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Assam University Pharma and Bioinformatics Faculty Recruitment

Clinical research courses

Assam University Pharma Faculty Recruitment

Assam University came into existence in 1994 after enactment of the Assam (Central) University Act 1989. Through its pursuit, Assam University is in the process of making itself an institute of excellence.  Assam University main campus is situated at Dargakona, about 20 kms away from Silchar. The campus is set amid sprawling hillocks and typical landscape of north east. The campus is spread over 600 acres and provide an ideal environment for the researchers, students and the people interested in academic excellence. The other campus of the university is situated at Diphu in the district of Karbi Anglong, Assam.

Professor (Silchar Campus) Life Science & Bioinformatics
Post Code : 
No. of Posts : 1 SC
Academic Level :
Level-14 : Rs. 1,44,200-2,18,200

Associate Professor (Silchar Campus) Life Science & Bioinformatics
Post Code : 
No. of Posts : 1 OBC
Academic Level : Level-13A : Rs. 1,31,400-2,17,100

Assistant Professor (Silchar Campus) Life Science & Bioinformatics
Post Code : 
No. of Posts : 1UR-PWD-OH
Academic Level : Level-10 : Rs. 57,700-1,82,400

Assistant Professor (Silchar Campus) Pharmaceutical Science
Post Code : 
SASTP0184, SASTP0185
No. of Posts : 1OBC, 1EWS
Academic Level : Level-10 : Rs. 57,700-1,82,400
Minimum Qualifications for direct recruitment as an Assistant Professor : B.Pharm. and M.Pharm. in the relevant specialization with First Class or equivalent in any one of the two degrees.

General Instructions to the Candidates
1. Online mode of submission of applications shall be essential.
2. Applicants shall first register on the Recruitment portal on the AUS website, after which, they can fill up the prescribed electronic application form online.
3. Before starting to fill up the form, please ensure keeping ready a digital copy of passport size photograph in JPEG format not exceeding 50 kb in file size and digital copy of signature not exceed 50KB, for up-loading.
4. Filling all mandatory fields is required to make your application complete.
5. Incomplete applications will not be considered and will be REJECTED.
6. While filling the online application, if your browser closes unexpectedly or if you are logged out, please use the login information sent to your email to login again.
7. In case of any technical problems, please send an email to Call(+91)6292218757 Or
8. There are several Tabs in your application. After completing each tab, you should click on “Save and Proceed” button to save the information and move to the next tab. After filling of all tabs, the candidate can finally submit his application. Please note that no changes can be made after final submission.
9. On successful online mode of submission, the applicant will come across a link to download a PDF of the application, which he/she will have to print and send the application along with enclosures to the Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Cell, Assam University, Room No. 103, First floor, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Administrative Building, P.O. Assam University, Silchar-788011, Cachar, Assam after appending applicant’s signature having it forwarded by his employer (if any), so as to reach by the last date. Submission of hardcopy of application with enclosures is also mandatory.
10. Mere eligibility will not entitle any candidate for being called for interview. More stringent criteria including holding wri tten test may be applied for short-listing the candidates to be called for interview. Applicants having higher qualification and merit or higher marks in the written test will be given preference. Short listing will be strictly on merit basis only.
11. Applicants who are in employment should route their application through proper channel or should submit a "No Objection Certificate" from the employer prior to the interview, failing which they may not be considered further.
12. Candidates are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the minimum essential qualifications laid down in the advertisement.
13. The eligibility of the candidate will be determined on the last date of submission of application i.e., 11.04.2022.

Important Notes & Instructions
1. The medium of instruction in the University is English.
2. Candidates should go through the Employment Notifications carefully before applying for a particular post and ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions like Essential Qualifications (EQs)/ Experience/Category/API Score, etc. as indicated in the respective eligibility Notifications. Candidature of candidates not meeting the eligibility conditions will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process without any notice. Candidature of Applicants shall be purely PROVISIONAL at all stages of the recruitment process.
3. The applicant who have already applied against employment notification No. 4/2020 dt. 3/11/2020 & 5/2020 dt. 15/12/2020 need not apply again; unless there is changes in the “SCORE” according to Appendix II Table 3A and or “Research Score” as per the criteria given in Appendix II Table 2 of UGC Regulations 2018.
4. Candidates in service should submit application through proper channel with Forwarding Letter/Remarks/Certificate or enclose “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE”, from their present employer. However, an advance copy may be sent directly. Application received after stipulated date or incomplete will not be entertained and shall be rejected; no further correspondence will be made in this regard.
5. As per Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification dated 10-06-2015 published in Gazette of India all the degrees/diplomas/certificates awarded through Open and Distance Learning mode of education by the Universities established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature, Institutions Deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act 1956 and Institutions of National Importance declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically recognized for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central Government provided they have been approved by the University Grants Commission. Accordingly, unless such Degrees are recognized for the relevant period when the candidates acquired the qualification, they will not be accepted for the purpose of Educational Qualification. As per UGC (Open and Distance Learning) Regulations, 2017 published in official Gazette on 23-06-2017, under Part-I (2)(p), the programmes in engineering, medicine, dental, nursing, pharmacy, architecture and physiotherapy etc are not permitted to be offered under Open and Distance Learning mode.
6. Mere submission of application/satisfying the eligibility criteria does not entail the candidate to be called for interview. In case the University receives large number of applications for a particular post, the University in such cases reserves the right to adopt stringent criteria for short listing candidates to be called for interview either by conducting a written test and or adopting a marking system as approved by Competent Authority. Call letters for attending interview will be sent only to the short-listed candidates by Speed Post/Registered Post/e-mail. No correspondence will be made with applicants who have not been shortlisted/not called for interview.
7. The University reserves the right to reject the candidature of the candidate at any stage of recruitment/selection process, if anything found false, tampered, fabricated or suppression of any information while registering the application and submitting the certificate/testimonials and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for production of fake/false certificate.
8. The University reserves the right: (i) To withdraw the advertisement either partly or wholly at any time without assigning any reason to this effect. (ii) To fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever. (iii) To offer a post at a level lower than that applied for, depending upon the qualifications, experience and performance of the candidate. (iv) To consider “in absentia” candidature of those who may not have applied or who may have applied but are not able to appear for the interview (v) To draw up reserve panel/waiting list(s), this will be valid for one year from the date of approval of the competent authority and may be used for appointments on consequential/new vacancies. (vi) To consider applications received after last date. (vii) To decide criteria/procedure for short listing of the candidates (viii) To consider the appointment on direct recruitment/on deputation/contract basis.
9. If there is any change in the address after submission of application, the candidates should in his/her own interest arrange with the post office concerned for redirection of the communication from old to new address. 6. The application form is consisting of Part-A and Part-B, an applicant shall have to fill both Part- A and Part-B and submit in a single lot. Separate application is required to be submitted for each Post.
10. Abbreviations used in the employment notifications are: SC- Schedule Caste, ST-Schedule Tribe, OBCOther Backward Classes, PWD-Persons with Disabilities and EWS-Economically Weaker Sections.

11. A relaxation of 5% shall be allowed at the Bachelor’s as well as at the master’s level for the candidates belonging to the SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/Differently-abled as provided under UGC Regulations 2018 vide clause 3.4 (I) etc .Any subsequent representation for change of community status will not be entertained under any circumstances.
12. Reservation is available for Persons with disabilities under section 33 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & full Participation) Act, 1995. As reservation for physically challenged candidates is on horizontal basis, the selected candidates will be placed in the appropriate category (viz. SC/ST/OBC/PWD/UR).
13. Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other purpose.
14. The crucial date of Eligibility i.e., Experience and Qualifications etc will be reckoned as on the last date of submission/of online applications (not the date of publication of the employment notification). Good self-attested photocopies of all certificates must be attached to the application.
15. Candidates who will attend the interview for the post of Professor/Associate Professor and or equivalent will be reimbursed AC III tire train fare through shortest route and those who will attend the interview for the post of Assistant Professor and/or equivalent will be paid Sleeper class train fare through shortest route on production of relevant tickets only. Bus fare shall be reimbursed only if there is no rail connectivity.
16. Canvassing in favour of candidature both direct and indirect is strictly prohibited. Violation of this code of conduct will be treated as misconduct and will be brought to the notice of selection committee. The University reserves the right to cancel candidature of such candidates at any point of time if found in canvassing in any form.
17. The filled in application form is to be submitted in a sealed cover super-scribed with “Post applied for & Campus” with Advertisement no. etc to The Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Cell, Assam University, Raja Rammohan Roy Administrative Building, Silchar–788011, Cachar, Assam latest by the date specified in the employment notification concerned by Speed post/Registered Post/Courier only.
18. Certificate in support of experience shall be in proper format i.e. it shall bear the organization’s letter head, bear the date of issue, specific period of work, name and designation of issuing authority along with signature and official seal.
19. The University will not be responsible for postal delay in any correspondences with the applicants/candidates.
20. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate, at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case of fake documents, clandestine antecedents or suppression of information, services in the University shall be terminated.

21. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection, which may be detected at any stage, even after issue of appointment, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidate(s).
22. No correspondence no telephonic/electronic query will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview. Canvassing directly or indirectly at any stages of the recruitment process will lead to disqualification.
23. Candidates/Applicants are advised to visit the university website frequently for updates/addendum/corrigendum/list of shortlisted candidates etc.
24. Besides the appointment of faculty on regular basis, the advt. also includes invitation of proposal for appointment on long term (up to 10 years as per letter of MHRD*) on deputation basis and reemployment of superannuated teacher on contract basis. Those especially eminent scholars serving or retired who fulfill the requirements of specialization of a subject may also apply. The University also reserves the right to identify such distinguished people for appointment on deputation/contract basis on terms and conditions to be decided by the University as per norms. However, such appointment on long term deputation/re-employment shall be only at the level of Professor and Associate Professor. The provisions of long term is as per MHRD letter* No. F.No.8-9/2008-TS.I, October 13, 2014.
25. In case of any dispute, any suit or legal proceedings against the University, the jurisdiction shall be restricted to the High Court, Guwahati.
Special Instruction:
26. Caste Certificate: The candidates should clearly state to which category they belong. They should also enclose a certificate issued by competent authority as proof to this effect, without which the application will not be considered.
27. Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ ST/OBC/PWD/ EWS/must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claim. Candidates with benchmark physical disability only would be considered as Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and entitled to reservation for Persons with Disabilities.
28. The income criteria to exclude socially advanced persons/sections (Creamy Layer) from the purview of reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) shall be as prescribed vide, GOI, DoPTs O.M. No 36033/1/2013-Estt(Res) dated 13.09.2017.
29. Candidates belonging to OBC should submit an attested copy of OBC certificate/Creamy Layer exclusion in the prescribed form issued by the Competent Authority; vide Column 3 of GOI, DOPT's O.M. No. 36036/2/2013 dated 30.05.2014 without which applications will not be considered.
30. Candidates belonging to PWD, should submit an attested copy of certificate of disability in the prescribed form issued by Competent Authority, in accordance to the GOI, DOPT’s OM No. 36035/3/2004-Estt(Res) dated 29th December,2005.
31. Candidate belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) should submit an attested copy of Income & Asset Certificate in the prescribed format (Annexure-I) issued by the Competent Authority; vide Column 5 of GOI, MP, PG & P,DOPT's OM No 36039/1/2019-Estt(Res) dated 31st January,2019.
32. No subsequent change or request for change of category will be entertained under any circumstances.

Last Date for Online submission of Application form, Application Fee payment & Application Forms PDF download : 11.04.2022 upto 5:00 p.m.
Last date for submission of downloaded application form along with the enclosures : 16.04.2022 upto 5:00 p.m.

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