. 
2. Detailed CV and relevant documents of interested candidates has to be compulsorily sent to Dr. Sagar Sengupta ( PI of project 
3. The last date of application is 08-04-2024(Monday) up to 5pm. 
5. Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for online interview. 
6. The decision of NIBMG in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of application, mode of selection, and conduct of interviews will be final and binding on the candidates. 
7. The post for this project funded by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) and the post is co-terminus with the project duration. Insofar as persons so employed for the project, CEFIPRA shall have no liability whatsoever except provision of funds for the salaries/fellowships upto the budget approved in the budget.

Detailed CV and relevant documents of interested candidates has to be compulsorily sent to Dr. Sagar Sengupta (

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