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Online Applications are invited for Research Associate at Bose Institute | 09 posts

Clinical research courses

Bose Institute was set up in 1917 by Sir JC Bose, the founder of modern science in the Indian subcontinent. It is Asia's first modern research centre devoted to interdisciplinary research and bears a century old tradition of research excellence.

Bose Institute, Kolkata, invites online applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of Research Associate (09 posts) under Institute Plan Programmes .

Programme No.–I : Plant Functional Biology of Stress Responses for Improvement
and Exploring Plant Genetic Resources
Programme No.–II : Structural Studies and Biophysical problems
Programme No.–III : Computational Biology
Programme No.–IV : Molecular Medicine
Programme No. –V : Basic and Applied Microbiology
Programme No.–VII: Basic and Applied Problems in Physical and Environmental Sciences

Essential Qualification : Ph.D. in Life Sciences / Physical Science.

Desirable Qualifications :

Research Associate for Programme No. – I
Specialization in the area of Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Experience in molecular biology techniques including gene cloning, small RNA biology, plant tissue culture and plant transformation.

Research Associate for Programme No. – I
Specialization in the area of allele mining and their utilization in marker assisted breeding for the improvement of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in Mustard. Experience in the area of growing and maintenance of large number of mustard genotypes/lines in the field followed by robust phenotyping and genotyping by SNPS and SSRs. Discrimination of alleles based on transcription and translation data. Designing of PCR based co-dominant markers from SNP.

Research Associate for Programme No. – II
Specialization and experience in using various biophysical and molecular biology methods to understand protein structure and function. Experience on protein crystallization and various modeling software would be advantageous. OR Specialization and experience in computational biology and bioinformatics to understand structure and dynamics in proteins. Knowledge of computer programming and bioinformatics software for the analysis of protein structures is desirable.

Research Associate for Programme No. – III
Experience in Computational Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biology / Biophysics in Linux environment, which also involves programming for data analysis. E.

Research Associate for Programme No. –III
Experience in the area of Molecular Evolution and High-throughput data analysis.

Research Associate for Programme No. –IV
Specialization in the area of Immunology and signal transduction studies with the following experiences :
1. Experience in Isolation, purification, characterization of glycolipids
2. Experience in Leishmania cell culture as well as animal cell culture.
3. Immunomodulation in Visceral Leishmaniasis and Cancer.
4. Experience in the development of drug resistance strain in Leishmania and other diseases.
5. Experience in ceramide-induced signalling mechanism studies in leishmaniasis and cancer.

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Research Associate for Programme No. –IV
Specialization in the area of Cancer Biology, Cell Biology and experience in the area of Mammalian Cell Culture, Protein Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Molecular Docking, Microscopy.

Research Associate for Programme No. – V
Expertise in molecular biology / experience in bioinformatics will be preferred.

Research Associate for Programme No. – VII
Experience in the experimental study of soft condensed matter physics (e.g. liquid-vapour nucleation in superheated liquid droplets) plus expertise in programming with Labview.

Associateship : Rs.36,000/- p.m. plus admissible HRA and Medical benefit.

Age : Below 35 years (relaxable in case of SC/ST/OBC/WOMEN candidates only, as per rule)

Note : Interested and eligible candidates may read the application procedures and instructions carefully before applying through online as well as submitting the hard copy of the same. Candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis may also apply; they may be considered as Extended SRF (Fellowship :  Rs 28,000/-p.m. plus admissible HRA and Medical benefit & Age : 33 years ) in case no suitable candidate with PhD degree is found.

Application Procedures and Instructions to Candidates
1. Only online application will be processed (17:00 hrs. IST upto 15.03.2018). Candidate should compulsorily send the hard copy of the online application with applicant’s code (which will be generated only after submitting the application) along with attested copies of certificates and testimonials and a recent color passport size photograph to Mrs. Noreen Bhattacharjee, Deputy Registrar, Bose Institute, P-1/12, C.I.T. Scheme VII-M, Kankurgachi, Kolkata – 700 054 on or before 22.03.2018.
2. The system will not accept any application after 15.03.2018 (17:00 hrs IST)
3. Copies of certificates / testimonial etc. need not to be attached at the stage of submitting online application that is to be sent with hard copy only.
4. Eligibility criteria including the upper age limit will be reckoned on the last date of submission of application i.e. 15.03.2018.
5. The short-listed candidates’ name will be displayed in the Institute website only. No. separate correspondence will be made in this regard.
6. Before applying, the applicant should ensure that they posses at least the essential qualifications and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. If a candidate is not found eligible, his / her candidature will be cancelled at any stage of recruitment. It may also be noted that even if a candidate qualifies in the interview and subsequently it is found that he /she does not fulfil the eligibility criteria, his / her candidature will be cancelled.

7. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. In the event of number of applications being at large the Institute will resort to short listing criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit by written test and / or any other criteria.
8. The interested and eligible candidates may keep watch at this site for any amendment.

9. No interim queries will be entertained except technical queries regarding online application. For any such queries contact : Webmaster –
10. Canvassing or bringing influence in any form will disqualified the candidature.
11. The Institute Authority reserves the rights to reject any or all applications without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Last Date : 15.03.2018

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