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Job for Pharmacist under District Health & Family Welfare Samiti

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Job for Pharmacist under District Health & Family Welfare Samiti

District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, Bankura will engage personnel for the different position as mentioned below under National Health Mission, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of West Bengal purely on contractual basis against subsequent / consequential vacancies.

Post : Pharmacist - NUHM

Number of Post : 01
Essential Qualifications & Experience : 1. The candidate should have two year diploma in pharmacy (D-Pharma) (ALLOPAHIC) recognised by the Government of West Bengal and registered "A" category pharmacist under West Bengal Pharmacy Council. Weightage will be given for higher qualification.
2. The candidate must have proficiency in Bengali and must have efficiency in computer including MS Office and Internet.
3. The applicants must be permanent resident of West Bengal.
Age Limit : 18-40 Years.

Remuneration : Rs. 22000/- Per Month (Consolidated)
Selection Criteria :-
• Total Academic -85( Proportionate marking) D-Pharma-65 ,B-Pharma-75 5 M -Pharma -85
• Computer Test-15 , Qualifying marks-Minimum 50%

The applicant must be a permanent resident of West Bengal.
The Applicant must have knowledge of local languages.

Eligible candidates should apply online in the prescribed format as given in department's Website from 11 am of 1st April, 2024 to Midnight 15lh April, 2024 for the mentioned position.

Only online applications will be accepted. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete application forms are liable to be cancelled. Application fees Rs.100 for UR and Rs.50/~ for reserved category candidates have to be deposited through on-line mode only. The amount is non-refundable (Details of on-line mode, payment details and important dates are given in General information point no. 11 & 12).

Existing employees working in the same position may also apply on own choice with the revised entry> point remuneration. In that case, five (5) years relaxation of age from the date mentioned in the recruitment notification will be given to such employees. But will not be entitled to any other benefits of the present position such as continuity of length of service rationalization benefits and any other benefits of the present position such as continuity of length of service, rationalization benefits and any other benefit, if applicable, against that post. Such employees will start as a fresher in the new position.

General information for the applicants/candidates
1. Only online Applications will be accepted. Application forms not properly filled in or incomplete Application forms are liable to be cancelled. If the online application details submitted by the applicant differ with the original testimonials, that application shall be liable to be cancelled.
2. Ij proper signature and photograph are not uploaded at the time of online application the application shall also be liable to be cancelled.
5. The essential qualifications mentioned are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitles the candidate to claim selection. All the essential qualification must be completed on or before the first date of online application. In case of Higher qualification of the candidates their mark sheets and certificate should specially the field of specialization of they have to produce certified copy issued by the concerned Universities regarding field of specialization.
4. Registration of the respective council (wherever applicable) from West Bengal only must be obtained within the first date of online application.
5. Experience will be calculated after obtaining the required essential academic qualification for the above mentioned position, till the first date of online application.
6. Caste Certificate issued on or before the first date of online application, by the competent authorities of West Bengal only will be accepted. In case of OBC candidates Category ‘A ’ must be mentioned specifically in the caste certificate. Otherwise the caste certificate will not be accepted.
7. The disability Certificate must be issued before the first date of online application by the competent authorities.
8. Hard copy/print copy of the online registration form may be downloaded from the link “Application Print” and should be retained by all the applicants for document verification purpose. Without registration form, candidates will not be entertained for original testimonials verification by the authority. No need to send Hard copy/print copy of the online registration form by post.
9. On-line registration No. should be retained by all applicants for future reference. Employer is not liable to give any information regarding the on-line registration no. in future.
10. Marking after rounding off up to 2 decimal points will be considered

11. i. Start date of Application : From 11 a.m. of 1st April, 2024.
ii. Last date of Registration : Midnight of 13th April, 2024.
iii. Last date of Submission of application Fees : Midnight of 13rd April, 2024.
iv. Last Date of Full Submission of form : Midnight of 15lh April, 2024.
12. The online deposition of application fees can be done through net banking of credit/debit will be immediately reverted back to the link for final submission of the application form by using the application ID already received at the time of Registration. Please do not deposit fee more than one time.
13. As mentioned in addendum issued vide no. HFW-27011/137/2020/1611 dated 23.02.2021 point no.II, All new employees who have joined/will be joining between 29,h December 2020 to 30th September 2024 against new entry point remuneration as per memorandum vide no. HFW-27011/137/2020/1352 dated 29.12.2020, will not be entitled for annual increment will be applicable for these new contractual employees from financial year 2025- 26.
14. The candidates if found ineligible at any stage of recruitment process will not be called for the subsequent stages of the selection process.
15. The decision of the competent authorities regarding the recruitment is final.
16. The competent authorities may cancel the recruitment process at any stage of the selection process.

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