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Senior Research Fellow Job at NIIH

Clinical research courses

Senior Research Fellow Job at NIIH

The Indian Council of Medical Research is the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and promotion of biomedical research, is one of the oldest and largest medical research bodies in the world. The ICMR is funded by the Government of India through the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.  In 1911, the Government of India set up the Indian Research Fund Association (IRFA) with the specific objective of sponsoring and coordinating medical research in the country. After independence, it was redesignated the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 1949, with considerably expanded scope of functions. The Governing Body of the Council is presided over by the Union Health Minister.

Post : Senior Research Fellow

Under the project : "A Multicentric study on Systemic Lupus Erythematours (SLE) from the North Eastern Region of India: Early diagnosis to research potential for understanding disease pathogenesis "
Emoluments : Rs.35000+24 % HRA
Essential Qualification : M.Sc. in Life Science / Microbiology / Genetics / Molecular Biotechnology / Biochemistry with 2 years Research experience.
Desirable : Experience in Molecular Biology

Age Limit : Not exceeding 35 Years
Duration : Up to March, 2024.

Applications are invited on or before 9th April. 2021 up to 5.00 p.m. from eligible candidates for the following vacancy under the ad-hoc project to be filled at ICMR-NIIH, Mumbai. The application can be sent on the given link OR Code to fill the application form. Applications received after due date will not be considered under any circumstances. The candidates will have to follow the instructions for uploading the applications form along with all supporting documents.

Selection Procedure : Applications will be screened and list of shortlisted candidates will be displayed on the website for online interview on Interview will be conducted for the shortlisted candidates online. Candidates have to make their own arrangements for Video Call/Video-Conferencing facilities for Online Interviews. The link will be sent to the shortlisted candidates for online Interviews. The applications are advised to visit our website regularly for any updates and changes in the recruitment process.

Application Form>>

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