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WB Health Recruitment Board invites online application for post of Pharmacists (35 posts)

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WB Health Recruitment Board invites online application for post of Pharmacists

The Department of Health & Family Welfare is committed to provide proper delivery of health care services on a 24X7 basis to all citizens of the state through the different institutions and establishments under its control. With a view to see that health care delivery system at the desired level shall run effectively and smoothly with the required number of Medical/ Paramedical and other Staff belonging to various categories at different level, Department of Health & Family Welfare Government of West Bengal has constituted West Bengal Health Recruitment Board.

Post : Ayurvedic Pharmacist, Department of Health and Family Welfare, AYUSH Branch

No of posts : 35 (UR - 16, SC-08, ST-04, OBC-A-03, OBC-B-03, UR (PWD)-01)

Appointments are temporary but likely to be permanent.

Qualification for direct recruitment
(i) Passed 2 (two) years certificate/Diploma Course in Ayurvedic Pharmacy from a recognized institution.
(ii) Candidate must be registered as Ayurvedic Pharmacist under Paschim Banga Ayurved Parishad;
(iii) Spoken and written knowledge in Bengali;

Age :
Not more than 39 (thirty-nine) years as on 1st Day of January of the year of advertisement. Upper age limit shall be relaxable for the candidates belonging to Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes and Other Backward Classes as per State Government rules/order for the time being in force. For age proof, admit card or mark sheet of Secondary or Xth standard Examination or any Government ID Proof have to be submitted (which one contains the D.O.B. of the candidate).
**D.O.B: Date of Birth.

Candidates must submit the online application fee amounting Rs. 210/- (Rupees two hundred ten) only through Banks participating in the GRIPS (Govt. Receipt Portal System).
Money order, Cheque, Bank Draft, and Cash etc. shall not be accepted.
No application shall be considered unless accompanied by the requisite application fee excepting Candidates belonging to SC/ST category of West Bengal and persons with disabilities specified under Disabilities Rule, 1999 (certificates obtained before the Advertisement date) who do not require to pay any fee. Such exemption of fee is, however, not applicable to any OBC candidate.
No claim for refund of the fee shall be entertained nor shall it be held in reserved for any other examination.

Marks Distribution
Academic Marks : 80.00
Experience Marks : 5.00
Interview Marks : 15.00
Written Marks : 0.00

I. Passed 2 (two) years certificate/Diploma Course in Ayurvedic Pharmacy from a recognized institution:
1. Candidates are requested to upload all years’ Mark Sheets including supplementary marksheets, if any of 2 (two) years certificate/Diploma Course in Ayurvedic Pharmacy from a recognized institution [Passed] in the space provided for the same.
2. The following documents must be uploaded as the proof of aforesaid qualification :
• All years Mark sheets including supplementary marksheets, if any of 2 (two) years certificate/Diploma Course in Ayurvedic Pharmacy from a recognized institution (with passed certificate).
• Attempt Certificate : There is no separate field to upload attempt certificate. Candidates need to upload it along with Mark sheets of 2 (two) years certificate/Diploma Course in Ayurvedic Pharmacy from a recognized institution [Passed].
• Candidates are requested to generate a single PDF containing all years’ Mark sheets including supplementary marksheets, if any of aforesaid qualification with Attempt/Chance Certificate and then upload the documents in the “Upload Marksheet” space provided for the same.
3. Marks obtained ( IN ALL TOTAL CORRESPONDING SUBJECTS/ PAPERS) in 2 (two) years certificate/Diploma Course in Ayurvedic Pharmacy from a recognized institution [Passed ] to be filled in the space for “Marks Obtained”(all years) and grand total of full marks in respect of ALL TOTAL CORRESPONDING SUBJECTS/ PAPERS to be filled in the space for “Full Marks”(all years).
- Marks deduction per additional attempt: 01(one) per attempt
- Maximum deduction of marks for additional attempt will be 05 (five) marks, for 05 (five) or more attempt.

II. Candidate must be registered as Ayurvedic Pharmacist under Paschim Banga Ayurved Parishad
1. Candidate must be registered ON OR BEFORE THE LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS as Ayurvedic Pharmacist under Paschim Banga Ayurved Parishad and should fill up in specified space provided for the same.
2. Candidates are requested to input "100" marks in " Marks obtained " column and "100" marks in " Full marks" column while filling up the field i.e. Candidate must be registered as Ayurvedic Pharmacist under Paschim Banga Ayurved Parishad. No marks will be allotted for uploading the aforesaid certificate though uploading the same is MANDATORY for all.
3. In the column “Additional Attempt”, candidates are requested to put “No” as no deduction of marks is there for additional attempt

a) Conversion sheet is mandatory where marks is given in grade pattern. Candidature will be rejected if the candidate fails to upload conversion sheet in case of marks is given in Grade Pattern.
b) Candidates must upload relevant documents generating a single pdf file or jpeg/jpg/png format with high resolution in the space specified for the same.

Requisites for Experience :
I. Working experience as Ayurvedic Pharmacist in a recognized Ayurvedic Institution or Hospitals :
1. The candidates possessing the relevant experience must select YES option (Radio Button) in the Experience section.
2. Candidates possessing more than 01(one) experience certificate should click “ADD ROW” button to provide the information of multiple experience certificates.
3. Tenure of any experience should be taken up to the last date of submission of application.
4. Candidates must upload relevant documents generating a single pdf file or jpeg/jpg/png format with high resolution in the space specified for the same.
5. It is stated that the aforementioned experience is NOT MANDATORY

Instruction to the candidate
• Mere empanelment shall not confer any right to be recommended and/ or appointed.  
• Candidates must fulfil the essential qualification at the time of submission of application. No degree or experience certificate issued after the last date of submission of application will be considered.
• In the event, the last date of submission of online application is extended for whatsoever may be the reason, no particulars and certificates and/ or qualification (either essential or desirable) accrued during such extended period, shall be accepted.
• Candidate has to upload all the relevant documents (wherever applicable), preparing a single pdf file or take snap shots of all the relevant documents preparing a single image of jpeg/ png format with high resolution while applying in the website. Candidates are requested to upload the relevant documents in legible and readable format in the space provided for the same. If any document is uploaded in the space provided for the other one, the candidature may be rejected.
• Scanning of original copy of all the relevant documents will be taken into consideration.
• Candidate has to be careful that all the words/ marks in the uploaded documents shall be readable clearly, otherwise such uploaded documents will not be accepted and candidature may be rejected.
• Short listing of candidates may be made before the Interview on the basis of academic scores OR on the basis of written test (if decided later) or both. The marks distribution pattern may be changed if written test is conducted for the above mentioned post.
• Applications received after the scheduled date and time for submission of application will be rejected. Address Proof: If Government ID Proof ( i.e. Aadhaar Card/Voter Card/Driving License/Passport etc.) is not available, then candidates may submit any certificate issued by the revenue office/ municipality/BDO Office/Panchayat Office as their present address.
• Photo: Recent colour front-facing passport size photograph with single colour background (60% of the photograph must be covered by face) must be uploaded.
• Signature: Full running signature in blue/black ball point pen on white blank sheet must be uploaded. No short signature/ initial will be entertained.
• No higher qualification without essential qualification shall be entertained.
• Candidates after uploading documents online may edit any information and upload documents till the last date of online submission. Every time a candidate has to log in and go through all the steps till final submission. No step can be skipped. Editing in any step may be done and other steps may be kept unchanged using the “SAVE” button in all the steps
• Edit Mode will remain active till final submission. Clauses in the advertisements may be modified/added subsequently. In case of discrepancy, if any, decision of the Board will be final.
• Marks obtained in written examination, if held, may be considered while preparing merit list. Candidates are requested to follow the website of WBHRB regularly for further notice. Candidates are requested to be careful while filling in the information and uploading the documents. As the entire process is software based, sending documents through email or hardcopies cannot be uploaded. Hence such request cannot be entertained.
• Candidature of a candidate shall be rejected forthwith for any error in documents submitted/ information filled in by the concerned candidate.
• In case, any of the statement made in the application subsequently found to be false within the knowledge of the candidates- his/her candidature shall be liable to be cancelled, and even if appointed to a post on the results of this examination his/her appointment shall be liable to be terminated. Wilful suppression of any material fact shall also be similarly dealt with.
• Candidates should take particular note that entries in their application submitted to the Board must be made correctly against all the items which shall be treated as final and no alteration, addition or deletion in this regard shall be allowed after final submission of the application. Application not duly filled in or found incomplete or defective in any respect or without fee shall be liable to rejection.
• Submission of more than one application is strictly forbidden.
• A candidate should note that his/her participation in the examination and/or interview process shall be deemed provisional subject to determination of his/her eligibility in all respects. If at any stage even after issuance of the letter of appointment a candidate is found in-eligible for admission to this Examination, his/her Candidature shall be cancelled without further reference to him/her.
• Canvassing: Any attempt on the part of candidate to enlist support for his/her application shall disqualify him/her for appointment.
• Applicants need to take print-out of the application form. Two copies have to be submitted at the time of the recruitment Process.

Applications received after the scheduled date and time for submission of application will be rejected.

Last Date : 31.03.2023 (Till 02:00 PM)

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