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Junior Research Fellow Job at Forest Research Institute

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Junior Research Fellow Job at Forest Research Institute

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), an apex body in the national forestry research system, has been undertaking the holistic development of forestry research through need based planning, promoting, conducting and coordinating research, education and extension covering all aspects of forestry. The Council deals with the solution based forestry research in tune with the emerging issues in the sector, including global concerns such as climate change, conservation of biological diversity, combating desertification and sustainable management and development of resources.

Junior Project Fellow
PI : Dr. Anup Chandra. Scientist Botany Division
Name of Project : National Program for Conservation and Development of Forest Genetic Resources funded by National CAMPA, MoEF&CC, New Delhi A. Documentation of FGRs (Component A2 (02 post) & Component A5 (01 Post)
Qualification : Essential Qualifications: First Class M.Sc in Botany / Forestry Desirable: Experience in collection of plant samples and willing to go for field visit and working knowledge of computer
No. of Fellowship : 03
Fellowship amount per month (Rs.) : 20000/- (Twenty Thousand) only.

Junior Project Fellow
PI : Dr. Anup Chandra. Scientist Botany Division
Name of Project : National Program for Conservation and Development of Forest Genetic Resources funded by National CAMPA. MoEF&CC, New Delhi B. FGR Seed and Germ plasm Storage (Component B3)
Qualification : Essential Qualifications: First Class M. Sc in Biotechnology Desirable : At least six months experience of Tissue culture of plants
No. of Fellowship : 01
Fellowship amount per month (Rs.) : 20000/- (Twenty Thousand) only.

Junior Project Fellow
PI : Dr. Anup Chandra. Scientist Botany Division
Name of Project : National Program for Conservation and Development of Forest Genetic Resources funded by National CAMPA, MoEF&CC, New Delhi C. FGR Characterization (Component Cl)
Qualification : Essential Qualifications: First Class M.Sc. in Chemistry or First Class M.Sc. in Organic- Chemistry or First Class M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry or First Class M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry Desirable: Experience in laboratory analytical work in relevant held.
No. of Fellowship : 01
Fellowship amount per month (Rs.) : 20000/- (Twenty Thousand) only.

Junior Project Fellow
PI : Dr. Anup Chandra. Scientist Botany Division
Name of Project : National Program for Conservation and Development of Forest Genetic Resources funded by National CAMPA, MoEF&CC, New Delhi C. FGR Characterization (Component C2)
Qualification : Essential Qualifications: First Class M.Sc. in Biotechnology or Forestry with specialization in forest genetics and biotechnology Desirable: Research experience in the field of molecular biology in forestry species, Knowledge of Computer (MS Office)
No. of Fellowship : 02
Fellowship amount per month (Rs.) : 20000/- (Twenty Thousand) only.

Tenure : Tenure will be initially for one year or up to project completion period whichever is earlier and may be extended as per ICFRE rules. Age : Upper age limit for SPF is 32 years & JPF is 28 years as on 01/06/2021, which is relaxable up to 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST, Women, Physically Handicapped and OBC.
General Condition : Award of the fellowship is governed by the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education, Dehradun rules and don't guarantee subsequent employment in any institute under the Council.

The interested and eligible candidates must bring the copy of bio-data along with recent passport size photograph, self attested copies of all educational certificates and relevant documents for submission to the office of Group Coordinator (Research). P.O. New Forest, FRI. Dehradun. No separate letter will be issued for attending the interview and No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interview.

INTERVIEW DATE 16th  MARCH, 2021 (Project No. 1, 2, 3 & 4)


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