Online Applications are invited for direct recruitment of under mentioned categories of posts using the website of Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board i.e. The online application can be filled up from 07.03.2016 to 07.04.2016 till 11.59 PM, thereafter website link will be disabled. The candidates are strictly advised to apply online well in advance without waiting for closing date of submission of Online Recruitment Application Form.
Post: Pharmacist (on contract basis)
No.of Posts: Gen.(UR)-12, Gen.(BPL)-03, Gen(WFF)-01, SC(UR)-06, SC(IRDP)-02, ST(IRDP)- 01, OBC(UR)-05, OBC(BPL)-01, Total=31
Post Code: 477
Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200 + 3000GP
i) 10+2 in Science or its equivalent from a recognized University/Board.
ii) Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma in Pharmacy or its equivalent from a recognized University or an Institution duly recognized by the Central/State Government.
iii)Must be registered with the Pharmacy Council of the concerned State/Central Government.
Desirable: Knowledge of customs, manner and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh
Note: Date for determining eligibility of all candidates in respect of Essential Qualification(s) and Experience, If any, etc. shall be the prescribed closing date for submission of On Line Recruitment Application Form (ORA) i.e. 07.04.2016
Age: The applicant should be between 18 to 45 years as on 01-01-2016.
The upper age limit is relaxable by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes, Persons with disabilities & Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The upper age relaxation is also available to Ex-servicemen candidates of H.P. as per provision of relevant rules/instructions of H.P. Govt. barring some post codes where the age limit may be specifically defined.
Mode of selection:
1. Objective type screening test (MCQ) consisting of syllabus of subject /field concerned, General Knowledge
Including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Every day Science, Logic, Social Science, General English & General Hindi of Matric standard. = 200 Marks
2. Interview of those who qualify objective type screening test.
The detail of Exam. Fee for different categories is as under:
1. General Category (including General Ex - Servicemen of HP relieved from Defence Services on their own request before completion of normal tenure, and reserved categories of other states ), Exam Fees: Rs. 360/ -
2. General IRDP, Physically Handicapped, Ward of Freedom Fighter, Ward of Ex - SM of HP, Exam Fees: Rs. 120/ -
3. S.C. of H.P. /S.T. of H.P. /O.B.C. of H.P. (including S.C. /S.T. /O.B.C. Ex - Servicemen of H.P. relieved from Defence Services on their own requests before completion of normal tenure and SC/ ST/ OBC, IRDP, Physically Handicapped, Ward of Freedom Fighter, Ward of Ex - SM of H.P, Exam Fees: Rs.120/-
4. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex - Servicemen, who are relieved from Defence Services after completion of normal tenure)/ Blind of H.P./Visually Impaired of H.P., Exam Fees: No Fee
Mode of Payment: Candidates can pay requisite Exam. Fee through one of the following modes:
(a) Online Payment Gateway or
(b) Offline computer generated Challan or
(c) Lokmitr a Kendra
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Important Instructions For Filling Up Online Applications
1. The candidates must read the instructions carefully, which are available on the website of the HPSSSB, before filling up Online Recruitment Application Forms(ORA) for the post(s) concerned.
2. The candidates are advised to apply on line well in time without waiting for the last date of submission of online application.
3. The candidate should enter his/her particulars i.e. Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name & Date of Birth as per his/ her Matric Certificate and upload scanned photograph and scanned signature. The size of scanned photograph should be less than 50 kb and size of scanned signature should be less than 30kb. The candidates are advised to provide their Aadhar Number ( if available) while filling the ORA. The details of candidate alongwith photograph would be automatically fetched from Aadhar data. Therefore, candidates are not required to upload scanned photograph in such case.
4. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential qualifications(s) ,etc. as mentioned against each post in the advertisement to avoid rejection at later stage.
5. Incomplete Online Recruitment Applications submitted without requisite examination fee, scanned photograph & scanned signatures of prescribed size, will be rejected straightway.
6. The benefit of reservation for various post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, who are bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh in respect of categories, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C., Ex-Servicemen, WFF and Physically Disabled (Orthopedically Disabled/ Visually Impaired/ Blind/ Hearing Impaired / Deaf & Dumb) etc.
7. The candidate should possess requisite essential qualification(s) prescribed for the post(s) for which he/she wants to apply as on closing date fixed for submission of Online Recruitment Applications (ORA).
8. Number of post(s) is/are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time for different categories of posts.
9. The candidate is allowed to submit only one application form against each post. Multiple applications for same post of a candidate are liable to be rejected.
10. The application forms through fax/post shall not be entertained and the Board does not take responsibility to inform such candidates.
11. Married daughters/ grand-daughters of freedom fighters are not entitled for reservation under Ward of Freedom Fighter Sub category. Preference will be given to the children of Freedom Fighters over Grand Children.
12. Eligibility for vacancies in Sub-Category of SPORTSMAN shall be as per the norms framed by department of Youth Services and Sports.
13. The Board reserves the right to dispense with the written examination for any post keeping in view the number of applicants vis-a-vis vacancies & other circumstances.
14. The certificate of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes should be on parental basis, failing which candidature of such candidates will be rejected.
15. The candidates belonging to OBC of HP Category must produce OBC certificate(s) on the prescribed format, which should not be more than one year old at the time of last date fixed for submission of Online Recruitment Application .The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time of Personal Interview.
16. The validity of IRDP/BPL certificate is of six months from the date of its issuance. The candidate is required to furnish the valid certificate in support of his/her claim. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time of interview.
17. The candidates belonging to disabled categories with disability of 40% or more are allowed extra time of minimum one hour for examination of three hour duration i.e. 20 minutes per hour. In case of visually impaired candidates making request for the scribes, he/she/will have to submit a written request for the same to the Board immediately after receipt of his roll number.
18. Examination fee once paid will not be refunded.
19. The candidates can also submit their Online Application form (ORA) through LOKMITRA KENDRAS (LMKs) located in HP.
The Printed copy of the online application form alongwith necessary original certificates and self attested photocopies must be brought at the time of Personal Interview. No offline Application Form or copy of downloaded Application Form will be accepted by the office.
Opening date for submission of Online Recruitment Application Form (ORA): 07.03.2016
Closing date for submission of Online Recruitment Application Form (ORA): 07.04.2016
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