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Life Sciences recruitment at CDFD - Government of India

Clinical research courses

Life Sciences recruitment at CDFD

The Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD) is an autonomous organization funded by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. CDFD also receives funding from other agencies on specific collaborative projects. In addition, DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics services provided by the Centre support some of its activities. CDFD is recognized by Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Regional Centre for Biotechnology and University of Hyderabad for a Ph.D. programme in Life Sciences.

CDFD, an autonomous institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, invites applications from Indian nationals for following purely temporary vacancy in research project titled “Deciphering the mechanism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis secretory protein PknG in Rab711 GTPase activity and understanding the immunomodulatory role in phagosome maturation” funded by SERB

Upper Age Limit : 40 years
Consolidated Emoluments : Rs 66,960/- p.m.
Essential qualifications : Ph.D in any branch of Life Sciences with a minimum of 02 years of research experience.

Desirable qualifications : Experience in tissue culture, animal studies, cell signaling, Mass spectrophotometric analysis, transcriptomics and genomics with atleast 03 research publication in International Journals.

The general conditions governing the Advertisement No. CDFD/EMPC/1/March’ 21 are as follows:
1. Mere fulfilling minimum qualification will not entitle a candidate for being called for test / interview.
2. All these positions are purely temporary and coterminus with the project and are initially for a maximum of one year.
3. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped/Ex-service person applicants will be as per Govt. of India rules.
4. Relaxation of age for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped/Ex-service person/ Women applicants will be as per Govt. of India rules.
5. Selection against these positions will not make the candidates with Master’s Degree, eligible to register for the Ph.D. degree.

6. Any of the selected individuals may from time to time be assigned to perform any other duties commensurate with their qualifications, by the Director, CDFD.
7. The Director, CDFD reserves the right to suitably change/relax any of the above conditions. He also reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.

Interested candidates, who fulfill the above conditions, should apply in the prescribed application form ONLINE. Please upload soft copies of certificates in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, work experience (if applicable) and reservation category (if applicable). Please contact <> for any queries. The last date for submitting online applications is 15.04.2021.


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